Grand Touring vs Touring differences?

Does anyone know of a silver Lucid in the bay area?
Now they are possibly changing the canopy from matte to painted I'm wondering if it looks like mismatched paint with the two silvers going on.
Sure would be nice to see one in reality.
It's a matter of personal taste, as is the case with all color options. I did see that combination and thought it looked very nice. I personally want a contast between the paint and the roof (and the interior color), but if I wanted a silver car, the different tint of the roof would definitely not deter me.
The "300 kW charging"? What is that compared to? How does that impact daily/weekly life with the car? (Sorry, EV newbie, reserved Touring but considering upgrading to GT).
That is the "peak" charging rate - or how much electricity the car can take in. The higher the number, the faster the battery replenishes it's charge. A related concept is "charging curve". No car charges at the peak rate until full. Watch which shows an Air being charged on a 350 vs 150 charger - it also shows what the charge curve looks like (today - curve could change with an OTA update) . It will give you a better idea of the impacts of the charge curve/charge rate to your life.

It's compared to the peak charge rate of other vehicles which can range from <40 up to 300. In comparing, it's important to compare apples to apples - how many miles of range am I adding in X minutes. Some want to advertise 20 to 80% but does that number equate to 300 miles or 80? So if it took 10 minutes to go from 20 to 80% but it only added 80 miles of range, how does that compare to a car that went from 20 to 80% but added 300 miles in 20 minutes?
That is the "peak" charging rate - or how much electricity the car can take in. The higher the number, the faster the battery replenishes it's charge. A related concept is "charging curve". No car charges at the peak rate until full. Watch which shows an Air being charged on a 350 vs 150 charger - it also shows what the charge curve looks like (today - curve could change with an OTA update) . It will give you a better idea of the impacts of the charge curve/charge rate to your life.

It's compared to the peak charge rate of other vehicles which can range from <40 up to 300. In comparing, it's important to compare apples to apples - how many miles of range am I adding in X minutes. Some want to advertise 20 to 80% but does that number equate to 300 miles or 80? So if it took 10 minutes to go from 20 to 80% but it only added 80 miles of range, how does that compare to a car that went from 20 to 80% but added 300 miles in 20 minutes?
Thank you - this is super useful.
@copper does an interesting write-up comparing test drives of a DE and GT (the GT with both 21" and 19" wheels). A point that he makes is that with so much power available with the DE, speed is difficult to control. People have posted about difficulty maintaining a specific speed since the slightest change in accelerator pedal position results in regen braking or acceleration. With the GT, he found it easier to control the speed. I'm wondering if there will be the same difference between the GT and T in terms of ability to maintain a specific speed and less rocking caused by acceleration/regen. Will the T and P be a easier daily driver than the DE and GT?
@copper does an interesting write-up comparing test drives of a DE and GT (the GT with both 21" and 19" wheels). A point that he makes is that with so much power available with the DE, speed is difficult to control. People have posted about difficulty maintaining a specific speed since the slightest change in accelerator pedal position results in regen braking or acceleration. With the GT, he found it easier to control the speed. I'm wondering if there will be the same difference between the GT and T in terms of ability to maintain a specific speed and less rocking caused by acceleration/regen. Will the T and P be a easier daily driver than the DE and GT?

With ACC, speed is fine to control ;)

But man, the ability to give it a kick when needed is incredible. That said, I hate going 25 in this thing :p
I looked at this hard, and one of the factors that swung me to the GT was when my rep told me the hardware (computer) for Dream Drive Pro was something that was not installed on regular Touring version. I was assuming it would be and that I could add the Pro as a software update later (given the issues, that seemed like a good option). But, without that ability it would have to be installed separately, and there was no idea what that would cost. It is likely that a future version of the hardware will be better, but that's always part of the price of early entry.
I find it hard to believe they are not installing hardware in all trims to enable DDP in future.
@copper does an interesting write-up comparing test drives of a DE and GT (the GT with both 21" and 19" wheels). A point that he makes is that with so much power available with the DE, speed is difficult to control. People have posted about difficulty maintaining a specific speed since the slightest change in accelerator pedal position results in regen braking or acceleration. With the GT, he found it easier to control the speed. I'm wondering if there will be the same difference between the GT and T in terms of ability to maintain a specific speed and less rocking caused by acceleration/regen. Will the T and P be a easier daily driver than the DE and GT?
I’ve been summoned! lol.

Edit: I’m not against more power, just pointing out the differences

To clarify, I was more referring to spirited driving instead of just dawdling around day-to-day. With the DE it definitely was a bit harder to control speed when pushing it because the while the accelerator is supremely well calibrated, it has a greater range of power crammed into it. This is not that apparent in Smooth, but very noticeable in Sprint.

Think of it this way:
  • The first 20% is regen-ish.
  • 20-30% is your ”holding range” where you can maintain a slower speed in traffic, dawdle, etc. which might use 200bhp at the most
  • 30-100% is the WHEEEE range, with the output scaling to max inside there.
  • Regen seems to stay the same in each driving mode
  • Your holding range gets a little bit bigger I think in smooth (might go to 20-35%)
  • When you go to a faster driving mode, you’re adding a lot of power into a fixed pedal range
The end result is that range will dump way more power sooner in a DE than a GT. This can be a bit disconcerting because there is so much power. The AGT gets about 600bhp extra in the accelerator past holding in sprint, whereas the DE-P adds 911bhp there by my estimate. A slight whiff of the throttle will make a GT leap but a DE will just teleport.

In retrospect, I had zero problems with the DE in traffic and sedate driving, but the mass of power when going fast can be harder to handle. The touring and pure should just be ever smoother and sedate for people that value the luxury, handling and experience of living with it over driving a living room attached to a steam catapult that can also handle.
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I’ve been summoned! lol.

To clarify, I was more referring to spirited driving instead of just dawdling around day-to-day. With the DE it definitely was a bit harder to control speed when pushing it because the while the accelerator is supremely well calibrated, it has a greater range of power crammed into it. This is not that apparent in Smooth, but very noticeable in Sprint.

Think of it this way:
  • The first 20% is regen-ish.
  • 20-30% is your ”holding range” where you can maintain a slower speed in traffic, dawdle, etc. which might use 200bhp at the most
  • 30-100% is the WHEEEE range, with the output scaling to max inside there.
  • Regen seems to stay the same in each driving mode
  • Your holding range gets a little bit bigger I think in smooth (might go to 20-35%)
  • When you go to a faster driving mode, you’re adding a lot of power into a fixed pedal range
The end result is that range will dump way more power sooner in a DE than a GT. This can be a bit disconcerting because there is so much power. The AGT gets about 600bhp extra in the accelerator past holding in sprint, whereas the DE-P adds 911bhp there by my estimate. A slight whiff of the throttle will make a GT leap but a DE will just teleport.

In retrospect, I had zero problems with the DE in traffic and sedate driving, but the mass of power when going fast can be harder to handle. The touring and pure should just be ever smoother and sedate for people that value the luxury, handling and experience of living with it over driving a living room attached to a steam catapult that can also handle.

All of the things you mentioned as bad or difficult are why I love the DE, to be fair. :)

But I totally get your point.
I find it hard to believe they are not installing hardware in all trims to enable DDP in future.
I'm not very interested in autonomous driving in its current state. Perhaps in my next car after the Lucid. So I'm happy to save that money until then.
I'm not very interested in autonomous driving in its current state. Perhaps in my next car after the Lucid. So I'm happy to save that money until then.
When I bout FSD for $6k on my MS I was very excited (naively) about it. I’ve been in the beta since it opened and it is sooo bad on country roads I stopped using it a month or two ago now. I don’t care about autonomous driving either until it’s actually here. The hardware comes with my GT so there’s that, I wouldn’t pay the $9k for it had it not been included already.
I'm not very interested in autonomous driving in its current state. Perhaps in my next car after the Lucid. So I'm happy to save that money until then.

I understand not installing it without payment but, on the other hand, many of us have been burned by Tesla (or read about folks being burnt by Tesla) which sells "full autopilot" but never delivers it. I doubt I will purchase it unless it is already fully working by the time of my purchase UNLESS Lucid offers a compromise: a low cost purchase of the hardware and a reduced price on activating it. For example, something like $3K for the hardware and another $6K for activation. If Dream Pro works, Lucid will get its full payment; if it doesn't, it will still be protected on the hardware in the car.
Maybe it is just me but I enjoy driving to the point I do not want anything more than advanced cruise control. My Sl550 has all the current auto driving features and I turned them off after a few hair raising instances. We have too much road construction and poor land marking for these systems to work properly in my area.
Maybe it is just me but I enjoy driving to the point I do not want anything more than advanced cruise control. My Sl550 has all the current auto driving features and I turned them off after a few hair raising instances. We have too much road construction and poor land marking for these systems to work properly in my area.
Once they implement highway assist, I'll be super happy even if it never gets to anything more. All the other ADAS features currently implemented are fine.
Sorry of this is addressed in another thread that is more recent, but this is what came up in my google search and I've been trying to dig into this for awhile.

Someone above mentioned that the touring is running at a different voltage than the grand touring. Based off the tech talks, it seems that there is going to be a 900v and 720v. I can't seem to find anywhere the specification of the Touring, but it seems this would align with the tech talk video.

18 modules * 40 ~ 720
22 modules * 40 ~ 900

Is it fair to say that the Touring models and lower will have extra foot space (foot garage)?
i suspected as much. couldn't find any official details or schematics so just wanted to verify the logic.