Loving the SiriusXM. Thanks. Here’s some suggestions as it matures:
Since I and many will spend the most time on the favorites menu many of these items are related to that menu
1. When on Favorites menu, the Sirius item in the top bar is not amber but should be.
2. Favorites should be viewable as icons as are many other menus on audio.
3. Ideally, we’d be able to re-organize the icons or line items in favorites. At the very least, be able to “sticky” items to draw them to the top.
4. The item in the favorites list that is currently playing should be highlighted in amber as in other menus.
5. Favorites should be listed in the main menu alongside For You, Categories, and My Collection.
6. There should be a left arrow next to the Favorites title in the menu to go back to the very top menu. Currently the only way to get there is to use the very top SiriusXM icon as a toggle between Favorites and everything else.
7. Going in and out of the favorites menu should not cause the very top menu bar to move around. Static positions of the icons is important while driving.
8. As more and more music platforms are added to the car, on the very top bar of the pilot panel only show the items that are “signed in.” No need to see an option that only lead to a sign-in menu in settings.
Again, thanks for the SiriusXM. I’m thrilled to have it as an audio option.