EA Megathread

Way too many first-time EV buyers still understand nothing about voltage and charging speed
This is a big problem also and not just the fault of first time EV buyers but it falls squarely on EA as well. Is the congestion happening with all chargers delivering the correct power? Just because a charger is "working" doesn't mean its meeting the requirements of what the car is capable of. I've pulled into EA stations where 35kWh is being delivered with 15% SoC which we all know it WAY under what the car can receive at that level of SoC. It therefore starts a ripple effect of cars charging slower, taking longer, lines build up. I think EA limiting to 85% is a step in the right direction (for now) to try and avoid people hogging chargers BUT how much congestion is happening because the chargers are power limited also?

If they're still adamant on only building sites with 6 to 8 chargers then they also need to have a better design layout. Each charger should have 2 spots assigned to it. One for the person charging and one for the person waiting. At the moment it's a hot mess on who's waiting etc. Now if they were REALLY smart they could take the data in realtime from the charger and actually do a queue management system. Eg: Take the car that has the highest SoC at the charger and tell the person coming in to wait in the spot for that charger to free up. EA can't even get the charger status to be accurate so we all know anything beyond that is a pipe dream though. The Mercedes charging is a perfect example of how this can be done though.
A new version of EA's app give info about reduced-power charging stations:
Yesterday when the app mentioned reduced power, it was the best I saw at that station at that soc in a while
Newbie here. Just got my lucid pure and was told EA is no longer free and was not being offered since last year? Any input is appreciated thanks!
Newbie here. Just got my lucid pure and was told EA is no longer free and was not being offered since last year? Any input is appreciated thanks!
Depends on the car you get. Some older cars in inventory still seem to have it.

They were supposed to move away from free EA a while ago, but many here have reported getting it, anyway.

I wouldn’t be surprised if model year 2025 cars do not get it, though.

Like many things with Lucid, it’s not entirely clear.