How about we try to keep from getting the investor threads locked?


Active Member
Apr 24, 2022
Reaction score
I think this is the third or forth time this has happened. A bunch of us are having a conversation about Lucid as a company, and then a moderator locks the thread.

We've been warned several times, and this most recent occurrence doesn't even have an explanation. Although, I'm nearly certain this most recent thread was locked because certain users feel the need to tell Lucid management what to do. At least that was the reason why previous threads were locked.

I enjoy a healthy discussion about quarterly earnings, the conference calls, etc and it is a fine line between a healthy discussion and voicing our opinion on what needs to be done. But I find it more frustrating to come back to a thread only to find it locked, and subsequently I feel the conversation ends up spill into another thread.

Let's try to keep from breaking rules, so we can have our open discussion.
Pertinent guideline:

“Also, while it is highly encouraged to post recommendations on ways to improve the vehicles, please refrain from telling Lucid what they should do or how they should run their business; “armchair CEO” comments are widespread on the internet and nearly always missing nuance. Unless you have run a large auto manufacturer, it is very easy to lose the forest for the trees, and there are likely many challenges one is not aware of unless actually in the role. It is easy to forget there are thousands of real people working very hard to design, build, sell, and service Lucid vehicles. Please keep them in mind when you're about to write something negative.”
I think this is the third or forth time this has happened. A bunch of us are having a conversation about Lucid as a company, and then a moderator locks the thread.

We've been warned several times, and this most recent occurrence doesn't even have an explanation. Although, I'm nearly certain this most recent thread was locked because certain users feel the need to tell Lucid management what to do. At least that was the reason why previous threads were locked.

I enjoy a healthy discussion about quarterly earnings, the conference calls, etc and it is a fine line between a healthy discussion and voicing our opinion on what needs to be done. But I find it more frustrating to come back to a thread only to find it locked, and subsequently I feel the conversation ends up spill into another thread.

Let's try to keep from breaking rules, so we can have our open discussion.
Which one though?
Edit: I found it. I strongly feel that for future references, (if somebody searches for it) a reason should be given as the last message of that locked thread. Usually its like this, just not this time for some reason.
They've given a reason every time they've locked it, and it continues to be a problem. You can't blame them for just locking the thread now.
lol this forum is a joke. Did I get that thread locked by discussing the marginal cost of each unit produced? How is that off topic from earnings release?

I only went to that thread because I got notified about active thread discussions in my email box. Going to unsub completely...the sensitivity level of mods in this forum is something else
Just in general, investors get emotional and will always have opinions after every bad earnings call when the stock price takes a hit because it's real money being lost. It will be hard to prevent that. Now, if we do get a good one for once, you'll see everyone is onboard with management and the thread becomes a party... I'm still waiting for the party.
lol this forum is a joke. Did I get that thread locked by discussing the marginal cost of each unit produced? How is that off topic from earnings release?

I only went to that thread because I got notified about active thread discussions in my email box. Going to unsub completely...the sensitivity level of mods in this forum is something else
No, but you can't please everyone. We are told we aren't moderating enough, and now too much. We just do our best and use our best judgment, but apparently that makes us too sensitive now.
lol this forum is a joke. Did I get that thread locked by discussing the marginal cost of each unit produced? How is that off topic from earnings release?

I only went to that thread because I got notified about active thread discussions in my email box. Going to unsub completely...the sensitivity level of mods in this forum is something else
If you think this forum is a joke, there are other places to go. It's a free universe.

We are a community, and we are here to support one another. The moderators do their best to keep within the guidelines which have been clearly outlined and agreed to by all members who sign up.

No one is forcing you to be here.

Having said that, your specific post was not the reason that thread got locked. So don't flatter yourself. Sometimes threads go on way too long and stop being useful due to random, uninstantiated opinions being shot off in rapid succession. I agree with @Genghis, this is somewhat to be expected after an earnings call, which is why we give a little more leeway during those times. But eventually, we do try to reign it in a bit. Just to keep things in the useful space.

Monday-morning quarterbacking is very tiresome to most of the forum members here.
No, but you can't please everyone. We are told we aren't moderating enough, and now too much. We just do our best and use our best judgment, but apparently that makes us too sensitive now.
I personally think the moderators are doing an amazing job!
I personally think the moderators are doing an amazing job!
Agree on most counts. In addition, if we dont stop arguing here, then even this thread will be locked and that would be terribly ironic.
Monday-morning quarterbacking is very tiresome to most of the forum members here.
Also, its wednesday.
(joking although wednesday is not a good day of the week either)
Pertinent guideline:
“please refrain from telling Lucid what they should do or how they should run their business; “armchair CEO” comments are widespread on the internet.”
When I was at Quail for the Sapphire reveal, I introduced my (non-Lucid) buddy to Peter. I stepped away and was filming him with Peter and streamed it to a WhatsApp chat group that we're in of all non-Lucid owners (but me). Then I started looking at the body language of both men and came back to hear my friend literally telling Peter how to run the company! I was aghast and told him so and later apologized to Peter! To this day, whenever he has suggestions in the group they chastise him and say, "oh, Mr. Smarty-pants, the way you told the Lucid CEO how to run his company?" Its a constant source of poking fun at him!

The anecdote probably won't read funny but it is to me and I was reminded of it when I read Bobby's comment so here's me doing an LOL: 🤣
When I was at Quail for the Sapphire reveal, I introduced my (non-Lucid) buddy to Peter. I stepped away and was filming him with Peter and streamed it to a WhatsApp chat group that we're in of all non-Lucid owners (but me). Then I started looking at the body language of both men and came back to hear my friend literally telling Peter how to run the company! I was aghast and told him so and later apologized to Peter! To this day, whenever he has suggestions in the group they chastise him and say, "oh, Mr. Smarty-pants, the way you told the Lucid CEO how to run his company?" Its a constant source of poking fun at him!

The anecdote probably won't read funny but it is to me and I was reminded of it when I read Bobby's comment so here's me doing an LOL: 🤣
Now we know why lucid isnt delivering pures... he decided to listen to your friends advice LOL
I definetly got some warnings from moderators about some of my posts, which I agree were a bit over the top. Overall, I feel moderators are doing a great job keeping the balance. Tough to keep everyone happy.
I generally follow this advice: I’m right/you’re wrong! 🤪