My take is,
> based on
@Adnillien's insights, wherein he established that Lucid Air Trims use the same battery modules on all trims, they should be able to charged at the same rate. Furthermore, according to Lucid's disclosure, the Wunderbocx is CAPABLE of delivering 925V+ to the AGT and ~750V to the other trims.
How the Wunderbox meters its charging voltage/current (i.e., the algorithm) in the different trims ultimately determines the charge rate and charge time of each trim. Is this statement correct?
If so, other than the charging curves which, I assume, embodies the charging algorithm for each trim I haven't seen any other data that tells us how fast each trim charges and the resultant charge times. There are published charging curves for the AGT. I think some reviewers have provided charging curves for the Pure and the Touring. I don't think these curves were done under laboratory controls hence, the results might be affected by other factors.
Assuming the Wunderbox is NOT the limiter on the Purse/Touring trims, I'd think one could calculate the charging speed/ charging time from the information above. Has anyone done that analysis for their Touring/Pure?
Again, factors outside of Lucid's control also affect the charging speed (DCFC power/voltage/utility balancing etc., parasitic charging overheads, etc.). Thus, what the owners experience at the charging station is an amalgamation of all of the above.
Feel free to correct any of my mis-statements.