I have emailed them for specifics for my area, but this is what they say on their website:
* System qualifications are calculated using 12 months of metering history as of the date of completion of this form. These calculations are subject to change based upon the date of the Interconnection Application review.*
Trico Electric Cooperative's current DG Energy Export Tariff states that the generating capacity must be less than or equal to 125% of the customer's total connected load, or in the absence of Customer load data, capacity less than or equal to the Customer's electric service drop capacity. Connected load is determined by peak demand in the last 12 months (accounting for existing renewables). In addition to this requirement, Trico will review the existing service equipment (transformers and other facilities) to see if it may need to be upgraded or supplemented. Trico will also review the number of PV systems currently interconnected to the transformer and other facilities. The load of all PV systems on a transformer cannot be more than 75% the size of the transformer, and the systems cannot exceed the requirements of other facilities.
In my case, since the house is not fully designed (or built), I can go with the service drop capacity (400A-600A in my case). There is a transformer servicing 4 lots, but mine is the only one actively. being developed, so transformer max. would not be a consideration.