I feel another update coming today....

What I would like is delivery of the DD Pro capabilities we have yet to receive. Everytime we get a notice featuring more “robust” over the air update capability I become hopeful that they are paving the way for the release of a major new feature. I guess “guacamole” also sums up my experience with the software. Right now, the most aggravating day-to-day, most patient-trying feature is opening the doors with the electronic key. It reminds me of my dog. Sometimes it is in jumping right up wagging its tail mode so glad to se me; other times it is in lazy, oh it’s just you, let me close my eyes again mode taking its own sweet time while I stand there with arms full of groceries, or rain pelting me - there has been a lot of that in Jersey lately, or thinking - I’m going to bE LATE! Seems worse now than before.
What I would like is delivery of the DD Pro capabilities we have yet to receive. Everytime we get a notice featuring more “robust” over the air update capability I become hopeful that they are paving the way for the release of a major new feature.
It’s definitely disappointing the stance Lucid has taken on DDPro (the silence is deafening). I wasn’t expecting the car to be fully autonomous in 12 to 18 months etc. but to be not given ANYTHING since the cars launch for the initial $10K they were asking is pretty shameful. They “pulled an Elon”. (Highway Assist should’ve come with the car from day 1 so I’m not counting it)

I don’t even recommend people pay the additional cost for DDPro at this point. The hardware will be outdated before they release anything.
It’s definitely disappointing the stance Lucid has taken on DDPro (the silence is deafening). I wasn’t expecting the car to be fully autonomous in 12 to 18 months etc. but to be not given ANYTHING since the cars launch for the initial $10K they were asking is pretty shameful. They “pulled an Elon”. (Highway Assist should’ve come with the car from day 1 so I’m not counting it)

I don’t even recommend people pay the additional cost for DDPro at this point. The hardware will be outdated before they release anything.
My guess is that 62 introduced some backend stuff for a DDPro upgrade in the next patch or so.
I'd also add that although the release notes may have been silent on the subject, DDPro has noticeably improved over the past 12 months. At least for me. Things like the car wanting to exit off the highway when you are in the right lane. Or losing its sense of the lane on sharper turns. Or ping ponging in the lane. At least on the roads I've been traveling lately, these mistakes are happening a lot less frequently. So they aren't doing nothing.

What's been missing is an obvious new tentpole feature. Like Highway Pilot or Traffic Jam Assist. I do expect we will see one or both soon.

I agree, I'd like to see more progress in this area. But it's inaccurate to characterize the team as having done nothing in the past year.
It has improved. I still however get the hands on wheel alert too often, the lidar blocked alert too often. But oh boy I was driving the wife’s XC40 EV the other day with their version of highway assist, and a car pulled into my lane several car lengths ahead the Volvo slowed down so hard, and then another time I was passing someone and the car lurched so hard to get up to the speed I had set on the cruise control, it was nausea inducing. The Lucid is masterful at avoiding hard slowing or hard acceleration at changing traffic conditions, that one part of their ADAS software is better than any other car I’ve used (including Hyundai Kia Genesis and Mercedes) even though the rest of it needs improvement.
Is it me or is the turn signal sound slightly different? There’s more of a ‘click’ to it.