Profile location?


Grand Magistrate; Referral Code - Q1BTN5Y3
Verified Owner
Nov 19, 2021
Reaction score
Cupertino, CA
Air DE-P, ZR, 21"
DE Number
Referral Code
Hey all, we’ve had a few requests from a bunch of forum members to ask if people would add their location to their profiles.

It’s useful information for helping people out, since knowing the weather of where someone is, whether there is a service center nearby, etc., are all useful when trying to help or understand someone’s plight.

If you are comfortable with it, add your location to your profile?

Also curious to hear comments/thoughts about this.
I have my location on my profile. I think it is helpful if we need to provide an answer that are location specific.
Hey all, we’ve had a few requests from a bunch of forum members to ask if people would add their location to their profiles.

It’s useful information for helping people out, since knowing the weather of where someone is, whether there is a service center nearby, etc., are all useful when trying to help or understand someone’s plight.

If you are comfortable with it, add your location to your profile?

Also curious to hear comments/thoughts about this.
why don't you list yours? 😎

I was a mod on Audi sites and we required it. At least the state and country. Members asked a ton of questions about tires, tuning, etc and we got tired (no pun intended)of replying each time: where do you live.

And wait till we have multiple models.
2am is the middle of his day.
Good idea... updating mine... a proposed format would be good for consistency sake..
We won't force anyone. Put as much info as you are comfortable providing.
What's going with this forum?

A dozen off topic posts and not one admonition from @Bobby. And even @hydbob joins in? Don't tell me that Bobby is taking ANOTHER vacation? That slacker. Has he abandoned us? 🫣

Your fault @borski, World going to hell.
What's going with this forum?

A dozen off topic posts and not one admonition from @Bobby. And even @hydbob joins in? Don't tell me that Bobby is taking ANOTHER vacation? That slacker. Has he abandoned us? 🫣
The off topic topics are in the off topic section 😁
What's going with this forum?

A dozen off topic posts and not one admonition from @Bobby. And even @hydbob joins in? Don't tell me that Bobby is taking ANOTHER vacation? That slacker. Has he abandoned us? 🫣

Your fault @borski, World going to hell.
haha. Every day is a vacation for me.
I used to live in Fullerton, CA. But a bit far from most of you now …
Updated mine last week as I prepare for our upcoming Air!
Yeah ive wanted to change that for a long time! How would I go about that?
DM one of the moderators with your birthdate and we will change it for you.