Why So Many Negative Forum Posts? I've Been a Very Happy Customer.

Only 5 months and 2200 miles on our white AGT, but loving every minute of it. I tell anyone who asks (and quite a few who don’t) that it is amazing to drive. I mention how committed Lucid seems to be about software improvement, often pushing out updates only days apart. My only modification was taking off the aero covers from the 19” wheels (our roads aren’t kind to low profile tires) and install black lug caps and the silver hub cover. The only significant issue I’ve experienced was a TCU glitch, resulting in the nav system thinking the vehicle was parked in the lobby of Lucid Corporate in Newark, CA. That was promptly fixed by mobile service. I originally ordered the Cosmos Silver, but switched to Stellar White to speed up delivery when it looked like the $7500 tax credit might be in jeopardy. I don’t regret the switch one bit. The white body and platinum finish trim play off each other wonderfully and I can’t help but glance at it every time I’m in the garage. Can’t wait for nicer weather to do some road trippin’.

Anyone out there on the fence…just do it!
I just did my 1st long distance drive from Fremont, CA to calabasas CA.
Starred with 96% and drove on 680 to 101 south.
Used highway assist at 72 mph on 101.
After 172 miles I stopped at EA Paso Robles in 2hrs 45 min at 46% 3.7 miles per KWh and in 48 minutes charged to 96% 53.6kWh on air pure awd ddp ssp while having lunch and a short walk. It was 55F ambient and sunny. Heat 64F heated seat and steering made it very comfortable.

Drove to calabasas 202 miles non stop and arrived with 40% soc 152 mile range. The range estimate was 36% but I did 40% 3.8 miles per KWh 70mph highway assist.

Then drove to Pasadena on 101 south to 134 east to 210 east 36 miles in 58 minutes with hughway assist 95% of the time. 4.1miles per KWh and arrived with 113 mile range estimate.

It was a totally relaxing experience.

The range estimate was excellent.

What is not to like?
Nice details Hari!! Stress free on your first long trip!!
I guess it is the nature of auto forums that negative postings seem to dominate. I for one am very happy with my Lucid. I'm coming up on 9000 miles and every time I get into the car it makes me smile and I just enjoy the driving experience. I'm aware there are many of us who feel the same way and I'm wondering if there is a way to also identify those who are generally happy with their cars?? Maybe if those who feel as I do can post a brief reply to this posting, then perhaps individuals who come to this forum for information won't leave with an overly negative opinion of the car? Not trying to create a "fanboy" atmosphere but just trying to establish some offset to the overly negative tone of this forum.
I’m glad you posted this. I HAVE posted about my unhappiness with the in-board phone integration system, and have been meaning to follow up. That system is such a tiny part of the overall car that it hardly makes a difference. And the overall car is- as you all know— just amazing.

I have 5 cars in my garage and the batteries of all the others (which I love) have gone dead from non-use.

There is some concern about the AC system will handle the Florida mid summer misery, but even that won’t matter from the sheer pleasure and peace my AGT brings me.
I've been on this forum since Nov-2021 when I reserved my GT - both posting my experience and learning from others. By the time I took delivery in May -2022, I had learnt quite a lot about the car. I knew more about the car than the SA when I picked up my car. This has been the only internet forum I've ever spent more than a few minutes in my 42 year life. A shout-out to the mods who keep this place civil.

I have had my share of issues with my car but not one thing that stopped me from driving. A couple of latch related issues, panel misalignment, steering wheel and a weird harness connector issue - all of which got addressed promptly. I have posted about all of those and more across various threads here. I would also like to point out that I have received nothing but outstanding service at Millbrae.

Nine months and 10,000 miles later, I have absolutely no regrets purchasing this. Still brings a smile everytime I drive. I have seen the software improve exponentially over that time. Unless you have dealt with V1.0, you have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm eagerly awaiting more details regarding Gravity and look forward to buying one.
I'm very happy! My Touring, did not have any blemishes or issues at all, and the delivery experience was better and more personal than any other car I have ever bought. The fit and finish is as good as any high end German Car. I have not found a car with better technology .. If someone is wanting a very modern EV with Luxury, not just an iPad stuck to a barren dash, with superior range, a car design that is not too pretentiou,s that gets thumbs up everywhere you go, then this is a great car to have. It IS very high tech, so if you struggle with technology or the type that carries a 10+ year old cell phone this may not be the car for you. It is perhaps the best american car being made right now in my opinion.. It's an amazing car, the TIDAL sound interface is really clean and nice.
I'm very happy! My Touring, did not have any blemishes or issues at all, and the delivery experience was better and more personal than any other car I have ever bought. The fit and finish is as good as any high end German Car. I have not found a car with better technology .. If someone is wanting a very modern EV with Luxury, not just an iPad stuck to a barren dash, with superior range, a car design that is not too pretentiou,s that gets thumbs up everywhere you go, then this is a great car to have. It IS very high tech, so if you struggle with technology or the type that carries a 10+ year old cell phone this may not be the car for you. It is perhaps the best american car being made right now in my opinion.. It's an amazing car, the TIDAL sound interface is really clean and nice.
Very nice Jimyboy!!
Tomorrow I have the longest single day drive planned from Pasadena to Temecula to Fremont CA on 101. I will capture the experience and post here
unless a different thread is suggested. I drove to LAX and back today from Pasadena.
I’ll be brief, I’m a genuine car enthusiast,
I know and own several really great cars,
When I walk into my garage with a choice of many, I walk directly to my Lucid GT
I love the way it feels, drives, and makes me feel. For now I can forgive or overlook immature and incomplete software, I still absolutely love this car.
I'm very happy! My Touring, did not have any blemishes or issues at all, and the delivery experience was better and more personal than any other car I have ever bought. The fit and finish is as good as any high end German Car. I have not found a car with better technology .. If someone is wanting a very modern EV with Luxury, not just an iPad stuck to a barren dash, with superior range, a car design that is not too pretentiou,s that gets thumbs up everywhere you go, then this is a great car to have. It IS very high tech, so if you struggle with technology or the type that carries a 10+ year old cell phone this may not be the car for you. It is perhaps the best american car being made right now in my opinion.. It's an amazing car, the TIDAL sound interface is really clean and nice.
Yeah it’s a good point about the anti-car approach of Tesla. They’re a good tech company in some ways but a bad car company. But I really think their user interface is terrible, Lucid’s is far superior even though it has fewer features for now. And honestly the car drives so well and is so versatile that it’s almost defeating the value of this car to want self driving or whatever. I don’t want an iPAD on wheels, I want a futuristic visionary driving machine and the Lucid is that.
I’m just going to come out and say it. There are some on this forum who are remarkably entitled whiners, who insist on their right to crap all over the car constantly and bring up how displeased they are with it over and over, and what’s even more remarkable is some complain about a car they don’t even have, and yet have no shortage of daily advice for Lucid. It’s just weird, and anti-productive. And then the mean old mods who voluntarily all spend massive hours of their time get called out for daring to try and balance out the relentless negativity. It’s like who in their right mind wants to argue they shouldn’t have negativity countered and have the forum be mostly a site for criticizing the car? There’s another way, which is to point out some issues and even have some criticisms of the car, but also have some perspective about it, and give Lucid the benefit of the doubt because they do in fact listen to feedback, have already incorporated plenty of that feedback, and guess what, they want this already awesome car to be as awesome as we want it to be and are working hard toward that goal, so we’re all actually on the same side. Progress happens in steps, not all at once. And those who stomp their feet about all the steps needed to make progress are harming the company and actually increasing the likelihood of Lucid failing and certainly driving away future buyers. This is why I don’t come on here as much as I used to, because I’m tired of the complaining. Funny how some can’t enjoy 812 horsepower and massive storage and comfort and cutting edge technology and the most range of any EV because…well actually I don’t know why.
I’m just going to come out and say it. There are some on this forum who are remarkably entitled whiners, who insist on their right to crap all over the car constantly and bring up how displeased they are with it over and over, and what’s even more remarkable is some complain about a car they don’t even have, and yet have no shortage of daily advice for Lucid. It’s just weird, and anti-productive. And then the mean old mods who voluntarily all spend massive hours of their time get called out for daring to try and balance out the relentless negativity. It’s like who in their right mind wants to argue they shouldn’t have negativity countered and have the forum be mostly a site for criticizing the car? There’s another way, which is to point out some issues and even have some criticisms of the car, but also have some perspective about it, and give Lucid the benefit of the doubt because they do in fact listen to feedback, have already incorporated plenty of that feedback, and guess what, they want this already awesome car to be as awesome as we want it to be and are working hard toward that goal, so we’re all actually on the same side. Progress happens in steps, not all at once. And those who stomp their feet about all the steps needed to make progress are harming the company and actually increasing the likelihood of Lucid failing and certainly driving away future buyers. This is why I don’t come on here as much as I used to, because I’m tired of the complaining. Funny how some can’t enjoy 812 horsepower and massive storage and comfort and cutting edge technology and the most range of any EV because…well actually I don’t know why.
But... But... CarPlay! 🙄
I'm also one of the several owners that started out on the forums seeking answers, learning as much as I could about the car before I got it and was preparing for the worst based on early users. I've had the car 6 months now and have had a really good experience with the car. It's just a joy to drive. No problems that warrant me to post about since they were very trivial, or I was able to figure out myself.

After I took ownership and have been driving it, I haven't been visiting the forums as it was really taking a sour turn that I just didn't want to waste my braincells to read. I guess I was being selfish by not adding my positive experiences to the forum for others to learn from. Here is my contribution. I have a few cars, I like them for what I bought them for. They all have minor issues when it comes down to it. But, I almost always choose to drive my Air.
Back in December, I wrote my 10K review: https://lucidowners.com/threads/10k-or-more-on-your-lucid-post-your-experience-here.3970/

I've now passed 14K driving in winter conditions in New England, and guess what? I still love the car. I had one brief issue with key recognition that was fixed remotely in about 30 min. But otherwise, it's been trouble free. And the improvements in the meantime, especially the addition of USB audio (FLAC 24/96 files are pure heaven), have made a great car even better.

Like many others, I've been reading and posting less on this forum because of the negativity, especially from non-owners. If you're a non-owner and have a negative view of the car and company, why are you even on this forum? Aren't there better things to do and places to be?

I have a choice about whether or not I read and post in response to the negative comments on the forum. But do you know who doesn't have a choice? The moderators, who all have busy lives and day jobs, but volunteer out of the goodness of their hearts and post helpful advice again and again (and rarely say, "Search is your friend.") Frankly, I think they're insane for taking on the role and certainly have exercised more restraint than I ever could. Thanks @borski @Bobby @hydbob @Adnillien @joec for your hard work and thanks @Joe for making this forum possible.
Back in December, I wrote my 10K review: https://lucidowners.com/threads/10k-or-more-on-your-lucid-post-your-experience-here.3970/

I've now passed 14K driving in winter conditions in New England, and guess what? I still love the car. I had one brief issue with key recognition that was fixed remotely in about 30 min. But otherwise, it's been trouble free. And the improvements in the meantime, especially the addition of USB audio (FLAC 24/96 files are pure heaven), have made a great car even better.

Like many others, I've been reading and posting less on this forum because of the negativity, especially from non-owners. If you're a non-owner and have a negative view of the car and company, why are you even on this forum? Aren't there better things to do and places to be?

I have a choice about whether or not I read and post in response to the negative comments on the forum. But do you know who doesn't have a choice? The moderators, who all have busy lives and day jobs, but volunteer out of the goodness of their hearts and post helpful advice again and again (and rarely say, "Search is your friend.") Frankly, I think they're insane for taking on the role and certainly have exercised more restraint than I ever could. Thanks @borski @Bobby @hydbob @Adnillien @joec for your hard work and thanks @Joe for making this forum possible.
Yeah you hit the nail on the head!! Great moderators. Those who don't have the car and post negative comments are most likely short sellers of the stock or else just really lonely people who crave any kind of attention.
I started browsing this forum soon after I learned about the car early in 2022. In fact, it was this forum that helped me make the decision to reserve a Lucid because the depth of knowledge amongst the members answered many of the questions I had about purchasing my first EV. I've had my Touring for just over 2 months and it's been mostly positive. The forum has been great to find out about software bugs that may be common to others and what they did to resolve them. Of course, some owners have had better experiences than others and the DE/GT crowd had to deal with UX1.0, so hats off to them for that, but I think this forum is a way to air some grievances just to get them off your chest while also educating the Lucid community of potential things to look out for. Real world user experiences are what prospective buyers and even new owners like myself want to know about. I read a lot of the negative posts, but I also read the positive posts, which balance everything out. That with my 2 months of ownership have solidified that I made the right decision in selecting this vehicle. My only issue has been deciding on whether or not to buy the 20" aero lite wheels as I opted for the 19s on delivery.

Also, to owner who was driving around a white AGT or AT with aero blade wheels in the northwest suburbs of Chicago earlier tonight, I see you. Thanks for making me miss my car while I was out of town for a wedding this weekend.
Of course , we should not forget and be encouraged to post constructive criticism that will help others learn about the car and help Lucid improve. It has been this type of constructive feedback that has personally helped me learn about the car in a very detailed way. There is a difference between ranting and constructive criticism / feedback.
Ranting is just kind of stupid and petulant. When you’re frustrated, say it , but not by stomping your fists. Someone will definitely be here to help and take the edge off that anxiety.😎😎
Oh BTW, once again I listened to Whip It , on my way home , with a dumbass grin on my face; damn you Bunnylebowski , damn you.
Ranting is just kind of stupid and petulant. When you’re frustrated, say it , but not by stomping your fists. Someone will definitely be here to help and take the edge off that anxiety.😎😎
After foaming and ranting here myself ... I've come to accept it. I expected some problems and thought I would be immune from emotional reactions, but no. Today the car is perfect. I'm ashamed of my whiny posts and accepting of ranting here because = love.

Now when I read the frustration posts I think... "yea bro ... you get it all out. Bliss is right around the corner."
Oh BTW, once again I listened to Whip It , on my way home , with a dumbass grin on my face; damn you Bunnylebowski , damn you.
The dude abides.
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After foaming and ranting here myself ... I've come to accept it. I expected some problems and thought I would be immune from emotional reactions, but no. Today the car is perfect. I'm ashamed of my whiny posts and accepting of ranting here because = love.

Now when I read the frustration posts I think... "yea bro ... you get it all out. Bliss is right around the corner."

The dude abides.

Some rants are more charming than others.😉😉😉😉
Some rants are more charming than others.😉😉😉😉
I strongly agree that when an "owner" has a problem it is good that it be shared here so other "owners" can perhaps add comments that might be helpful and constructive. What really bugs me is when people who don't own the car post negative comments just to be contrary and seek attention. If you are happy with your EV (whichever one it is) go and post your comments on their forums. I certainly don't spend my time on other EV forums posting negative comments. Yeah I know its a free country and everyone is entitled to voice their opinions but c'mon.
Tomorrow I have the longest single day drive planned from Pasadena to Temecula to Fremont CA on 101. I will capture the experience and post here
unless a different thread is suggested. I drove to LAX and back today from Pasadena.
Here is the summary of charging and driving from Pasadena to Temecula to Fremont in mid 50 slightly rain conditions.
Yet a very relaxing ride.

1. Pasadena to Temecula 83.5 miles 1h 20 min Max speed 80mph. Elevation change 400ft.
HA set to 70mph. Average speed 61mph 4.1 miles per kWh.
2. Temecula to Fremont 445 miles Driving time about 7.5hrs. Max speed 90mph (yeah a Model 3 annoyed me lol!) Elevation change 3500.
HA set to 70mph. Average speed 59mph 3.9 miles per kWh.

See attached photo. Best was a 350KW EA charger at Livermore outlets 19% to 50% in 13 min peak was 220kW. Average 143kW for 31kWh.
Given the fact this car gets me close to 4 miles per kWh, 31kWh is 124 miles. Not bad at all and this shows that the problem with charging speed
is not the car but EA. Also, PnC never worked.

A fantastic driving experience and very relaxed when I pulled in to my garage at 46% SOC after driving from Livermore to Fremont 20 miles. 50% to 46% 20miles
is 5 miles for 1%.

To be honest, there was only 1 minor hiccup promptly cured by Nuke reset. When I pulled into Kettleman City 350kW charger my phone had a lose USB C connection and I had to wait to
charge it to 4% and open the App to authenticate. I did that and while charging the phone suddenly powered off. As luck would have it, the pilot panel and the panel above it and the
small left panel went blank. It was still charging and I wanted to stop charging. I opened the door and the alarm went off and I used my valet card to open the door and did Nuke reset. All was well after that.
Screenshot 2023-03-06 10.22.45 AM.webp