FSD is rolling out to every Tesla! It’s about time because we just don’t have enough Bay Bridge pileups


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Oct 12, 2021
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Baahstan, MA
This has been going on for years and Tesla has been given a free ride to do what they want. How many NHSTA investigators have been done on Tesla and no consequences? Blood is on Elons hands but also the Fed and State Governments for allowing them to abuse the rules.
It’s true. Per Elmo Musk’s post today on Parler, FSD is rolling out to all Tesla owners who bought it so that we can all experience this:

Random phantom braking like this is exactly why I had to stop using FSD altogether on highways. Sad to hear of the injuries.

If you are ready and paying attention, you can get the car back up to speed before being rear-ended. This driver could have panicked. Or they could have been playing video games.

Good thing they‘ve announced they will be removing the steering wheel nag soon.
Maybe this is controversial, but anyone who panics during a phantom brake has no business driving.. Car slow down? Press go pedal.. especially at high speeds. It looks like they totally gave up and panicked.

The government needs to rein this fool (Elon) in
Maybe this is controversial, but anyone who panics during a phantom brake has no business driving.. Car slow down? Press go pedal.. especially at high speeds. It looks like they totally gave up and panicked.

The government needs to rein this fool (Elon) in
I’ve been driving a Tesla when it’s phantomed braked numerous times and even paying attention, if a car was behind me I would’ve been rear ended on the freeway. It’s outright dangerous! Yes, some drivers abuse FSD and don’t pay attention but for those paying attention if you have a car directly behind you it’s going to be hard to avoid being rear ended.

It’s should never have been called “autopilot” “FSD” it’s misleading and puts people into a false sense of security to a point that people strongly believe that Tesla is the leader in this space when they’re not.

Audi was the first automaker in the world to put LiDAR on a consumer vehicle with the 2017 or 2018 A8. They were the first automaker in the world to have Level 3 (in Germany) but dropped it soon after. The 2019 eTron was equipped with LiDAR also and its ADAS/Lane Keeping was on par with Tesla in my opinion. Now Mercedes is the first automaker in the US to secure Level 3 which they’re also going to accept legal responsibility if the car crashes while engaged.

Tesla isn’t the leader in this space, if it’s anyone, it’s the Germans but they’re just more cautious about the implementation. Ask anyone, I can almost guarantee that they think Tesla is the only one who can do this and no one else.

Like you said, Elon needs to be reined in as he misrepresented what this system is from day 1
I also love how the fanboys are blaming the other drivers for not keeping a safe distance to have avoided rear ending the Tesla. :rolleyes:
I’m afraid that Mercedes has the permission. But you cannot buy it for the S-Class or EQS right now. At least it is not in the German configurator.

On the other hand I can tell that the normal system works extremely well. Today I have driven from Zürich to Munich, about 200 miles, without a single error. I just needed to touch the steering wheel ever 30 seconds, driving 100+ mph in Germany.
About a year and half too late for me as I paid for FSD for my 2015 and 2019 model S.
I’m afraid that Mercedes has the permission. But you cannot buy it for the S-Class or EQS right now. At least it is not in the German configurator.

On the other hand I can tell that the normal system works extremely well. Today I have driven from Zürich to Munich, about 200 miles, without a single error. I just needed to touch the steering wheel ever 30 seconds, driving 100+ mph in Germany.
That's pretty sweet.

I drove only about 30 or so miles today with Lucid's Highway Assist with no issues whatsoever. In wet, foggy, crap weather. Compared to my experience with FSD, it is truly a Dream Drive, even if it is technically less capable on paper.