I'm Back!!!!

So after a full 48 hours of owning my Touring I have to admit, it was worth the wait and the aggravation caused by the delays.
I know we've all seen about a million different pictures of these cars, so I'm going to share a million and one and formally introduce everyone to Chameleon Merlot!
With that out if the way, let me share with everyone my home delivery experience and the build quality of the car and subsequent due bill.
Home delivery experience:
This was a low light for me. A few days before, I asked my advisor for more details on what I should expect for the virtual walk through. Friday passed, the weekend passed, and Monday passed with no email or phone call with the Zoom information. Delivery day (Valentine's Day) arrives and I texted my DA around 11:00 am eastern time for an update and heard nothing. Noon comes and goes then I finally get a call from the sales team regarding the Zoom information and virtual walk through. My DA texted me back asking if I received the call and I reply yes, finally.
Delivery is scheduled for 4:00 pm and I was told it could arrive earlier than that a few days earlier. Great, I'm pleased by this. When the sales guy calls me at 1:00 pm I inquire about the location of my car and a delivery update. He replied that he had just checked the delivery GPS (I'm not sure if it's built into the car or if it was a tracker placed on the car) and my car was 5, yes, 5 hours away!!! Cue the record scratch!! Now I can do math and 5 hours from 1:00 pm puts my delivery at 6:00 pm which is 2 hours later than I was told. Recall, my car went through PDI at Coldwater, Michigan and that's around 8 hours from Harrisburg. So I ask him, was the car just picked up this morning for a straight through drive from Michigan and if so, it sounds like the car was picked up between 9:00 am to 9:30 am and there was no way they were going to make a 4:00 pm delivery. Not only that, I wasn't happy about taking delivery when it would be dark outside. He noted my disappointment and we moved on. The car arrived around 6:15 pm and it was indeed dark out.
Virtual Walk Through:
It lasted about 45 minutes and it went faster because I had read the owner's manual "cover to cover" 3 weeks prior. However, the sales associate dropped a bomb on me when I asked where the temporary tag was located in the car because i couldn't find it. Umm, yeah you guessed it, THEY FORGOT TO PUT THE TEMP TAG IN THE GLOVE BOX!

I could tell he did not want to tell me that and waited as long as he could to tell me. So I once again let him know that was I pissed about this oversight and we ended the Zoom call.
I debated what to do next, he had told me my DA was going to overnight me my tag so I'd have it the next day but my impatient ass decided I was not going to work tomorrow in any other car but the one I just spent $122,000 for so I grabbed a screwdriver out of my tool box, grabbed my old license plate which the Lucid would be transferred to anyway, and drove the car to show off to my family. Luckily they only live about 2 miles away.

While at my family, I received an email notification from my DA that included a PDF attachment of my temporary plate. I sent it to my printer from my phone and put it in my rear window when I returned home.
Wednesday Afternoon:
A bunch of long stares on the drive to work and even more when I got there. A couple of colleagues knew I had ordered one so when one of them saw the car parked in my spot, he actually took a picture and texted it to me with glowing praise.
Later that day I had a doctor's appointment. On that drive I had a car pull up on my passenger side, roll down their window just to tell me that the car was fire! Not 45 seconds later, some dude on a motorcycle zipped past me looking at the car and a few other cars. We reach the next light, motorcycle dude is still staring and I knew he was trying to show off on his bike. The light changes and he takes off. I said okay, I see you. I catch up to him because he slows down and lets the cars in both lanes in front of us put some distance in. I reach him and hit Sprint activation, I point to him and we both floor it. Guess who won?? He catches back up to me because I'm stopped at a light with a few other cars. He pulls up on my passenger side, lifts his sun visor, I roll down the window, and his first question to me is what in the hell are you driving?

I explain it's a Lucid, he tells me yeah, this ain't no Tesla because he's beaten those before. I explain he'd probably never beat a Lucid on his current bike and that he should check out the YouTube video of Sapphire smoking a Bugatti, Plaid, and a Ducati. He didn't believe me about the Ducati getting smoked so I told him go watch for himself. Oh, by the way the cars behind us were amused about us holding up traffic. Oops!
Build Quality Check for the Due Bill:
I'm fortunate that I only had 5 items on my due bill. There was a 2 inch scratch on the light bar, a scratch on the rear pillar, and rock chip on the rear passenger door, and another rock chip on the A pillar. Full PPF will be scheduled as soon as Wifey gives me the thumbs up.
The frunk as a larger gap on the passenger side, the charge port door is misaligned, there are 2 missing clips in the driver's side rear wheel well and that same well its rubber gasket not clipped fully so it's hanging a bit at the seam.
Pictures of Chameleon are attached. She's stunning!
Thanks for reading!!