2.0.59 update

I got the v2.0.59 this morning and installed it and then immediately got a notification that v2.0.61 was ready and installed that. A quick check showed the "Trip Info" right next to the Glovebox button on the panel, but a slight nit I want to pick is that I all I get is miles (and no decimal points), and no efficiency info. I don't go into the Trip Information screen to get miles (usually), but I want to know the mi/kWh number.
I haven't heard from Customer Support. It's been 24 hours. I'll wait and see what happens with other people. Maybe they'll surprise us with an update this weekend.
The information I got from Lucid customer support was not correct. A few hundred miles of adaptive cruise control and a few updates later, Highway assist is still not available for my Lucid.
The information I got from Lucid customer support was not correct. A few hundred miles of adaptive cruise control and a few updates later, Highway assist is still not available for my Lucid.
Time for a service visit. HA sure is flaky. I don't use mine and of course it works perfectly.
Time for a service visit. HA sure is flaky. I don't use mine and of course it works perfectly.
Don’t worry about it. It’s literally useless at best, downright annoying most of the time.
It’s like letting a drunken teenager with attention, deficit syndrome, drive your car by reaching over the backseat and grabbing the wheel
@yhenry fwiw - i think its only available on certain roads, maybe thats playing a part? otherwise - yeah, get a service scheduled. i dont use mine much but when i do, it seems to be work fine, unlike @nevadagame's experience!
Are you saying that you find hi-way assist useable and helpful?
I use highway assist on longer drives on interstates and it works well. I do use it on occasion in Dallas in traffic and it is ok. There are certain areas where it wanders a bit in the lane and it seems to ALWAYS wander on the same stretches of highways in the city so I wonder if it has to do with road markings or perhaps the lidar map database.
yup - for example visiting mom 150 miles away, i'll use it on the interstate and it works fine... just rest my hand on the lower steering wheel and that apparently is enough torque on the wheel to keep the warning msgs at bay. works fine.
Maybe I do, I genuinely can’t get it to do more than about two pinball style bounces off of the lane lines, it never keeps a lane centered and then warnings and messages to pay attention, how and silencing of the radio that last for a full 30 seconds. I have other vehicles that have highway assist that are very helpful and I like it and I know how to use it but mine surely doesn’t work in my GT, I have just over 4000 miles now and have some experience trying it.
I leave this weekend on a 2400 mile round-trip from Boulder Colorado to Portland, Oregon and back. I’ll try it again on the interstates and let you know how it worked.
whoa - yeah, maybe there's some calibration that needs to happen? i've had my touring about 3 months and the only complaints i have are its only available on certain roads and the warnings used to be annoying - but like i said above, i've found that if i rest a hand on the bottom/side of the steering wheel - that seems to take care of the warnings. hopefully the pinball effect is gone - thats a LONG hike!
I leave this weekend on a 2400 mile round-trip from Boulder Colorado to Portland, Oregon and back. I’ll try it again on the interstates and let you know how it worked.
If you're taking the 70 west through the mountains, then yes. Don't bother with HA for most of that part of the trip. There are several spots on that road were there are no lane markers at all, they are so worn from the snow. So HA will be terrible for that part of the trip.

Just about everywhere else I use HA, it works very well. So if you're having issues with it on roads like 36, 25, or even the Foothills Expressway, you should definitely get your car checked out.
We've had something odd that started with the 2.0.59 update. We pick up a couple for dinner 2-3 times a week, pulling into their driveway and putting the car in Park to wait for them to come out to the car. Ever since 2.0.59, the car will not go back into Drive until I enter the PIN. This never happened before and now happens every time, even though the car is sitting in the exact spot it always did.

One of these friends is a software programmer, and he thinks the car is now getting confused by the WiFi signal from his house.

We've had something odd that started with the 2.0.59 update. We pick up a couple for dinner 2-3 times a week, pulling into their driveway and putting the car in Park to wait for them to come out to the car. Ever since 2.0.59, the car will not go back into Drive until I enter the PIN. This never happened before and now happens every time, even though the car is sitting in the exact spot it always did.

One of these friends is a software programmer, and he thinks the car is now getting confused by the WiFi signal from his house.

Turn off Wi-Fi in the car and try.