Lucid Charging 2/5/25 Required Action!

I added a card to the wallet a week ago. Now I just do the "Upgrade" and added payment again. Hopefully doesn't mess up my remaining free charging.
It will not. You may see a $50 "authorization" on your card, but you will not be charged anything unless / until your free charging has ended...
I never received any message to activate/ upgrade before my free charging expires, which happened a few days ago. Should i still upgrade and it should be free? the process is not very elaborative, it doesn't show you the cost of upgrading even if it's free, instead takes you directly to the payment method, which is tricky, not knowing what it's might charge you other than that $1 fee. So every time i tried i just stopped at the step.

You do not have to activate the Lucid Charging Plan upgrade. All you have to do is to go to your account, click on the Account Info tab, scroll down, and make sure that you have a valid credit card on file in your Lucid Wallet. That's it. This is exactly what the email sent by Lucid said to do. When you do your free charging, you will see a $50 pre-authorization charge appear on your credit card, but this is a common practice, and will go away after a few days. Of course, if you do manage to leave the car long enough to incur an idle fee, you will be charged for it.

Some forum members think that you also have to activate the upgrade in order to keep your free charging, but you do not. I suppose you can if you want to, but you do not have to. (I don't want to on the off-chance that a handshake problem when I initiate my free charging might possibly default to charging me via the upgrade before I have a chance to resolve the handshake problem via the app.) Hope this helps.
You do not have to activate the Lucid Charging Plan upgrade. All you have to do is to go to your account, click on the Account Info tab, scroll down, and make sure that you have a valid credit card on file in your Lucid Wallet. That's it. This is exactly what the email sent by Lucid said to do. When you do your free charging, you will see a $50 pre-authorization charge appear on your credit card, but this is a common practice, and will go away after a few days. Of course, if you do manage to leave the car long enough to incur an idle fee, you will be charged for it.

Some forum members think that you also have to activate the upgrade in order to keep your free charging, but you do not. I suppose you can if you want to, but you do not have to. (I don't want to on the off-chance that a handshake problem when I initiate my free charging might possibly default to charging me via the upgrade before I have a chance to resolve the handshake problem via the app.) Hope this helps.
Thanks for the information, appreciate your response!
Just did my first EA charge after the 2/5/25 process changes. I still have months remaining on my free charging, and as requested by Lucid, I verified that I had a credit card on my Lucid account. I did not activate the Lucid Charging - Base Plan upgrade. My free charging went through exactly as expected. The only difference is that a pending $50 'Lucid Inc EV Charging' transaction posted on the card I have on file with Lucid. As others have said, this is no doubt just a pre-authorization charge, just like what happens when I gas up my ICE cars, so since I incurred no idle fees, it'll no doubt just disappear in a few days. All's well!

For those of you concerned about that pending $50 'Lucid Inc EV Charging' transaction that posted to your Lucid Wallet card, I'm happy to report that my charge disappeared from my account this morning. It took quite a while, as it was originally charged at dark-thirty in the morning of 02/07/25, but that's no big surprise when a pre-authorization is not followed by an actual charge. Yay!
I ended up doing the same as you did @Blue Lectroid , so it was re-assuring to read in your post that it was indeed the correct thing to do to maintain free EA charging. Thanks for thinking of us all with your post! 🙏
I ended up doing the same as you did @Blue Lectroid , so it was re-assuring to read in your post that it was indeed the correct thing to do to maintain free EA charging. Thanks for thinking of us all with your post! 🙏
My pleasure. Some on here will insist that the step was unnecessary, but from where I sit it cannot possibly hurt and takes all of 1 minute to do!!
My pleasure. Some on here will insist that the step was unnecessary, but from where I sit it cannot possibly hurt and takes all of 1 minute to do!!

Let's be clear here. I insisted that the step of activating the Lucid Charging - Base Plan upgrade was unnecessary because it was unnecessary, and it was contrary to the very clearly stated instructions that Lucid sent to its customers on free charging plans. I never said that people should not do it. I just said it was not a 'Required Action', and pointed out the possibility that a free charging handshake problem could possibly default to a charge on the Base Plan, rather than simply activating the 'enter charging station' protocol in the app. Time will tell on that possibility, however unlikely, but I don't think many forum members would argue that new software developments at Lucid do not sometimes have unintended consequences.
Let's be clear here. I insisted that the step of activating the Lucid Charging - Base Plan upgrade was unnecessary because it was unnecessary, and it was contrary to the very clearly stated instructions that Lucid sent to its customers on free charging plans. I never said that people should not do it. I just said it was not a 'Required Action', and pointed out the possibility that a free charging handshake problem could possibly default to a charge on the Base Plan, rather than simply activating the 'enter charging station' protocol in the app. Time will tell on that possibility, however unlikely, but I don't think many forum members would argue that new software developments at Lucid do not sometimes have unintended consequences.
The very fact that sometimes pieces of the Lucid software puzzle do not always play well with one another (as you point out in the last line of your post) AND that sometimes certain parts of the Lucid organization give different information than others is why I believed that an ounce of prevention (putting a credit card on file BOTH on the website AND through the Base Plan Upgrade on the mobile App) was worth a pound of cure later on. We disagree (which is fine) and I stand by my thinking that my approach is a good one. BTW, it has NOT caused an issue for me, or anyone else that has done it (at least based on reports in this Forum).
Worst case scenario if for some strange reason your free charging was suddenly pulled, despite previously having a credit card on file, and not ‘refiling’ on the base plan upgrade, just call Lucid. I’m sure the records will show your current free charging status and that status will be reinstated.
The very fact that sometimes pieces of the Lucid software puzzle do not always play well with one another (as you point out in the last line of your post) AND that sometimes certain parts of the Lucid organization give different information than others is why I believed that an ounce of prevention (putting a credit card on file BOTH on the website AND through the Base Plan Upgrade on the mobile App) was worth a pound of cure later on. We disagree (which is fine) and I stand by my thinking that my approach is a good one. BTW, it has NOT caused an issue for me, or anyone else that has done it (at least based on reports in this Forum).

I know that your intentions were good, and I appreciate that. If your OP had just said what you were doing and why, I would have been fine with it, but still replied with the same words of caution. But you proclaimed it a Required Action... and it was not.
Worst case scenario if for some strange reason your free charging was suddenly pulled, despite previously having a credit card on file, and not ‘refiling’ on the base plan upgrade, just call Lucid. I’m sure the records will show your current free charging status and that status will be reinstated.

Well, @mcr16 had assured us that not having a credit card on file would not terminate your free charging plan, but that the system would not let you proceed until you put an active card into your Lucid wallet on your account. (At least one person on the forum has said this exact thing happened to them.) Having no such card on file, or a simple handshake problem, can very easily be resolved on the fly.
I also got a $1 charge on my Apple Card. Then o went back to upgrades the next day. It still showed I needed to upgrade. So, I did it again.

Got another $1 charge. LOL.

I did read someone about 72 hours. I’ll wait three days now and hope the upgrade disappears then.
I'm seeing a similar problem, but I definitely waited 3 days before attempting the upgrade again. More than 1 month ago I did the upgrade (through the android mobile app) and thought "fine, done". Yesterday the android mobile app updated to the latest version and I got the charging upgrade notice again. So I attempted the upgrade again and it's still showing I need to upgrade today.

So in attempt to investigate deeper I tried what was recommended in another post in this thread and visited Instead of going to a dashoard it redirected to There appears to be no dashboard. I verified that this is exactly the same account I'm using with the mobile app. I even signed out and back in with the mobile app. Something seems to be very fishy with my account.

I guess I'll give it another couple of days, then contact CS?
I had free charging when I bought the car in December, I used it and was billed $0.
I tried it again this week as this thread reminded me that I had followed the email instructions as discussed on this thread but yesterday I got billed for the session (shows the exact amount on my Credit card, not some hold amount).
I guess I’ll have to contact customer services…
I have free charging beyond 2/5/25, and I am waiting for clarification before I activate this upgrade. At first, I read the 'premium features' mentioned in the thank you note to be the free charging, but I think it is a generic message that has gone out to people who purchased something like SSP or DDP after a trial period, as I think was the case with the early (fully equipped) models. I'm sticking with @mcr16's instructions until she says something other than what I was specifically told to do in my email.

I'm not saying that the wheels will fall off the cart if you activate. I'm just saying I don't know that you have to do this if you are on free charging past 2/5/25.
You should definitely activate the upgrade. If you do not, you will be charged the next time you use a charging station.
I had free charging when I bought the car in December, I used it and was billed $0.
I tried it again this week as this thread reminded me that I had followed the email instructions as discussed on this thread but yesterday I got billed for the session (shows the exact amount on my Credit card, not some hold amount).
I guess I’ll have to contact customer services…
You have to activate the upgrade to avoid this. This happened to me, and I had to contact customer service for a refund. The purpose appears to be that they want a card on file if you incur idling fees.
You should definitely activate the upgrade. If you do not, you will be charged the next time you use a charging station.
With no such upgrade, I have charged multiple times with no charge other than a $75 pre-authorization fee that goes away if you have free charging and don't incur an idle fee. The upgrade has nothing to do with it.
You have to activate the upgrade to avoid this. This happened to me, and I had to contact customer service for a refund. The purpose appears to be that they want a card on file if you incur idling fees.

The Lucid Charging Plan upgrade has nothing to do with the credit card that you must have on file in your Lucid account to cover possible idle fees with free charging. They are two separate things. If you want to use your free charging, you HAVE to have a credit card on file in your Lucid account. You do not have to activate the Lucid Charging Plan upgrade too... but you can if you want to.