Touring Delivery Tracker [Archive]

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I’ve been banging the same drum for months on this, but Lucid HAS to increase production speed at some point. When that happens is anyone’s guess, but assuming that it will take them just as long to produce a car a year from now as it has taken them this year is extraordinarily pessimistic. With zero ramp up, they will end up delivering under 3k cars this entire year. That would be a complete disaster for them, after dropping estimates twice already.

The people who confirmed way back in March sat through a few months with basically zero production going on. So shave those months off your estimates immediately.

I don’t expect many Touring deliveries this year, either. But I also don’t think the first ones will be delivered in June.

My guess is the bulk of the Touring reservations will be delivered BY June (if there are indeed as few of them as I think). With a chunk of them showing up as early as February or March.

I still expect confirmations for Touring to begin in September or October.
Completely agree that’s what I meant when I said they HAVE to execute bc it’s been such a mess up to now, it will be devastating if they miss again…and again yes, production has to ramp and continue to improve
I reserved in March of 21. I also talked to Lucid & they told
me the same thing. I will not hold my breath for the next few weeks. Why should we believe anything they say. Sounds like they are Spending their energy on building new plants & developing new super models. Before you run you must Learn to crawl. They haven’t learned to WALK.
Yes. The new 250k super car as well lucid gravity are unnecessary distraction. I will be really surprised if they produce 6k in 2022 which means 4600 in 2nd half vs 1400 in the first half a 3x ramp up. As a minimum they should learn to set realistic expectations for every reservation holder as Fisker seems to be doing.
Yes. The new 250k super car as well lucid gravity are unnecessary distraction. I will be really surprised if they produce 6k in 2022 which means 4600 in 2nd half vs 1400 in the first half a 3x ramp up. As a minimum they should learn to set realistic expectations for every reservation holder as Fisker seems to be doing.
Rivian ramped to 25k with the same numbers and numerous battery fires in their AMP I believe lucid can do it but there is no room for error.

I’m not even sure what to say about fisker…I mean this is there second full go as a mfg, so not nec an apples to apples comparison imo
Rivian ramped to 25k with the same numbers and numerous battery fires in their AMP I believe lucid can do it but there is no room for error.

I’m not even sure what to say about fisker…I mean this is there second full go as a mfg, so not nec an apples to apples comparison imo
Fisker chose a well established contract manufacturer called Magna Steyr who built BMW 5 series Mercedes and also provided the ev technology to gm for hummer and Ford for lighting. Look them up.
Didn’t know about their mfg partner and tbh don’t care, but good for him, I hope this one goes better than his first attempt, but even more proofed my point that they aren’t relevant to the convo with how lucid is ramping if they are outsourcing the entire mfg
Didn’t know about their mfg partner and tbh don’t care, but good for him, I hope this one goes better than his first attempt, but even more proofed my point that they aren’t relevant to the convo with how lucid is ramping if they are outsourcing the entire mfg
Look back at how tesla ramped up very slowly and took 2 years to ramp up model s. Lucid was too ambitious compared to tesla. If I remember correctly tesla built about 12k in year 1 of model s but they had roadster before that. Vertical integration could pay off in the long run but ev is very different ice vehicle. Ev is more like a desktop or laptop computer. Value added is not manufacturing but design, quality and reliability and customer support with upgrades. Gm and Ford were smart to realize that. Many ev makers are smart to use nvidia platform for safety and navigation ADAS. Lucid is in the process of adopting the nvidia platform which is a good thing. Their claim to fame was efficient motors and batteries. Not manufacturing.
So after today there is only one more month left in Q3 And only 4 months left 2022, I really expected the first Touring reservation holders to have received confirmation emails by now. I am hoping to see them soon As it looks like the GT production is ramping.
So after today there is only one more month left in Q3 And only 4 months left 2022, I really expected the first Touring reservation holders to have received confirmation emails by now. I am hoping to see them soon As it looks like the GT production is ramping.
I was told that before they invite Touring reservation holders to finalize their order they will invite them test drive a Touring and likewise with Pure. Perhaps they decided to offer test drive only in GT hoping to encourage us to upgrade to higher model than we reserved. I think Sep is end of q3 for them and they report that data in Nov just as they reported q2 results in Aug. Other than bear videos, do we have any info on ramp up?
I was told that before they invite Touring reservation holders to finalize their order they will invite them test drive a Touring and likewise with Pure. Perhaps they decided to offer test drive only in GT hoping to encourage us to upgrade to higher model than we reserved. I think Sep is end of q3 for them and they report that data in Nov just as they reported q2 results in Aug. Other than bear videos, do we have any info on ramp up?
That’s funny because I was told there are likely no touring test drives but maybe there will be studio units for us to see. I would like to at least check one out in the studio first to see how different it is from the GT in terms of comfort and material!
That’s funny because I was told there are likely no touring test drives but maybe there will be studio units for us to see. I would like to at least check one out in the studio first to see how different it is from the GT in terms of comfort and material!
Anything that slows down the people in line ahead of me from confirming is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. (j.k.) I've driven the GT, and that's good enough for me. I can't see the Touring disappointing me.
There is no Pure delivery tracker yet, so posting this here. When I test drove a GT at the end of July I asked when I could realistically expect a Pure to be delivered. The gentleman I spoke to said June of next year (2023), which I tend to believe. Granted he is not a person I would consider “in the know” but at least I felt like he gave me an honest answer, in his opinion.
I have a call with my SA today. I'll report back if I get any news
So he clarified for me that they expect to start confirming the actual orders for Touring in the next 4-5 weeks. They will be sending out emails to customers with the earliest reservation dates first. And the order in which those confirmations are received back by Lucid determine production and delivery dates. The one caveat, as people have stated before, is that people who DON"T want glass roofs or SSP will be moved back in the queue in favor of producing cars for customers who want those options.
So he clarified for me that they expect to start confirming the actual orders for Touring in the next 4-5 weeks. They will be sending out emails to customers with the earliest reservation dates first. And the order in which those confirmations are received back by Lucid determine production and delivery dates. The one caveat, as people have stated before, is that people who DON"T want glass roofs or SSP will be moved back in the queue in favor of producing cars for customers who want those options.
Do in early Oct Touring reservation holders will get the email. In the 1st week of Nov we will hopefully get a better idea from the quarterly report data and announcements. Assuming that they ramped up production of the 5 month order confirmation to delivery of GT becomes 4 months at least, I would expect the first delivery of Touring to be in Feb
So he clarified for me that they expect to start confirming the actual orders for Touring in the next 4-5 weeks. They will be sending out emails to customers with the earliest reservation dates first. And the order in which those confirmations are received back by Lucid determine production and delivery dates. The one caveat, as people have stated before, is that people who DON"T want glass roofs or SSP will be moved back in the queue in favor of producing cars for customers who want those options.
The usual caveats aside about believing what DAs have to say, etc. this makes perfect sense to me.
Do in early Oct Touring reservation holders will get the email. In the 1st week of Nov we will hopefully get a better idea from the quarterly report data and announcements. Assuming that they ramped up production of the 5 month order confirmation to delivery of GT becomes 4 months at least, I would expect the first delivery of Touring to be in Feb
I hope they can shorten that 5-month schedule a bit, too. February sounds right to me for the beginning of deliveries. I'd love to see January, but that might be too optimistic.
We Ordered an AIr GT , White, 19” wheels, Mojave interior on July 7, 2021. We received notification of an Identical car that had been canceled was prepped and ready for delivery a week ago and had delivery at the Lucid Costa Mesa Service Center yesterday, 8-31-2021….someone’s change of heart, for whatever reason, caused us to jump for joy when we got the call!
We Ordered an AIr GT , White, 19” wheels, Mojave interior on July 7, 2021. We received notification of an Identical car that had been canceled was prepped and ready for delivery a week ago and had delivery at the Lucid Costa Mesa Service Center yesterday, 8-31-2021….someone’s change of heart, for whatever reason, caused us to jump for joy when we got the call!
You need to hit the casino as you are on a roll! p.s. you know we're in 2022 right?
Spoke to my Scottsdale Lucid contact re when my Touring might see the light of day. He commented that car flow is much improved and that the delivery prep center in Scottsdale had roughly 70 cars - no way to know where they are headed but there at this time. He commented that Touring would definitely start this year - but of course that only means one car completed by December 31. Who really knows what it means. I ordered March of 22 and he felt I should see mine by April 2023. But who knows.
I want my Touring in--

Metal roof
No DDPro

The Trifecta of I looking at a year more?
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