Charging options

Is it a smart charger i.e. can you schedule a charge time?
Yes you can, it has tons and tons of smart features - here is a super detailed review

The only issue is the hose when it is super cold, but I park in my garage, so I am not worried about that and I love how small clean it looks.
Yes you can, it has tons and tons of smart features - here is a super detailed review

The only issue is the hose when it is super cold, but I park in my garage, so I am not worried about that and I love how small clean it looks.
I see Tom is using his Lucid mug at the end of the review!
I am months away from getting my Lucid but Amazon had the Wallbox Pulsar Plus for $100 off, so I ordered it now. I like how small it is and its features.

Plus if I made the wrong decision, I can easily return it. Did I make a mistake?

No, it’s great. Has a great Home Assistant integration too.
I am months away from getting my Lucid but Amazon had the Wallbox Pulsar Plus for $100 off, so I ordered it now. I like how small it is and its features.

Plus if I made the wrong decision, I can easily return it. Did I make a mistake?
Rats … did I miss this discount?

This table may be useful for others who land on this page from a web search like I did. From the Lucid Mobile Charging Cable (North America) User Manual (linked from here):

NEMA Plug TypeCurrentVoltagePower (kW)
1.3 kW​
9.6 kW​
5.7 kW​
And don't forget the preferred possibility of using a hardwired charging station instead of the mobile charger: 240V at 32 amps (7.7kW, a low but reasonable charging rate) up to 80 amps (19.2kW, the Air's maximum AC charging rate).