I have a daily commute round-trip of about 50 miles, mostly highways in SoCal in Swift mode with full regen. My average has been 3.8mi/kwh over the past 7 months of ownership of a '23 Pure AWD. On days when the traffic restrains me enjoying a thrilling driving experience, I get 4.4-4.8 mi/kwh. I drive about 5-10 mph above the limit when possible. I haven't experienced any form of road rage, which is really unusual. When I drive my BMW, it's not unusual to have other drivers try to drive aggressively to get me attention. Nonetheless, with some OTA software updates to the power management system, I think 5 mi/kwh is possible, maybe in the Smooth setting. Conversely, I would be willing to pay for an optional OTA update to unleash the full (or reasonably more) power that the motors could provide since they are the same motors as the Touring but the Touring has 620hp. Maybe a Pure Super Sprint Mode? I hope I do not ruffle any feathers for those with the Touring and GT models with this last wish. 619hp would be fine by me.