Does anyone else wish the side mirrors could tilt down when parallel parking?


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Nov 11, 2022
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Lucid Air touring
Putting this out there in hopes that the Lucid team will see it: I really wish there was an option in settings to have the side mirrors automatically tilt down when the car is put in reverse. It helps tremendously to avoid curb rash when one is parallel parking. My Model 3 had this feature, and I never once kissed a curbstone in three years, and thus my rims looked pristine the day I returned that car. Really missing this very helpful option on my Lucid…
Putting this out there in hopes that the Lucid team will see it: I really wish there was an option in settings to have the side mirrors automatically tilt down when the car is put in reverse. It helps tremendously to avoid curb rash when one is parallel parking. My Model 3 had this feature, and I never once kissed a curbstone in three years, and thus my rims looked pristine the day I returned that car. Really missing this very helpful option on my Lucid…
I find the 360 view renders this unnecessary. Particularly if you swipe the view around to get a good side angle. But for those who don’t go for DDPro, I suppose it would help.

My problem with the mirrors always going down is pulling out of a parallel space on a city street. I’d back up a bit, then look in the driver’s side mirror to see if any cars are coming up behind me so I can pull out, and all I’d see is the street. Super annoying.
Agreed, I've had the cameras remain black enough times that I want the Mk1 Eyeball as a fail-safe. (Also, having driven delivery trucks once upon a time, mirrors are very intuitive for me.) The surround view does work well once you get used to it though, and the alignment lines on that view have been very accurate to position the car.

My problem with the mirrors always going down is pulling out of a parallel space on a city street. I’d back up a bit, then look in the driver’s side mirror to see if any cars are coming up behind me so I can pull out, and all I’d see is the street. Super annoying.
I personally would restrict this feature to just the passenger side, since that's the side the curb is on. Volvo has options to select which side mirrors tip down when in reverse.

Another option I was thinking would be cool is if the blind-spot cameras came on while backing up. Those have a really good view between the curb and the rear wheels. It would also aid with the traffic ingress.
I find the 360 view renders this unnecessary. Particularly if you swipe the view around to get a good side angle. But for those who don’t go for DDPro, I suppose it would help.

My problem with the mirrors always going down is pulling out of a parallel space on a city street. I’d back up a bit, then look in the driver’s side mirror to see if any cars are coming up behind me so I can pull out, and all I’d see is the street. Super annoying.
Imo since the displays are just LCD and the cameras have tiny apertures(don't do super well in low light), at night the hazard line around the car and the white border causes so much light bleed that it makes the top down view nearly useless to parallel park.

I've curbed my wheels twice now :( I've never ever curbed wheels before - my old car was similarly big and my 911 has no cameras at all.

The mirror tilting down will make it much easier(for me) to manuveur the car within ~5in of the curb.
These days I just sit up real tall and look out the pax mirror to parallel park.
Putting this out there in hopes that the Lucid team will see it: I really wish there was an option in settings to have the side mirrors automatically tilt down when the car is put in reverse. It helps tremendously to avoid curb rash when one is parallel parking. My Model 3 had this feature, and I never once kissed a curbstone in three years, and thus my rims looked pristine the day I returned that car. Really missing this very helpful option on my Lucid…
No here. The 360 view camera is great for me on this.
Putting this out there in hopes that the Lucid team will see it: I really wish there was an option in settings to have the side mirrors automatically tilt down when the car is put in reverse. It helps tremendously to avoid curb rash when one is parallel parking. My Model 3 had this feature, and I never once kissed a curbstone in three years, and thus my rims looked pristine the day I returned that car. Really missing this very helpful option on my Lucid…
I wished the Lucid had this feature. I always used it with my Lexus (also never curbed a wheel), not only for parallel parking but, more importantly for me, backing out of the garage. The mirrors offered a clearer and more accurate view of exactly where the wheels and rear fender were relative to any obstruction. The overhead camera is close but does not work as well for the purposes I described. I recently came very close to curbing a wheel while trying to use the camera. Lesson learned!

+1 to having this as an option. I would add that having the option of just displaying the two side cameras instead of the 3D one is also generally helpful.

Two issues with 3D view:
1- It isn't intuitive to use, especially getting out of my garage. The mapping of the very close surroundings into the composite 3D image looks more like a funhouse image than a reconstruction of the car's placement. This isn’t a fault of Lucid, just how the technology works in these cases.
2- It still takes too long for this to come up. By the time the image is there, I am halfway through the reversing maneuver.
Never had the side mirrors that went down. I despise curb rash. Guess I am the only clown that parks and then opens the door, gets out to check only to see that I am a foot away. Then get back in and do the delicate act of repositioning by going back and forth (great entertainment for those watching) until I am satisfied that being 11 inches away is acceptable. Joking but not really. Curb rash is ugly and is evidence of misjudging where the car is relative to the curb. Close is good enough for me. I try not to worry about being right on top of the curb. Nice wheels=nice car. On the other hand being real close and straight is very exhilarating. I have seen too many cars parked up on the curb hanging off it with bulging tires. Scary examples of poor parking out there.
I find the 360 view renders this unnecessary. Particularly if you swipe the view around to get a good side angle. But for those who don’t go for DDPro, I suppose it would help.

My problem with the mirrors always going down is pulling out of a parallel space on a city street. I’d back up a bit, then look in the driver’s side mirror to see if any cars are coming up behind me so I can pull out, and all I’d see is the street. Super annoying.
In many cars these days, you can choose to have only the R mirror pivoting down in when reversing the car.
Besides the mirror tilting down, would be nice to have the folding side mirror button accessible while reversing as my garage is tight. I use the mirrors to reverse into the garage and need to fold them in when I approach the opening.

The 360 cameras are hard to use when I am within inches of the wall on the sides; hence why the side mirror tilting down is useful.
If you really want lucid to see the request, just text it to customer support. They claim to keep track of such requests and suggestions and funnel them to the developers. I already submitted this and lack of speed compensated volume for the sound system, but I think in this case, the more, the merrier!

I'm sure I wasn't the only one, but I complained about the two-step-with-impossibly-small-button retraction scheme for the lower screen, and voila, it's gone in the latest software release.
Having had this feature on many previous vehicles I confess I do really miss it. So yes please! @Bobby, perhaps it could be added to your wish-list?

Blind spot cameras on reversing was a nice-to-have on my previous vehicle but with the 360 camera I don't feel I need it. Would probably be helpful for those without DDPro though.
Curbed my wheel a week or so ago. Wanted to throw up.

I was using the 360 camera and thought I was at a good distance. WRONG.
Curbed my wheel a week or so ago. Wanted to throw up.

I was using the 360 camera and thought I was at a good distance. WRONG.
The cameras are cool looking and help in some situations, but for close parking next to curbs or parking in a tight garage space, i don't trust it. I need those side mirrors.... especially when they tilt downwards. I hope they get this feature in soon before I do some damage to my own vehicle.
Or just an appropriate camera view. My Bronco and GV80 both have camera views that shoot straight down the side of the vehicle showing the rear wheels.
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Yes. Tilting mirrors would be helpful. There are some such as a nasty corner on my driveway where I don't fully trust the 360 cam
Putting this out there in hopes that the Lucid team will see it: I really wish there was an option in settings to have the side mirrors automatically tilt down when the car is put in reverse. It helps tremendously to avoid curb rash when one is parallel parking. My Model 3 had this feature, and I never once kissed a curbstone in three years, and thus my rims looked pristine the day I returned that car. Really missing this very helpful option on my Lucid…
I have requested this feature long long time ago. I hope Lucid can implement it.

Rivian R1S is much taller EV, I never had to worry about curbside rash bc it has cameras looking at wheel you can see on infotainment. Polestar does tilt mirrors whenever backing out car. And they are very helpful.

360 cameras are all presented feature in Lucid, Rivian and Polestar, but not in Tesla. However, I believe it is a great feature to have “Tilt Mirror” even having 360 camera. Lucid can make it on/off at settings level for driver to choose for default. My wife doesn’t like to drive Lucid as she likes higher car can see wheels and she has fear of our cats being run over whenever I back out not seeing the wheels. (360 cameras doesn’t see what is next to the wheels) Having to do this manually often is not convenient to drivers.
I wish it would tilt down. You can get this that feature on a $35k year. It should at least be a selectable option on the Lucid.