OTA Updates... or lack thereof.

Yup, but man, Having a carplay option for the big lower display would be pretty awesome and I think technically doable.
Apple is very strict about line of sight and driving distractions. I'd imagine this is why it's on the upper screen.
Dashcam. Have you ever driven in the City, Manhattan that is, or any large cities.
The delivery bikes, mopeds and such are mayor thread to your car.
They are coming from anywhere/nowhere.
Try to prove it to your insurance company that's not your fault.
Without the dashcam footage...Good luck.
Just get an aftermarket, dashcam is not an absolute necessity for most customers. Tesla may have it but I never used sentry mode in mine.
I fear the cash burn Lucid is going through. Not so much the hardware being obsolete. With computers on wheels, it is inevitable. But if company is not around, there is no option to upgrade to newer model. That is my fear.

But, that is the risk you take when buying from a new company. I am okay with that because I love the car.
I’m not concerned at all. I tuned out Elon Musk and his minions.
  • Hmm
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dashcam is not an absolute necessity for most customers.
Are you joking? Hopefully you will never use it, but if you do, YouTube should be your inspiration.
For most customs? I think because you never used it doesn't make you "most".
Can you rethink your post?
dashcam is not an absolute necessity for most customers.
Are you joking? Hopefully you will never use it, but if you do, YouTube should be your inspiration.
He’s not wrong. Most customers will never use a dashcam. That YouTube has videos of dashcams doesn’t prove your point. Most people will never use or own a dashcam.

For most customs? I think because you never used it doesn't make you "most".
Can you rethink your post?
I’d argue the opposite. Because you want it, you think it applies to most customers. It doesn’t. It applies to some, and my bet would be a minority.

Most customers would never use or want a dashcam, but some will. I will.

I don’t have data to back that up, of course, but I’m basing it off of conversations I’ve had with owners, which I know is anecdotal.

Edit: according to a recent survey by PropertyCasualty360, approximately 15-20% of drivers in the United States currently use dashcams. Yahoo Finance says 10-18%.

I’m fine with calling that “not most customers” :)
He’s not wrong. Most customers will never use a dashcam. That YouTube has videos of dashcams doesn’t prove your point. Most people will never use or own a dashcam.

I’d argue the opposite. Because you want it, you think it applies to most customers. It doesn’t. It applies to some, and my bet would be a minority.

Most customers would never use or want a dashcam, but some will. I will.

I don’t have data to back that up, of course, but I’m basing it off of conversations I’ve had with owners, which I know is anecdotal.

Edit: according to a recent survey by PropertyCasualty360, approximately 15-20% of drivers in the United States currently use dashcams. Yahoo Finance says 10-18%.

I’m fine with calling that “not most customers” :)
Got it .
Most customers never will.
Most customers will never get into an accident.
If they do, one of the first questions your insurance company would ask, do you have any proof of your innocence.
Yes, I do, or take my word on it.

Europeans are very keen on it, Americans are s....../ ignorant about it.
Haven’t those who have been in an accident had Lucid provide data to their insurer? I’m not sure what that might consist of.
Got it .
Most customers never will.
Most customers will never get into an accident.
If they do, one of the first questions your insurance company would ask, do you have any proof of your innocence.
Yes, I do, or take my word on it.

Europeans are very keen on it, Americans are s....../ ignorant about it.
I’m not against it! Again, I’d use it! You don’t have to convince me. :)

But, and this is true: most customers won’t, and don’t care.

(I agree, Europe is much more into it)
CarPlay is currently confined to a rectangular window. The delivery rep is full of crap.
Unless he is referring to the next gen carplay, although it doesn't explain the beta comment as none of the "beta testers" on this forum have got it. Google has blurred the lines regarding what beta actually means, so it is hard to say. There could be a possibility they are internally testing it, although I think this is the latest continuation of "Rep BS."
I’m not against it! Again, I’d use it! You don’t have to convince me. :)

But, and this is true: most customers won’t, and don’t care.

(I agree, Europe is much more into it)
I don't really understand why you wouldn't want to use one. It's somewhat expensive upfront, for sure, but it could possibly save you FAR more than the initial investment! Better to be safe rather than sorry, as they say.
dashcam is not an absolute necessity for most customers.
Are you joking? Hopefully you will never use it, but if you do, YouTube should be your inspiration.
For most customs? I think because you never used it doesn't make you "most".
Can you rethink your post?
The dashcam in our Rivian recently saved our bacon. We returned from a trip and found a big dent in our door in the long term parking lot. No note, nothing. Some ass hat slammed his car door into ours, got out to look at it (say cheese), then got back into his car to move to another spot. In two minutes I had his mug shot, make and model (late model Mercedes) and the exact time of day it happened. 4 hours after calling the police, I had the slime ball dead to rights.

So yea, to me a dashcam is a must!
Those that are saying that dashcam or sentry mode aren't important for "most customers" should look back at the wishlist survey. These vehicles aren't cheap. Repairing damaged doors/vandalism has only gone up over the years. Being able to not only deter potential vandalism but also hold people accountable for damage done to your vehicle is a very desirable feature to have. The survey talking about low dashcam use likely has a lot to do with having to wire it/install it yourself and still dealing with ugly cameras/wires being in the way. I know that is what is holding me back from having one. I bet if a manufacturer offered a built in "sentry"/drivecam solution, it would be a no brainer for "most customers".

My Rivian has both drive cam and gear guard recording that has saved me hundreds of dollars. While out to dinner with my wife, a drunk idiot opened his door into mine and walked into a restaurant like nothing happened. When we got back to the car, I saw a new incident notification. We easily watched the video and were able to see exactly what the culprit looked like. I found them in the restaurant and was able to fix the vehicle without going through insurance. The single door ding cost $275

Because of that incident, any time we have to go somewhere like downtown, the wife now leans toward taking the Rivian because she doesn't want to risk having something happen and not be able to document it. She absolutely loves the Lucid and sees it as "hers", so it says something that she prefers not to take it.
Those that are saying that dashcam or sentry mode aren't important for "most customers" should look back at the wishlist survey.
This forum is not representative of most customers. That doesn’t mean it’s not useful, but we should definitely not extrapolate past the survey responses themselves.

I bet if a manufacturer offered a built in "sentry"/drivecam solution, it would be a no brainer for "most customers".
I would take that bet. :) I would counter bet that even if a manufacturer had it, 70% or so of people would not know it existed and/or turn it on. That’s a complete guess and I don’t have data for it; just a gut feeling.

Again, I think Lucid should build it, and I hope they will soon. I would use it.

I just don’t think they’ve lost more than single digit sales due to not having a dashcam. That’s all I’m saying.
Someone bumped the rear bumper on my car in a parking lot. It is minor and not really noticeable but I guess a dash cam could have found the culprit. I wonder how much of the battery is drained by a 360 "dash" cam. A front camera would not have helped in this case.
In addition to the sentry mode, the infotainment system will be big on my wishlist. We just added a Tesla to our Lucid, and I dare to say, it’s worlds apart. The fun in going to a charging station and watching Netflix or YouTube on the Tesla widescreen while charging or waiting in line, is golden and refreshing! Unfortunately, not so for our Lucid.
...The fun in going to a charging station and watching Netflix or YouTube on the Tesla widescreen while charging or waiting in line, is golden and refreshing!...
I'm hoping that the big UX3 rewrite means that some already-existing AAOS apps could be run as tiles: Netflix, YouTube etc. We'll see.
In addition to the sentry mode, the infotainment system will be big on my wishlist. We just added a Tesla to our Lucid, and I dare to say, it’s worlds apart. The fun in going to a charging station and watching Netflix or YouTube on the Tesla widescreen while charging or waiting in line, is golden and refreshing! Unfortunately, not so for our Lucid.
I love my Lucid as a wonderful sport luxury car, not a rolling laptop. If I want to watch Netflix while charging, I’ll use my phone or tablet.
I love my Lucid as a wonderful sport luxury car, not a rolling laptop. If I want to watch Netflix while charging, I’ll use my phone or tablet.
Agreed. Lucid has made it clear to me that they aren’t going to support Netflix or other streaming services. The BYOD setup in the Gravity second row, the new software “detox mode” with minimal screens/displayed info and Lucid Spaces to help relax and take us away from being connected. These items point to a departure from adding the connected chaos we are all addicted to the Lucid ecosystem. My two cents.
Speaking of OTA updates..... Does anyone have any rumor, speculation, scuttlebutt on when the next OTA might show up?
Speaking of OTA updates..... Does anyone have any rumor, speculation, scuttlebutt on when the next OTA might show up?
It's been pretty silent lately. Which means either something big is coming, or more likely, they are heads down pushing to get Gravity done by the end of the year.

Or some combination of the two.

One thing we can be sure of, the team isn't playing ping pong all day. So something must be in the works.
Speaking of OTA updates..... Does anyone have any rumor, speculation, scuttlebutt on when the next OTA might show up?
Patch 2.1.63

In this update, we have introduced a new feature: Robustness Timer.

After installing the update, a small clock will appear in the upper right corner of the Pilot Panel, counting up the time it takes to introduce a more robust vehicle experience.

Take that @Bobby