To be clear... IF you have either the one, two or three year free EA charging promo beyond 2/5/25, the only thing you
have to do is to make sure there is an active credit card on file with Lucid. You do not have to activate the EV charge-related upgrade. This is per the letter that I was sent, and per
@mcr16's clarification, you won't lose your free charging privileges if you don't comply, but you won't be able to activate the free charging handshake until you do comply.
Please remember that only a fraction of the people with Lucids are on the forum, so they are not being drawn into all of this confusion. So, please just do what the email you received tells you to do. Where to go to enter (or verify) your credit card info is very clearly stated in those email instructions.
The upgrade only comes into play if you want to PAY for charging (with EA and/or others) via a simple handshake. Again, the word PAY is clearly stated.