
Had to go back and forth among three screens ...instructions not so good but after fooling around a bit I was able to link to mobile key. Still the same: nothing happens until I open the app, then 30 seconds to wake car, then press lock icon to unlock. It does not automatically unlock as the key fob does.

One thing changed: it will now unlock when I press the handle and have the phone with me even with the app closed, so I don't have to wait, so that's an improvement. This is good. Thanks Bobby.
OK Bobby I don't know where you found "keep open" ? Is it on the pilot panel, the Lucid app, or the phone settings ?
No matter, I'll just keep the key fob in my watch pocket.
Some day I may remember what sequence of Morse code on the fob opens the trunk or unlocks the car, but for now I'm that ridiculous guy in front of the UPS store: standing behind my car I opened the funk 5 times in a row, went around and closed it, went back to the trunk and did it again. Lucid attracting unwanted attention...
Some day I may remember what sequence of Morse code on the fob opens the trunk or unlocks the car, but for now I'm that ridiculous guy in front of the UPS store: standing behind my car I opened the funk 5 times in a row, went around and closed it, went back to the trunk and did it again. Lucid attracting unwanted attention...
A quick reference to Lucid Morse code is actually on the fob itself if you inspect it very closely…
A quick reference to Lucid Morse code is actually on the fob itself if you inspect it very closely…
I think @Bobby had the best method for recalling the button presses on the fob. Think of "opening" the car like opening a file on your computer. You double click to open. Once you remember double click for opening, single click to close makes logical sense.

Then, for the frunk, just hold it down. Forget the trunk, because you can just do that one on the trunk itself.

I do wish the frunk had a physical button somewhere, like the trunk. I'd probably switch to mobile key full time and ditch the fob if I could open the frunk instantly on the car itself.
I think @Bobby had the best method for recalling the button presses on the fob. Think of "opening" the car like opening a file on your computer. You double click to open. Once you remember double click for opening, single click to close makes logical sense.

Then, for the frunk, just hold it down. Forget the trunk, because you can just do that one on the trunk itself.

I do wish the frunk had a physical button somewhere, like the trunk. I'd probably switch to mobile key full time and ditch the fob if I could open the frunk instantly on the car itself.
“Hey Siri, open the frunk” works well.
It does not work for me if the car is sleeping.
Same. I'll just stand there like a dope for thirty seconds, waiting for what would have taken three seconds with the fob.

Believe me, no one wants to ditch the fob more than me. I just use the frunk way too much. Until they can shorten that delay from Shortcuts being fired off (what is actually happening behind the scenes when you use Siri or your Apple watch or the widget), I'm stuck with an extra piece of plastic in my pocket.
Quick note: the app being on or off has no bearing on wherever mobile key is active.
If that is the case, my mobile key has NEVER worked. I have always had to start the app to get the car to unlock.

Now with 2.0,.64, that does work and I have to use the fob.

This is getting old....
Nope. With app open on phone the car remains asleep. It unlocks when I press the lock icon, then "CONFIRM".
It does not unlock as I approach the car as the key fob does. Even pressing the door handle in doesn't wake/unlock the car. I must press the lock icon on the phone app and then "confirm" to unlock the car with the phone. There is no proximity sensor.

I don't see a setting to make the phone work like the fob. ( Pixel 5a )
I have an Android phone and I can confirm the mobile key does not work like the fob. I need to use the app to lock / unlock the car.
I should clarify that when I'm in the garage working on other things the car is constantly unlocking and locking so that part of the proximity seems to work (too aggressively). However, when I walk out from Costco after the car has been asleep I'm near the back trying to open the trunk and look like a fool waiting for it to unlock itself. I have mobile key activated on my phone as well as the key fob my pocket and it still doesn't unlock.
Same experience
I have an Android phone and I can confirm the mobile key does not work like the fob. I need to use the app to lock / unlock the car.
I hope Lucid tales this as a security concern. It is a bit worrisome to stand and wait that long for the vehicle to open especially in an emergency situation.
I have an Android phone and I can confirm the mobile key does not work like the fob. I need to use the app to lock / unlock the car.
OK I did what Bobby said and unlinked - relinked the mobile key thingie. Took me a bit to figure out the sequence.
Now my phone works just like the key fob. (phone is Pixel 5a)
Thanks Bobby.
? now it's not working just like the fob ???? I'm completely at a loss here.
I have an Android phone and I can confirm the mobile key does not work like the fob. I need to use the app to lock / unlock the car.
Android needs to have app never go to sleep in order for it to work. See picture below for option. You need to select keep open.

Screenshot_20230428_061223_One UI Home.webp
Just an FYI: For people who have had persistent problems with the mobile keys not working. I've had this problem 2 times in the past (over 6 months ago). The problem was that the car's database had old mobile key pairings that were not erased or erasable by the user - even after a Factory Reset. Mobile service was able to erase these settings in the security module, I believe. I have not had this problem again for a long time.
OK Bobby I don't know where you found "keep open" ? Is it on the pilot panel, the Lucid app, or the phone settings ?
No matter, I'll just keep the key fob in my watch pocket.
Some day I may remember what sequence of Morse code on the fob opens the trunk or unlocks the car, but for now I'm that ridiculous guy in front of the UPS store: standing behind my car I opened the funk 5 times in a row, went around and closed it, went back to the trunk and did it again. Lucid attracting unwanted attention...
I also needed to really come up with mnemonics to remember the buttons: 1 quick press (one syllable like "close" or "lock"); 2 quick presses (two syllables like "open" or "unlock"); 1 long press (Frunk, which I use more than the trunk); 1 short & 1 immediate long (trunk, a complicated sequence for the opening I use the least). So far it's working for me.
On android the app needs to be active I think.
Well I just went out to the garage with my phone (app not active) and no fob, and the car was lit up as if I had the fob.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” A. C. Clarke​

another way to see this: "Everything is magic if you're stupid."
Sorry to keep going off topic but Bobby is correct (again): the wife (who uses apple) just showed me how to turn an app off on my android phone. I just now learned how to lift the app slowly to a smaller box, then move it to the side to see "clear all" appear from behind it, and pressing that "closes" the app so the car will not respond like the fob. This is excellent. I've been "closing" the app by swiping up so it disappears, not knowing that this does not turn off the app. Huh.

Lucid has forced me to learn how my phone works. Thanks for your patience, Bobby.
Also, the range on the mobile key is such that it will wake the car from any room in the house. All the more reason to learn how to turn the app off, not just swipe it off the screen as I have been doing. So many things on screens are hidden or disguised.
Android needs to have app never go to sleep in order for it to work.
Not true.

If I leave the app open with the mobile key working I'd have to park the car way down the street. With the app open the car wakes up from any room in the house = the range of the mobile key is way more than the fob.

I found it works just like the fob with the app open, but I have to close the app by the secret hidden button method else the car will keep waking up if the phone is within 50 feet of the car. Finding the "app off" button on my phone is huge. I'd show what I did but where do screenshots go?

I wonder how many secret hidden buttons are on my phone? No owner's manual...it's probably hidden behind a secret button.