Scheduling of EV Charging


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Verified Owner
Nov 18, 2022
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Lucid Air Grand Touring
I am a new Lucid owner (Lucid Aur Grand Touring). I see the Lucid can be charged at home using a Level 2 charger or directly connect a 240V (or 120V) to the Wunderbox. That's all great!
My question is, how do you SCHEDULE charging vis-a-vis, if I plug my Lucid in at 6PM but I want the charging to start at 9PM where the TOU rates cut in, how do you do that? It seems like the Wunderbox has no scheduling capability (and no abiliy to set the current limit). I can do scheduling via the Level 2 charger (I have a JuiceBox). If I use the JuiceBox, it can schedule, but meanwhile, the Lucid goes to sleep and when the JuiceBox is ready to charge at 9PM, the Lucid is fast asleep!. Is there a way around it?

Also, it seems to me the Wunderbox should have a clock/scheduler. I have a HondaClarity (PHEV) and its has an internal scheduler. that allows you to set
We need a new Sticky Topic: Ask Bobby Anything. He's they guy with the profile swap solution, the phone holder adapter, you name it, he's got it! Vote for Bobby in 2024!
I really think Lucid needs to hire Bobby as a n Independant contractor consultant. I’m not kidding.
I really think Lucid needs to hire Bobby as a n Independant contractor consultant. I’m not kidding.
Aw, Bobby would do it for free, labor of love!
Yes it should work so long as the Lucid is awake.
Bobby, I'm having an issue where the automation is bringing up the app but not waking the car. Just continues to stay asleep. Any ideas?
Bobby, I'm having an issue where the automation is bringing up the app but not waking the car. Just continues to stay asleep. Any ideas?
Hmmmm. May need to adjust the automation to first quit the app if it’s already running then launch it.
I am a new Lucid owner (Lucid Aur Grand Touring). I see the Lucid can be charged at home using a Level 2 charger or directly connect a 240V (or 120V) to the Wunderbox. That's all great!
My question is, how do you SCHEDULE charging vis-a-vis, if I plug my Lucid in at 6PM but I want the charging to start at 9PM where the TOU rates cut in, how do you do that? It seems like the Wunderbox has no scheduling capability (and no abiliy to set the current limit). I can do scheduling via the Level 2 charger (I have a JuiceBox). If I use the JuiceBox, it can schedule, but meanwhile, the Lucid goes to sleep and when the JuiceBox is ready to charge at 9PM, the Lucid is fast asleep!. Is there a way around it?

Also, it seems to me the Wunderbox should have a clock/scheduler. I have a HondaClarity (PHEV) and its has an internal scheduler. that allows you to set
I can report that the same issue happens with Wallbox as well. I hadn't needed to charge from home yet and decided to test out L2 charging as another user was reporting a buzzing when L2 charging that I wanted to verify. My master plan is to only charge from excess solar generation using ChargeHQ (I'd rather not give SCE another red cent if I can avoid it! LOL) ... But as a test, I plugged in the Wallbox unit into the vehicle and paused the charge from the Wallbox app. After the vehicle when to sleep, I started the Wallbox unit from the app. The WB app reported that it was connected but waiting for the vehicle to request a charge. The only way to start the charge was to open the Lucid app (as others have mentioned). Once the vehicle woke up, the Wallbox unit started charging. On a positive note, I could variably change the charging amperage from the Wallbox app and the vehicle didn't complain and took whatever amperage it was given. I did this manually but in the future would like to automate this with ChargeHQ once my Powerwalls are full. Hopefully Lucid will resolve this issue on the vehicle side soon.
Hopefully Lucid will resolve this issue on the vehicle side soon.
Yeah. It’s really a pain when super off-peak is weekdays 12-6am for me. We have been charging the car at an EA station close By since 1) I can’t schedule charging and 2) the EA is free. Although I would much rather plug it in when I get home and have it charge overnight. Hello Lucid?? Are you listening?
Yeah. It’s really a pain when super off-peak is weekdays 12-6am for me. We have been charging the car at an EA station close By since 1) I can’t schedule charging and 2) the EA is free. Although I would much rather plug it in when I get home and have it charge overnight. Hello Lucid?? Are you listening?
Sure are. More soon.
I really think Lucid needs to hire Bobby as a n Independant contractor consultant. I’m not kidding.
I've suggested to an appropriate person at Lucid that they could use a Customer Advisory Board, and suggested Bobby and perhaps other moderators and other active and constructive contributors as potentials for filling in part of the CAB. No response yet, but he just got new responsibilities in this area so he's understandably busy. Fingers crossed.
Yeah. It’s really a pain when super off-peak is weekdays 12-6am for me. We have been charging the car at an EA station close By since 1) I can’t schedule charging and 2) the EA is free. Although I would much rather plug it in when I get home and have it charge overnight. Hello Lucid?? Are you listening?

Greetings and happy Friday all!

Scheduled charging will be coming with OTA 2.0.52. This OTA should begin landing today and over the next several days. Other changes include updates to range calculations, access & profile improvements, the ability to play media off of USB, and more. High five to our software team for working around the clock to continue delivering improvements and enhancements to Lucid Air.

Greetings and happy Friday all!

Scheduled charging will be coming with OTA 2.0.52. This OTA should begin landing today and over the next several days. Other changes include updates to range calculations, access & profile improvements, the ability to play media off of USB, and more. High five to our software team for working around the clock to continue delivering improvements and enhancements to Lucid Air.

WAIT. Does this mean wired dolby atmos?
Been waiting for this one since I started watching this forum. Even more so since my car was delivered in Dec. Bring it on!
Greetings and happy Friday all!

Scheduled charging will be coming with OTA 2.0.52. This OTA should begin landing today and over the next several days. Other changes include updates to range calculations, access & profile improvements, the ability to play media off of USB, and more. High five to our software team for working around the clock to continue delivering improvements and enhancements to Lucid Air.

I don’t suppose “and more” will include CarPlay. ;)
Greetings and happy Friday all!

Scheduled charging will be coming with OTA 2.0.52. This OTA should begin landing today and over the next several days. Other changes include updates to range calculations, access & profile improvements, the ability to play media off of USB, and more. High five to our software team for working around the clock to continue delivering improvements and enhancements to Lucid Air.

Does this mean that my Lucid can control when the EVSE will charge even if the EVSE itself doesn't come with that feature?
Does this mean that my Lucid can control when the EVSE will charge even if the EVSE itself doesn't come with that feature?
Yes and I've tested this with the LCHCS already!
Eagerly awaiting the update so I won’t have to wake up at midnight to plug her in!
Greetings and happy Friday all!

Scheduled charging will be coming with OTA 2.0.52. This OTA should begin landing today and over the next several days. Other changes include updates to range calculations, access & profile improvements, the ability to play media off of USB, and more. High five to our software team for working around the clock to continue delivering improvements and enhancements to Lucid Air.

Yes, the software team indeed truly deserves a round of applause.
On a related subject, two of the most popular requests are sentry mode and some sort of reset that wouldn't require exiting the car.
Would it be ok to ask if you think these two items are within the realm of possibilities?
Many thanks again for your engagement with the community.
Greetings and happy Friday all!

Scheduled charging will be coming with OTA 2.0.52. This OTA should begin landing today and over the next several days. Other changes include updates to range calculations, access & profile improvements, the ability to play media off of USB, and more. High five to our software team for working around the clock to continue delivering improvements and enhancements to Lucid Air.

I can't wait for my first software update notification. 😀😀
Does this mean that my Lucid can control when the EVSE will charge even if the EVSE itself doesn't come with that feature?
I was scrolling down to ask this very question and I'm glad you beat me to it especially since my Electricfy America Homestation has scheduled charging built into the app. I would need to know which schedule to use.