2.4.10 Update

I'm hoping this solve some connectivity issues, wifi and LTE, so the app wakes the car up faster. If not, I think I'm headed for a TC module reboot.
5 min quick update seems to be rapidly deployed to get all the cars on the same version.
5 min quick update seems to be rapidly deployed to get all the cars on the same version.
Except for those of us left behind at 2.3.10. 😪
Except for those of us left behind at 2.3.10. 😪
There were so many issues with 2.4.x that you did not have to deal with.
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A few weeks ago I updated to 2.4.4 and noticed that LTE connectivity on my standard commute/local routes was very bad (no LTE or 1 bar in areas where the coverage is usually strong). Updated last night to 2.4.10 and did some driving today on my normal routes and I noticed the LTE signal was very strong and back to normal for what it's worth.
I installed this and my center screen kept freezing along with my left center screen and my turn signals would not register and the turn cameras did not work or froze. No speedo either. I could see the turn signals were working after I spotted behind a car. Got home and rebooted the car and everything seemed fine. I will report if there are any issues when I take her out tomorrow.
Hey lucid. Seems to have gone bye bye for me after this download. 😢
I was notified of 2.4.10 this morning. Installed it and I’m happy to report no noticeable issues other than twice HA disengaged and a red “Highway Assist Disengaged” notice that popped up on the left side of the cockpit display.

No idea if this is related since I haven’t used HA for a long duration until this morning.

Maybe it doesn’t like me looking around? No idea.
This may be coincidental, but I ran the Lucid API for the first time a week or so ago, and it showed my LTE status as DISCONNECTED. No big surprise, really, as I park my Lucid two levels below grade in the center of a large parking structure, and I don't think the car's inbuilt AT&T unit has ever had a signal down there.

I installed 2.4.10 this morning, and just for the heck of it, I ran the API again. Now, my LTE status shows as CONNECTED.

I'm not exactly sure what to make of the API's LTE RSSI data, but it went from 49 before the update to 39 after the update. Odd, as RSSI data is supposed to be a negative number, with the closer the number is to zero, the stronger the signal. I would think the API just didn't bother adding the negative sign, but I doubt that since the WIFI RSSI data right below IS a negative number.

Interesting though to see a connection down there.
Love the 2.4.10 update.
Such a plain, quick and "simple" one.
Now, it looks like my GT-P anticipates my approach. Very quick.
y'all getting 2.4.10?

i'm here still on 2.3.10...wonder why it's not getting pushed 😂
Here's a crazy thought... Could Lucid have simply called this 2.4.5 instead of 2.4.10? And then taken on their numbering schemes in such a manner as to minimize the number of times that this LEGITIMATELY CONFUSING (to a non-software engineer) phenomenon occurs?
I guess we don't know what went (behind the scenes) between 2.4.4 and 2.4.10.
I don't get the seeming anger over people's confusion with Lucid's OTA release numbering scheme. Most people are not software engineers, so when they are exposed to a numerical inconsistency for the first time, they are bound to be confused. I, like many of us, have been there in past instances, so I'm sympathetic when some newcomers are scratching their heads. It's a teaching/learning opportunity!
Totally understand confusion and unfamiliarity. We've all been there.

The problem is when people insist they are correct when they are clearly just not informed.

Or when they don't read the explanations that have been posted hundreds of times before posting their own snarky incorrect response.

And then after they've been responded to with a full explanation they continue to argue.

But point taken. It's always harder to see when you are on these forums day in and day out that some folks just don't read this stuff as carefully as we do.

I guess we don't know what went (behind the scenes) between 2.4.4 and 2.4.10.
Correct. At least two possibilities.

There were, in fact releases numbered 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7, 2.4.8, and 2.4.9 already. None of which were released to the public. But they were test releases to the internal team, so they need to remain.

OR, Lucid uses the .10 release to signify something specific, such as ".10 is the release number we use for the one that puts everyone back on the same number after we send a couple of different versions to certain cars for various reasons." Or ".10 is always the final bug release for any minor version."

I suspect the latter is the case with Lucid. They seem to specifically use .10 a lot.
I guess we don't know what went (behind the scenes) between 2.4.4 and 2.4.10.
Yeah, I can see how there could be a half a dozen bug fixes, if that's how they are tracked.
A few weeks ago I updated to 2.4.4 and noticed that LTE connectivity on my standard commute/local routes was very bad (no LTE or 1 bar in areas where the coverage is usually strong). Updated last night to 2.4.10 and did some driving today on my normal routes and I noticed the LTE signal was very strong and back to normal for what it's worth.
I’m experiencing the opposite after 2.4.10. I’ll try an Air logo reset. Are there any other resets I should do to fix my unreliable LTE?
Well, I guess the GREAT news is that we've had so many OTA Updates to talk about lately, with a whole bunch more on the horizon. Sure beats the alternative!
Mobile key is responding allot quicker for me after this update. Pixel 6.
I spoke too soon. Same issues exist on my mobile key sometimes taking 30+ secs to connect. Which android phones are users having success with for mobile key being more responsive?