I know that is why I came back

. Trust me I bought the Stock first and the Car second. I was very invested in Lucid but disappointed in their execution and hence have sold 2/3rds of my Stock and moved a lot of it to RIVN. They guessed right that Trucks and SUV’s are most popular and it did not hurt that they also make Vans and have a ready buyer in a major stockholder and giant suck as Amazon. The PIF is pfft in my personal opinion. They also have 3 times the Cash as Lucid. They are not without issues either but their model seems better for now.
The Gravity is but a dream for now given their current issues.
I am ready to admit I may have a Lemon on my hands but can’t use it to make Lemonade

. But it is functional for now AND Definitely a JOY to Drive HOWEVER I am selfish and want/need the perfect package.
I appreciate all that you guys share and don’t mind you having fun at my expense