Tesla has the Highest Accident Rate of Automotive Brands


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Elon Musk has eschewed traditional time-tested thinking and design principles in many areas simply because he wants to be different. After millions, maybe billions of miles of testing and experience, there is good reason to put a speedometer in the driver’s direct line of site, or have a steering wheel which enables quick evasive driving maneuvers. If it takes a millisecond too long for the driver to react, bad things happen. I think there are dozens of reasons why Tesla’s are accident prone. But yes the autopilot fiasco is probably number one.
Elon Musk has eschewed traditional time-tested thinking and design principles in many areas simply because he wants to be different. After millions, maybe billions of miles of testing and experience, there is good reason to put a speedometer in the driver’s direct line of site, or have a steering wheel which enables quick evasive driving maneuvers. If it takes a millisecond too long for the driver to react, bad things happen. I think there are dozens of reasons why Tesla’s are accident prone. But yes the autopilot fiasco is probably number one.
I agree but also Tesla makes a car that is pretty bare bones in terms of luxury but priced like one and setup for speed. Combine the two together and IMO you get a lot of accidents.

Also, I believe (someone correct me if I am wrong) that the Tesla blind spot "warning" system only activates if one turns on the turn signal (which itself is not the industry standard control) so there is no warning until one does that someone is in one's blind spot. While I approve of having a car train the driver to use the damn signal, it is still dangerous and may also contribute to the accident rate as I have seen that unfortunately, most drivers (not only Tesla drivers) seem to not use their turn signals or use them so late that it they are useless.
I thought most people quoted accidents per 100,000 miles driven versus accidents per driver as shown in this article. I have no idea if Tesla drivers drive more miles that other drivers but it Forbes statistic does not account miles driven. Seems to be more clickbait than anything.
I thought most people quoted accidents per 100,000 miles driven versus accidents per driver as shown in this article. I have no idea if Tesla drivers drive more miles that other drivers but it Forbes statistic does not account miles driven. Seems to be more clickbait than anything.
Yeah. They are jumping on the bandwagon now that folks are accusing Cybertruck of being unsafe. Seems like FUD to me, too.

Now, I have had uncomfortable conversations with folks who actually think FSD means they no longer need to pay attention. But I doubt that’s the average owner.
Yeah. They are jumping on the bandwagon now that folks are accusing Cybertruck of being unsafe. Seems like FUD to me, too.

Now, I have had uncomfortable conversations with folks who actually think FSD means they no longer need to pay attention. But I doubt that’s the average owner.
Tesla hit piece as all of you have said. I don't see why a specific car would make more people crash?(unless its visibility is tragically bad which teslas are not)
Tesla hit piece as all of you have said. I don't see why a specific car would make more people crash?(unless its visibility is tragically bad which teslas are not)
The theory is that Autopilot (even moreso than FSD, since way more people have it) lulls people into a sense of security. it's next to impossible for a human to "watch" someone else do a detailed job and continue to be alert at all times. You drift off. And then the car makes a mistake, and you aren't prepared to take over.

Again, that's the theory. I'm not saying it's happening. But that's what some scientists are suspecting.

Tesla's track record on safety has been pretty darn strong. Especially in the design of the cars themselves. But the human factor is so much harder to measure. And unfortunately, people are waking up to the fact they can't trust statements made by Tesla itself, as they have a tendency to be unreliable. So more independent study needs to be done.

This is an issue for all Level 2 systems, to be honest. Tesla gets the brunt because they are the most popular and have the most vocal CEO evangelizing it.

We are jumping into this driverless stuff way too fast without having enough information about its long-term impacts.
Yeah. They are jumping on the bandwagon now that folks are accusing Cybertruck of being unsafe. Seems like FUD to me, too.

Now, I have had uncomfortable conversations with folks who actually think FSD means they no longer need to pay attention. But I doubt that’s the average owner.
Nope, not FUD. Actual reality. Good example is yoke steering wheel and no stalks. Elon Musk doesn’t really care about his customers safety or of those others on the road. Why should my family be included in his overhyped experiment?

Makes you think if Tesla fanboys actually think, they pay Elon 15k for FSD that doesn’t exist, test it for free on public roads and take all liability. There is a reason it’s called a cult.
Nope, not FUD. Actual reality. Good example is yoke steering wheel and no stalks. Elon Musk doesn’t really care about his customers safety or of those others on the road. Why should my family be included in his overhyped experiment?

Makes you think if Tesla fanboys actually think, they pay Elon 15k for FSD that doesn’t exist, test it for free on public roads and take all liability. There is a reason it’s called a cult.
I dunno about that... almost all tesla owners I have met were genuinely TRICKED about the state of FSD. They weren't aware that it was a beta that will take many years to come.
I dunno about that... almost all tesla owners I have met were genuinely TRICKED about the state of FSD. They weren't aware that it was a beta that will take many years to come.
Yes, agree. Most dont realize what liability they are taking om. They are just infatuated wih Musk.
I agree but also Tesla makes a car that is pretty bare bones in terms of luxury but priced like one and setup for speed. Combine the two together and IMO you get a lot of accidents.

Also, I believe (someone correct me if I am wrong) that the Tesla blind spot "warning" system only activates if one turns on the turn signal (which itself is not the industry standard control) so there is no warning until one does that someone is in one's blind spot. While I approve of having a car train the driver to use the damn signal, it is still dangerous and may also contribute to the accident rate as I have seen that unfortunately, most drivers (not only Tesla drivers) seem to not use their turn signals or use them so late that it they are useless.
If you have Tesla FSD with Vision, then you see every car around you all the time. That feels safer to me than having a blind spot indicator like is on my wife’s BMW.

With latest Tesla Holiday update, Tesla now has a blind spot indicator in the turn signal video (of course turn signal needs to be used). So with that and if you have FSD Vision, you really know what is around you. Just like any car, people still need to stay alert and always use common sense/pay attention.

Of course, that does not always happen with some people though. 🙂
I know there’s a lot of negative perceptions of Tesla amongst this group (some warranted, some not), but as an owner i don’t see how Autopilot is unsafe. It literally watches you via camera. If I even pick up my phone for 3 seconds it starts screaming at me and warning that it will disable. Unless you’re somehow cheating the system, there’s no way to not pay attention. It’s been getting increasingly strict with software updates as well.

Tesla marketing is misleading for sure, but in practice it’s pretty dialed in to force the user to pay attention.
Unless you’re somehow cheating the system, there’s no way to not pay attention. It’s been getting increasingly strict with software updates as well.
Your last sentence is the salient point. For the better part of a decade, it was trivial to get around. It’s getting stricter now specifically because the NHTSA and others have gotten involved.

Also, a big piece of it is the marketing. Even if Tesla were to force you to physically pay attention, psychologically they’ve conditioned their owners that their cars can drive themselves, so sure, keep a hand on the wheel and keep texting. The number of Tesla owners who think “the car’s got it” is very very very high.
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There’s also the fact that Autopilot was not designed for roads with cross traffic, and yet it still allows you to engage Autopilot on those roads. True, they tell you not to do that in the manual, but many make the incorrect assumption that if Autopilot is engaged, and the little video game showing all the cars around you is working, then the car will do the right thing if a Semi truck on a perpendicular road crosses right in front of you. It won’t.

(Yes this was a real scenario where a real person died.)

Just because the cameras are working and the screen shows a car, that doesn’t mean your car is actually aware that car’s movements. It’s an illusion that what you see on screen is part of the decision making tree.
Seeing a car on the screen is just another safety feature to me and definitely helps big time. I have not seen it wrong yet.

Although, common sense says you still need to use your old fashioned mirrors, the turn signal video and now their blind spot alert. Blind spots warnings in any car are not 100% fool proof either. Nothing is, but with all these extra tools it sure does help.

And Tesla has never conditioned me that the car can drive itself 100% safely (only a two year Tesla owner though). I don’t know anyone that owns a Tesla that thinks that. It is impossible to text using FSD this year, which is a great thing. 🙂
With the Air, do the blind spot cameras (Dream Drive Premium) highlight in red when a car is there as in a Tesla? I know it has the mirror indicators so not as necessary but I do like it.

I do think I’m gonna go for a Pure. I assume the 360 cameras and blind spot cameras in the glass cockpit are worth the $2000 upgrade? Curious what you all think.
Also, a big piece of it is the marketing. Even if Tesla were to force you to physically pay attention, psychologically they’ve conditioned their owners that their cars can drive themselves, so sure, keep a hand on the wheel and keep texting. The number of Tesla owners who think “the car’s got it” is very very very high.
Thats valid. It’s not something I personally think to do, but I can see people definitely doing that.
With the Air, do the blind spot cameras (Dream Drive Premium) highlight in red when a car is there as in a Tesla? I know it has the mirror indicators so not as necessary but I do like it.

I do think I’m gonna go for a Pure. I assume the 360 cameras and blind spot cameras in the glass cockpit are worth the $2000 upgrade? Curious what you all think.
Definitely. DDPremium is well worth it.
I know there’s a lot of negative perceptions of Tesla amongst this group (some warranted, some not), but as an owner i don’t see how Autopilot is unsafe. It literally watches you via camera. If I even pick up my phone for 3 seconds it starts screaming at me and warning that it will disable. Unless you’re somehow cheating the system, there’s no way to not pay attention. It’s been getting increasingly strict with software updates as well.

Tesla marketing is misleading for sure, but in practice it’s pretty dialed in to force the user to pay attention.
Its the way its marketed and overhyped comments by Tesla CEO. Robotaxis are coming by year end he said in 2019...4 years later- no significant progress. He even put a video in 2016 saying the car is driving itself and lied about it. So, naturally, many people think it is almost a robotaxi and don't pay the needed attention. You see, Elon Musk doesn't really care if you die in his car, it's an acceptable cost of him getting to the robotaxi stage and saving future lives....if ever that happens!!

Such irresponsibility is unacceptable for any company. The tesla cult made a demon.
Your last sentence is the salient point. For the better part of a decade, it was trivial to get around. It’s getting stricter now specifically because the NHTSA and others have gotten involved.

Also, a big piece of it is the marketing. Even if Tesla were to force you to physically pay attention, psychologically they’ve conditioned their owners that their cars can drive themselves, so sure, keep a hand on the wheel and keep texting. The number of Tesla owners who think “the car’s got it” is very very very high.
Yeah, it took the NHTSA this long to get anything meaningful to be done by Tesla regards safety. Even this is not enough. Tesla FSD can still be used on roads not designed for its use. This article really sums up Elon Musk's modus operandi...
