Mobile key unlocking delay

Also, to state the obvious, make sure you have passive unlock set to On.
Can you tell us more about "passive unlock"? Is it in the car's settings? The app. On the other hand, some Lucid people finally allowed that "40 seconds is kind of normal."
No, you are not alone. It’s a long standing problem here on the forums and you can find a lot of threads about it. I’ve had my air for a year and a half now. There’s 2 things that are simply unacceptably poor that this car does and they are both things I definitely took for granted:
1) Unlocking/Locking with any method just blows plain and simple. Sure you can do a million work around to get it somewhat reliable but it’s crazy the lengths we have to go for something so simple.
2) The AC or glass does not keep up with AZ weather which ironically is where these cars are built. The summers in this car are brutal and that’s even after I bought the screen shades and tinted the car.

Everything else, in general, is amazing about the vehicle but at the end of the day you have to figure out if these 2 (major) compromises are worth the rest of the experience. For me, it is but I also have another vehicle that I drive often in the summer months.
I've read these forums carefully for weeks now since we are victims of frequent long lock-outs. Two things seem clear:

1.Not everyone has this problem. Those without the problem seem to think that those with the problem are "whiners." Or that we're doing something wrong.
2. There seem to be several workarounds. Because there's so many, they become confusing.

A car that doesn't unlock for a sizeable fraction of customers is a loser...and I say this as a shareholder, car owner and EV fan. Here's hoping the new corporate execs fix this problem soon. C'mon...a high priced car that doesn't let a significant fraction of owners in the car? Whah?
I've read these forums carefully for weeks now since we are victims of frequent long lock-outs. Two things seem clear:

1.Not everyone has this problem. Those without the problem seem to think that those with the problem are "whiners." Or that we're doing something wrong.
2. There seem to be several workarounds. Because there's so many, they become confusing.

A car that doesn't unlock for a sizeable fraction of customers is a loser...and I say this as a shareholder, car owner and EV fan. Here's hoping the new corporate execs fix this problem soon. C'mon...a high priced car that doesn't let a significant fraction of owners in the car? Whah?
It can't all be swept under the same rug. If your car doesn't unlock after 5 seconds with the fob then there is a problem. The people who are using PAAK, some have shown they don't have the right settings enabled. We are just trying to narrow down the issues. It's not that things are "acceptable", but there's more to it than just the car is a loser. Plenty of issues we've seen on the forum are user error.
Yeah waking or opening the trunk/frunk with the phone is silly too. Takes a good 45+ seconds to wake the car then another 20-30 to actually unlock after I push the button. I'm starting to wonder if I just have a bad apple on that front.
What's the old saying? "One bad apple can spoil the barrel." Seems like there is an apple barrel problem. On the other hand, if so many others do not have this problem, it seems clear that this can be fixed.
It can't all be swept under the same rug. If your car doesn't unlock after 5 seconds with the fob then there is a problem. The people who are using PAAK, some have shown they don't have the right settings enabled. We are just trying to narrow down the issues. It's not that things are "acceptable", but there's more to it than just the car is a loser. Plenty of issues we've seen on the forum are user error.
Glad that you are trying to narrow down the issues. We've contacted local service. We've waited for answers from central customer support. If it's user error, no one has told us what we're doing wrong.

When we do get an answer, we get some strange ones. I hope no one gets in trouble, but we've heard twice now that "40 seconds is kind of normal."

Please look at one of my replies above particularly point 1, which I'll requote here:
"1.Not everyone has this problem. Those without the problem seem to think that those with the problem are "whiners." Or that we're doing something wrong."
It can't all be swept under the same rug. If your car doesn't unlock after 5 seconds with the fob then there is a problem. The people who are using PAAK, some have shown they don't have the right settings enabled. We are just trying to narrow down the issues. It's not that things are "acceptable", but there's more to it than just the car is a loser. Plenty of issues we've seen on the forum are user error.
What are the "right settings" when we keep saying it's intermittent? If the settings were wrong it would simply not work. With passive unlock off it simply wouldn't unlock at all, not unlock sometimes. If it's the latter that's a huge security issue.
Sorry to hear your troubles. For whatever reason, my phone has been unlocking much faster and reliably lately. One thing I do is wake it as I approach.
My car unlocks for me 98% of the time and it fails when i need the most which is that 2% of the time like when it rains or someone praising the car or when my hands are full ☹️
I am reporting this issue since i own my car. Its getting better OTA by OTA, but the rate this is being addressed is slow.
It can't all be swept under the same rug. If your car doesn't unlock after 5 seconds with the fob then there is a problem. The people who are using PAAK, some have shown they don't have the right settings enabled. We are just trying to narrow down the issues. It's not that things are "acceptable", but there's more to it than just the car is a loser. Plenty of issues we've seen on the forum are user error.
Sorry, the unlocking and app response time is terrible! Unacceptable for a car in any price range. Not sure if it has been improved in the 2025 models. One area where his car is an engineering failure.
The other benefit is that my phone battery isn't getting crushed by the Lucid app while I'm home. Apparently being within like 60 feet of the car at all times is an issue for the mobile app.

My garage is attached to my house and adjacent to my home office so I was often in range of my car when I was working. The battery being crushed isn't an inherent function of mobile key; it's likely a function of the background permissions including always on location by default, which runs your GPS constantly, which torches your battery. When I turned that off and set it to only allow location access while using the app, my Lucid app battery drain (visible in the Battery settings in iOS) went from 38-40% of my battery drain down to 1-3%. It is an extraordinary difference, and the mobile key works better than it did before.

The delay on my mobile key unlock has also been substantially improved. Now it almost always is unlocked by the time I get to the car door. These things don't feel like they should be connected (especially since the app whined at me that mobile key wouldn't work without always on background location permissions, which was flatly false) but in my experience they were. YMMV. I'd suggest you try it.
My garage is attached to my house and adjacent to my home office so I was often in range of my car when I was working. The battery being crushed isn't an inherent function of mobile key; it's likely a function of the background permissions including always on location by default, which runs your GPS constantly, which torches your battery. When I turned that off and set it to only allow location access while using the app, my Lucid app battery drain (visible in the Battery settings in iOS) went from 38-40% of my battery drain down to 1-3%. It is an extraordinary difference, and the mobile key works better than it did before.

The delay on my mobile key unlock has also been substantially improved. Now it almost always is unlocked by the time I get to the car door. These things don't feel like they should be connected (especially since the app whined at me that mobile key wouldn't work without always on background location permissions, which was flatly false) but in my experience they were. YMMV. I'd suggest you try it.
Great work Zothor! Where is the setting you recommend? In the Pilot Panel (lower center touchscreen)? If so, can you provide a little more detail about what needs to be turned off?
fast and flawless
