I have now completed my road trip and located the Trip Information screen for the return drive. I drove a total of 276 miles and consumed 84kwh for an efficiency of 3.3 mi/kWh per the trip computer. This was a combination of 100 miles at 63 mph on a two lane highway with a few towns to drive through and the remainder on the interstate at 83 mph when traffic allowed. Traffic was heavy coming into Dallas so there was some stop and go driving.
3.3 mi/kWh is about right for 20”, 19” would be normally frequently 3.6 mi/kWh and 21” often reported 3.0 mi/kWh.
IMO, the sweetest spot is somewhere between 50~60 mph for EPA.
I did stop to charge after 158 miles of driving. When pulling into EA I was at 48% SOC and left with 79% SOC so I added 31%. When I arrived home I had 39% SOC remaining (got stuck at EA because of someone asking me lots of questions about the car so charged more than planned haha). By the SOC math had I not charged I would have arrived with 8% remaining. However if I look at kWh consumed during the trip of 84kWh wouldn't that leave 4kWh in the battery upon arrival or around 5% ? Thoughts? Temperature ranged from 63 to 70 Fahrenheit and I am on 20 inch weeks.
Your efficiency since last charged and tripometer may be slightly different. One includes idle usage when you stop your car for break.
Also there is transmission heat loss when charging, somewhere like 15% discrepancy from what EA dispensed and what your car translated receiving.
Other observations from the trip :
Charger number 2 at EA mount Pleasant Tx failed to authenticate and timed out. When I reconnected the app displaced a pop up on my phone screen saying to authenticate via the app. Took me a sec to figure out and by that time it had timed out again. I tried a 3rd time but was still having issues so moved over to charger 3 and had to authenticate via Lucid app.
Every time whenever I have authentication issue, I just move to a different stall. I somehow cannot see authentication in my Lucid Mobile app.
Cables are short here so you have to pull up quite a bit. Charging rate started at 115 kW but quickly fell to around 75kW on a 350kw charger. No one else was charging.
To get real high charge of 350kW, you have to be under 20% SOC and 2nd generation EA stalls. At least, that’s what I observed. I don’t like to arrive EA at low SOC. One time arrived 10% at Denton, TX seeing EA stalls were not working for me but working for other brands EV. That almost rendered me a panic attack.
I stopped at about 100 miles into the trip for coffee and when I returned to the car I had an error on the left side of the main instrument screen about adaptive cruise control not being available ( I think, it went away quickly). The pilot panel and right side of the main screen were black. Slight concern set in but I waited and then the screens turned to the starry night with LUCID logo. I waited maybe 30 seconds more and everything sprung to life. I proceeded with the trip without incident and all systems were functional.
Nothing to be concerned of, just communication lag. There are like 90+ pieces Integrated Circuit boards on this EV trying to talk to each other. To me, the real metric of latency reduced is after you hit brake, and see both 360 and front camera on the screen loaded. UX20 focus on fast boot up, but to have all subsystems boot up and sync’d still do take some time in real world. This EV just have too many subsystems, especially DreamDrive components.
Highway assist is fantastic. It does have moments where it wants to drift to one side or the other in your lane. This appears to happen with poor marking, construction zones or anything that makes your lane unclear. Once you understand when the reactions of HA might be a bit off you can simply control the car through these areas. It takes a bit of pressure on the wheel to keep Highway Assist happy and pass the hands on the wheel test. It took me a bit to perfect my technique for this. The system combined with adaptive cruise works really well.
Yes, I enjoy the HA myself. Looking forward for the next long trip on interstate to use it. The Tollway in Houston I used the most has geofenced blocked for HA.