Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

So when I make a request/command, it sends the request to the (I’m guessing) Amazon Web Service Clouds / AI unit (or whatever they call it) to process and sends back the commands back to the car to execute…
hmm… I always assumed that the processing chip within the vehicle computer took care of (most of the regular, often-used) commands internally…

A lot more to learn.
Yea, here are the steps involved. If something goes sideways on any of the steps Alexa will give you those types of "I don't know" type of replies.....

When a user asks Alexa a question or gives a command using their voice, the device records the voice and sends it to Amazon's Alexa Voice Service (AVS) over the internet. AVS then uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to parse the recording into commands it can understand and identify the user's intent. AVS then processes the response and may make a request to a third-party server (it does this where Lucid commands are involved) if needed. Finally, AVS sends the relevant output back to the device.
Yea, here are the steps involved. If something goes sideways on any of the steps Alexa will give you those types of "I don't know" type of replies.....

When a user asks Alexa a question or gives a command using their voice, the device records the voice and sends it to Amazon's Alexa Voice Service (AVS) over the internet. AVS then uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to parse the recording into commands it can understand and identify the user's intent. AVS then processes the response and may make a request to a third-party server (it does this where Lucid commands are involved) if needed. Finally, AVS sends the relevant output back to the device.

I put this in another post elsewhere, but I changed the voice on my home Alexa system to a male non-US one, so whenever the car responds to my requests with the default woman's voice, I know it's out to lunch or else not actually connecting to the system (typically when connectivity drops), and I ignore any response and try again. If the male voice responds, I at least know it gave it a shot and the answers are a bit better.
I have finally achieved the desired result. I use MP3tag to edit the meta data enabling me to control the sequence of play in albums. Whether classical symphonies or popular music the technique is the same. Attached is an example of what I did with a Judy Collins album, Bread and Roses. I show the screen shots from MP3tag and the resulting sequence of play on the pilot panel. It takes some time, but the effort is well worth it. The only enhancement that I think we need for the USB is to automatically go to the next album when the end of the current album is reached. Today I was driving and the album ended leaving me with silence. I had to wait until I was able to stop to select another album. It would be nice for the application to automatically go to the next album and continue play. The application should permit a double click forward or backward on the steering wheel buttons to advance to next album or backup to previous album. With this enhancement, I think the USB application will be truly great. They really did a great job with this last update, 2.2.2. Great work you guys.


Did this update change anything about how the headlights operate?

I washed my car today for the first time since the update, and the headlights did not come on every time the doors unlocked. It was a welcome change, if deliberate.
Did this update change anything about how the headlights operate?

I washed my car today for the first time since the update, and the headlights did not come on every time the doors unlocked. It was a welcome change, if deliberate.
Yes. It seems they only flash when unlocked and turn on when the door is opened.
I have finally achieved the desired result. I use MP3tag to edit the meta data enabling me to control the sequence of play in albums. Whether classical symphonies or popular music the technique is the same. Attached is an example of what I did with a Judy Collins album, Bread and Roses. I show the screen shots from MP3tag and the resulting sequence of play on the pilot panel. It takes some time, but the effort is well worth it. The only enhancement that I think we need for the USB is to automatically go to the next album when the end of the current album is reached. Today I was driving and the album ended leaving me with silence. I had to wait until I was able to stop to select another album. It would be nice for the application to automatically go to the next album and continue play. The application should permit a double click forward or backward on the steering wheel buttons to advance to next album or backup to previous album. With this enhancement, I think the USB application will be truly great. They really did a great job with this last update, 2.2.2. Great work you guys.
Anyone one notice the shuffle play stops shuffling after 5 songs. Then it stays on the album and plays the rest of the album sequentially and stops. I notice this multiple times. I have tried a logo reset but it didn’t help.
Since the 2.2.2 update the installed radar detector in our car has spontaneously powered down while driving three times. Each time I am able to restart the system using its power button. The system pulls its power from the 12-volt plug in the Air trunk. The car is at the radar installer right now for diagnosis. He suspects it is happening due to a power interruption in the 12-volt supply from the car and asked if there had been any recent software updates.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem in their Air?
Since the 2.2.2 update the installed radar detector in our car has spontaneously powered down while driving three times. Each time I am able to restart the system using its power button. The system pulls its power from the 12-volt plug in the Air trunk. The car is at the radar installer right now for diagnosis. He suspects it is happening due to a power interruption in the 12-volt supply from the car and asked if there had been any recent software updates.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem in their Air?
Never seen my camera power off, but then again not really paying too much attention, until now.
Never seen my camera power off, but then again not really paying too much attention, until now.

The radar system gives me a voice alert that it is powering down, so at least I know I'm without coverage until I turn the system back on. It always powers back up, so whatever causes it is intermittent.

I got the car back late today. They checked all the radar system wiring and found nothing amiss. They did a firmware update just in case something has gone wonky in the system's software. All I can do now is wait to see if the problem recurs.

I, too, have noticed none of the car's systems being affected.
The radar system gives me a voice alert that it is powering down, so at least I know I'm without coverage until I turn the system back on. It always powers back up, so whatever causes it is intermittent.

I got the car back late today. They checked all the radar system wiring and found nothing amiss. They did a firmware update just in case something has gone wonky in the system's software. All I can do now is wait to see if the problem recurs.

I, too, have noticed none of the car's systems being affected.
I haven’t seen this happen on mine, fwiw
In 2.2.2 Lane Departure keeps reactivating itself in the Sapphire. The off icon disappears from the dash and it is definitely active. When I check settings, it is shown as off.

Cycling the slider to On and Off again, turns it back Off.

Otherwise 2.2.2 has been great. Wireless AirPlay in particular has been very consistent.
In 2.2.2 Lane Departure keeps reactivating itself in the Sapphire. The off icon disappears from the dash and it is definitely active. When I check settings, it is shown as off.

Cycling the slider to On and Off again, turns it back Off.

Otherwise 2.2.2 has been great. Wireless AirPlay in particular has been very consistent.
My WiFi turns itself on.
Several times since the 2.2.2 update I've found Alexa not working. When it happens, it will only come back by shutting down the car and taking the key out of range so the car will got to sleep. Is this happening to anyone else?

Also, I seldom use the rear window sunshade. But it was very hot the other day, so I raised it before backing out of a parking space. As soon as I put the car into gear to back, the sunshade lowered itself. Is this normal?

This is on top of the three occasions when the aftermarket radar/laser detection system, which draws power from the 12-volt line in the trunk, has spontaneously powered down while driving down the road.
Several times since the 2.2.2 update I've found Alexa not working. When it happens, it will only come back by shutting down the car and taking the key out of range so the car will got to sleep. Is this happening to anyone else?

Also, I seldom use the rear window sunshade. But it was very hot the other day, so I raised it before backing out of a parking space. As soon as I put the car into gear to back, the sunshade lowered itself. Is this normal?

This is on top of the three occasions when the aftermarket radar/laser detection system, which draws power from the 12-volt line in the trunk, has spontaneously powered down while driving down the road.
No on Alexa. Yes on the shade.
Several times since the 2.2.2 update I've found Alexa not working. When it happens, it will only come back by shutting down the car and taking the key out of range so the car will got to sleep. Is this happening to anyone else?

Also, I seldom use the rear window sunshade. But it was very hot the other day, so I raised it before backing out of a parking space. As soon as I put the car into gear to back, the sunshade lowered itself. Is this normal?

This is on top of the three occasions when the aftermarket radar/laser detection system, which draws power from the 12-volt line in the trunk, has spontaneously powered down while driving down the road.
Perhaps your radar install has a faulty wire or connection.
Several times since the 2.2.2 update I've found Alexa not working. When it happens, it will only come back by shutting down the car and taking the key out of range so the car will got to sleep. Is this happening to anyone else?

Also, I seldom use the rear window sunshade. But it was very hot the other day, so I raised it before backing out of a parking space. As soon as I put the car into gear to back, the sunshade lowered itself. Is this normal?

This is on top of the three occasions when the aftermarket radar/laser detection system, which draws power from the 12-volt line in the trunk, has spontaneously powered down while driving down the road.
Yes the rear shade lowers when you reverse so you can see. It’ll go back up when you go forward.
Perhaps your radar install has a faulty wire or connection.

The installer checked all the wiring and found no problem. But, of course, as it always the case when you take a car in for service, he could not replicate the issue.
I got a call from the Miami Service Center today in response to my call last week about problems since the 2.2.2 update. They had not heard of anyone else having 12-volt power interruptions.

However, they currently have two cars in the shop relating to problems with Alexa since the update. They either find it takes a while after starting the car before Alexa will respond, or Alexa will not respond at all until the car is rebooted (the issue I am having). They said the Lucid software team is already working on a fix which will probably come out in an update.

They said they would send a mobile tech to check out our car, but since it sounds more like a software issue than an issue with the car itself, I declined until I accumulate further experience with the issues relating to 12-volt power interruption and Alexa.
Did this update change anything about how the headlights operate?

I washed my car today for the first time since the update, and the headlights did not come on every time the doors unlocked. It was a welcome change, if deliberate.
I just approached my car in a dark parking lot for the first time since 2.2.2. I miss the lights staying on for a few minutes.
Agreed. They turn off within 5 seconds now. I wish I could adjust this myself.