Tesla offering $3750 discount


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Jun 5, 2022
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New Jersey
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It seems like even Tesla is trying to increase their delivery numbers by providing $3750 off of M3 and MY.

Most people are holding out to purchase in 2023 as they will then qualify for $7500 tax credit.
Can't wait to see the Barron's or Insider article on the impending bankruptcy of Tesla...
Model Y dual motor is only sold for $50,000 in China. TBH, I'm not impressed by the $3750 discount.
Can't wait to see the Barron's or Insider article on the impending bankruptcy of Tesla...
Lol, an expression comes to my mind "watching the paint dry".
even if i was considering a tesla, not sure if $3750 would convince me to take delivery before 2023. obviously, you get the 7.5k in 2023, but with the announcement that they will probably be adding radar back, $3750 really seems inadequate.
Can't wait to see the Barron's or Insider article on the impending bankruptcy of Tesla...
Yeah……. You won’t! I’m so fed up with the media these days. It’s turned into a drama like Days of Our Lives! 😂
Looks like prices have significantly dropped …

ModelOld base priceNew base priceDifference
Model 3$46,990$43,990$3k (-6%)
Model Y$65,990$52,990$13k (-20%)
Model S$104,990$94,990$10k (-10%)
Model X$120,990$109,990$11k (-9%)

this is before the tax break that 3 and Y will qualify
Smart...especially for the Model S, they can afford to drop the price to starve out anyone looking at buying their competition
Tesla lowers the price of all vehicles

|Vehicle|Old Purchase Price|New Purchase Price|
|3 RWD|46,990|43,990|
|3 Performance|62,990|53,990|
|Y LR|65,990|52,990|
|Y Performance|69,990|56,990|
|S Dual Motor|104,990|94,990|
|S Plaid|135,990|114,990|
|X Dual Motor|120,990|109,990|
|X Plaid|138,990|119,990|

Bad copy/paste from Reddit. Damn they dropped Plaid by $20k. Many more are eligible for the tax incentive now too.
Tesla lowers the price of all vehicles

|Vehicle|Old Purchase Price|New Purchase Price|
|3 RWD|46,990|43,990|
|3 Performance|62,990|53,990|
|Y LR|65,990|52,990|
|Y Performance|69,990|56,990|
|S Dual Motor|104,990|94,990|
|S Plaid|135,990|114,990|
|X Dual Motor|120,990|109,990|
|X Plaid|138,990|119,990|

Bad copy/paste from Reddit. Damn they dropped Plaid by $20k. Many more are eligible for the tax incentive now too.
I would still buy lucid.
No regrets here, I’m still satisfied with purchasing my Touring.

Smart...especially for the Model S, they can afford to drop the price to starve out anyone looking at buying their competition

It is smart to lower margins and push the competition out… let’s see if it pans out the way they think.
I would still buy lucid.
Definitely. The Touring (pre increase + required upgrades to get before EOY) is about the price of the Plaid. Other than unnecessary acceleration, I’d still pic the Lucid as the interior is much more refined. Model S is very common and no longer special, and my Lucid literally drops jaws when I’m out and about.

The downside of the price drop is that it’s gonna make selling my 2018 Model S more difficult at the price I wanted. :mad:
looks like Fed Rate Hike is working towards inflation crisis. We finally see some real deflation!
Definitely. The Touring (pre increase + required upgrades to get before EOY) is about the price of the Plaid. Other than unnecessary acceleration, I’d still pic the Lucid as the interior is much more refined. Model S is very common and no longer special, and my Lucid literally drops jaws when I’m out and about.

The downside of the price drop is that it’s gonna make selling my 2018 Model S more difficult at the price I wanted. :mad:
Model S may be common in CA, but still is not that common in Ohio. I rarely see refresh Model S. I bet Telsa ends up lowering prices of S/X again back to where they used to be. I think it was pure profit taking anyhow. This is great news, as other EV car companies will be forced to follow.
Model S may be common in CA, but still is not that common in Ohio. I rarely see refresh Model S. I bet Telsa ends up lowering prices of S/X again back to where they used to be. I think it was pure profit taking anyhow. This is great news, as other EV car companies will be forced to follow.
I wonder what lucid will do.
Wow significant price drop
I think this is great. The S and X are still very expensive (and I think still considerably more than they were a couple years ago) but the 3 and Y drop is going to put a lot of pressure on the other manufacturers to price their EVs at a more affordable level. Hopefully it will help kill the out of control dealer price adjustments too.
Anyone know how long the wait is for S and X if you order today?
These price cuts are not surprising. With my M3 lease ending, they offered me similar cuts to get into a new car before EOY. Were also willing to waive my last month’s payment and any return fees if I bought something new.

I refuse to give them another dime once I’m out of this lease. So I declined.

Tesla has large margins. And they kept creeping up the price during COVID, while cutting out hardware and production costs. They have room to spare. The advantage of being an established player.

Lucid doesn’t have room to cut prices at the moment. Fortunately, other than Touring, they don’t really compete on price with a Tesla, anyway.

I suspect these cuts will hurt other EV manufacturers more than they hurt Lucid.

Lower prices at the entry point are a good thing for the EV market and consumers. Hope it helps raise EV adoption.