Cellular provider


Active Member
Verified Owner
Jun 22, 2022
Reaction score
Honda Accord Hybrid
I vaguely remember this being discussed a long time ago. In the recent update thread, many users referred to positioning the car for the best AT&T cellular signal. We've acknowledged that AT&T is built into the car for updates and entertainment. At some point, Lucid will begin charging for this service. My question is: can the cell provider ultimately be changed? Does it use a SIM card or esim? Would users have the right/ability to change the cell provider for the car to T-Mobile or Verizon? I don't look forward to paying for two separate cell subscriptions, one for my phones and the other for my car. I've used AT&T and I much prefer T-Mobile.
Not sure this is the right question. All our other cars had cellular service for updates and core function. None have ever charged a fee for this service. Only for add ons like hot spot in your car, etc. also never heard of an auto manufacturer giving an owner a choice of service.
Th question is legitimate. There is a clear statement in the purchase agreement that leaves the door open for charging a fee for the cell service after the first year. It may not come to pass, however, the company has that option.
Not sure this is the right question. All our other cars had cellular service for updates and core function. None have ever charged a fee for this service. Only for add ons like hot spot in your car, etc. also never heard of an auto manufacturer giving an owner a choice of service.
I have 2 cars with similar service that have a sim card slot, and you can swap any sim you like. Agree, the basic functionality is included. But for reasons of service, you can change it. For me, AT&T has poor service around where I live. I have already noticed that things like Tidal fail often because of it.