Observations about the time it takes me to receive my OTA Updates...

Buffalo Bob

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Nov 23, 2023
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Arizona & Washington
Pure AWD 19" No Aeros
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In the past, I have scratched my head as to why I always seem to be so late receiving updates, and despite me being a far more dense person than most, I think I may have discovered a reason why.

I keep my Lucid parked in a high-rise garage where it sits two levels below grade. While I have the car connected to two very robust wi-fi setups, my car's inbuilt AT&T SIM card has a very 'iffy' connection down there, at best. As I understood the scheme of things, I did not have to worry about the AT&T side of the equation, since the OTA Updates could be delivered via either my wi-fi or AT&T mobile connection.

So, here's the rub... For the last three updates, my Lucid has been in the garage waiting patiently for the update, as I am usually out driving my Bugatti Tourbillon instead. (If you believe that, I have a bridge I would like to sell you.) Days go by with no update, and then I take the Lucid out of the garage for an hour or so, and suddenly... there's the update!

A coincidence? Perhaps, but I'm really wondering if these OTA updates can't get downloaded without at least a little bit of access to the AT&T mobile connection.

Has anyone observed anything that might validate this hypothesis?
I think you hit the nail on the head, which has also been my experience. ATT signal sucks in my garage, and the only time I seem to get updates is when I drive around. I just got the update while on a drive outside.

During a service session with engineering, the update wouldn't remotely start on Wi-Fi, and we were scratching our heads about why. It started fine after moving the cars outside the garage and disabling the Wi-Fi, and later, it resumed fine on Wi-Fi.

I think it needs a tiny bit of ATT signal to start the download over Wi-Fi, some kind of push to the car to go ahead and pull down the update. I wish there was an opportunity to get a detailed explanation from Lucid by talking to someone at engineering.
Yeah, I have excrable ATT&T signal at my house (go figure - it's my work provided carrier) and I usually have to wait until pretty late into the rollout to receive my updates. I keep it parked in the garage with excellent wifi, I rotate it out into the yard to get some modicum of signal, but I'll need to test if driving it to an area with 5G+ will trigger an update.
Don’t think that is the case. They roll the software out in waves. I don’t have a service issue yet I did not get 2.4 about 3-4 weeks after the release. They don’t want a sudden surge in support calls if there are issues. Easier to deal with a smaller subset and they may need to create subsequent patches if needed.
Don’t think that is the case. They roll the software out in waves. I don’t have a service issue yet I did not get 2.4 about 3-4 weeks after the release. They don’t want a sudden surge in support calls if there are issues. Easier to deal with a smaller subset and they may need to create subsequent patches if needed.

I agree with rolling in waves. However, I have always received an update since my first working with service while my car was on a trip. It has never happened in the garage on excellent Wi-Fi but with minimal to no cell. This, combined with the fact that the service couldn't initiate a push while on Wi-Fi but not cell signal, gives some cadence to this theory, IMO.
I've subconsciously registered that I get updates when connected to ATT. Since I've not received it yet and the car has been parked connected to WI-FI for a few days, I just went and parked it outside, confirmed ATT reception. Let's see if the experiment works..!
It seems counter-intuitive to rely on AT&T signal strength to initiative the update as most of us can find ways to improve wi-fi in the garage but have no control over AT&T.
That said, AT&T is weak in my area, and I'm still waiting for the latest update.
It does not require AT&T. Once upon a time, on the old OTA system (aka pre-2.1.43) it did, but the new one should download it just fine over WiFi.

However, I have found that occasionally just waking up the car will trigger it to download and/or notify me.

I wouldn’t read into the LTE thing too much. I suspect if you had woken up your car and waited (and ensured you were on WiFi) it would’ve worked the same.

There is one caveat: if the WiFi you are connected to has a private DNS that is blocking certain domains (like Amazon S3), for example, then that could get in the way of things.
It does not require AT&T. Once upon a time, on the old OTA system (aka pre-2.1.43) it did, but the new one should download it just fine over WiFi.

However, I have found that occasionally just waking up the car will trigger it to download and/or notify me.

I wouldn’t read into the LTE thing too much. I suspect if you had woken up your car and waited (and ensured you were on WiFi) it would’ve worked the same.

There is one caveat: if the WiFi you are connected to has a private DNS that is blocking certain domains (like Amazon S3), for example, then that could get in the way of things.
... but I wake the car up many times a day, whether I'm driving it or not... especially so when waiting on an update. And, both of my wi-fi connections were installed specifically for EV downloads. Sorry, but I'm not ready to accept dismissing this notion without some more definitive proof than you saying that it 'should' download just fine over wi-fi.

You're probably right, given your proven history, but I'm not sure you're batting 1,000, so I remain skeptical.
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It is random you are over thinking it. I have gotten some updates early, I have got some late. Car is not connected to WiFi. Car is parked outdoors in the same spot.
One thing I've noticed is that on my WIFI (which I have a ton off traffic rules for my kids) the Lucid was reporting a number of a issues connecting to different locations while on my network. It appears to use different peer and VPN networks and manages its own DNS. If you are blocking any of those things on your network it could prevent the update. I'm testing this now as previously I've updated via ATT. Yesterday I went through my logs and allowed the Lucid onto a newly created EV network that allows it access to everything. With any luck it will update over WIFI. Plus I want to monitor the traffic to see when/where it's happening.
It is random you are over thinking it. I have gotten some updates early, I have got some late. Car is not connected to WiFi. Car is parked outdoors in the same spot.
None of us are saying that the rollouts are not done in a wave of some sort over a matter of days if not weeks. That's why it isn't easy to determine nuances like this. Besides, please bear in mind that I am speculating, while you are proclamating.
I also think you might be on to something. What if the update can be downloaded over WiFi but the check for a new version itself is over Att cellular when the car wakes up? Previously, I would get updates much later 1-2 weeks from announcement. Exception was the 2.4.10 where it took over the month ( I am not complaining due to issues being resolved ). After that I deliberately turned off wifi entirely and just keep car connected to Att cellular when parked in the garage. The latest 2.5.0 update I received a day after it was announced. Again it's my own experience that could have been a random coincidence.
I also think you might be on to something. What if the update can be downloaded over WiFi but the check for a new version itself is over Att cellular when the car wakes up? Previously, I would get updates much later 1-2 weeks from announcement. Exception was the 2.4.10 where it took over the month ( I am not complaining due to issues being resolved ). After that I deliberately turned off wifi entirely and just keep car connected to Att cellular when parked in the garage. The latest 2.5.0 update I received a day after it was announced. Again it's my own experience that could have been a random coincidence.

A cellular version check would be a very plausible explanation for what some of us are experiencing. There may be others, or I'm willing to acknowledge that there may be none. It would be really interesting if Lucid had the bandwidth to issue an OTA that was pushed to everyone at the same time, as it would make it much easier to figure out what factors, if any, might affect receiving it.
It seems counter-intuitive to rely on AT&T signal strength to initiative the update as most of us can find ways to improve wi-fi in the garage but have no control over AT&T.
That said, AT&T is weak in my area, and I'm still waiting for the latest update.

You may be right, but it is conceivable that some cars might never be connected to a wi-fi signal, but any car on the road in the US would likely encounter an AT&T signal at times.

Why don't you head out to breakfast in a nearby AT&T hot zone, have a nice breakfast, and let us know what happens? It's a beautiful morning in Scottsdale!
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I've subconsciously registered that I get updates when connected to ATT. Since I've not received it yet and the car has been parked connected to WI-FI for a few days, I just went and parked it outside, confirmed ATT reception. Let's see if the experiment works..!

Hi, @lucidtouringman! Anything to report on your experiment?
I have strong ATT 5G and strong WiFi in the garage and receive updates toward the end off rollouts.
My Touring just updated last evening. We have strong AT&T service and WiFi connections in the garage. I’m also 100% sure the update was downloaded over WiFi because I happened to be doing maintenance on our router and saw the several GB streaming to the Lucid and waited to reboot. The app notified me that the update was available seconds after the large block of data to the Lucid stopped. Of course, it’s possible that an initial wake-up over cellular initiated the download via WiFi.

The previous telematics update definitely downloaded over cellular because I was parked at a hotel garage when that was pushed out.
In the past, I have scratched my head as to why I always seem to be so late receiving updates, and despite me being a far more dense person than most, I think I may have discovered a reason why.

I keep my Lucid parked in a high-rise garage where it sits two levels below grade. While I have the car connected to two very robust wi-fi setups, my car's inbuilt AT&T SIM card has a very 'iffy' connection down there, at best. As I understood the scheme of things, I did not have to worry about the AT&T side of the equation, since the OTA Updates could be delivered via either my wi-fi or AT&T mobile connection.

So, here's the rub... For the last three updates, my Lucid has been in the garage waiting patiently for the update, as I am usually out driving my Bugatti Tourbillon instead. (If you believe that, I have a bridge I would like to sell you.) Days go by with no update, and then I take the Lucid out of the garage for an hour or so, and suddenly... there's the update!

A coincidence? Perhaps, but I'm really wondering if these OTA updates can't get downloaded without at least a little bit of access to the AT&T mobile connection.

Has anyone observed anything that might validate this hypothesis?

I think you're on to something, especially after reading other posts about driving to an area with strong AT&T and getting notice quickly. We have strong AT&T signal here and my car is outside 99% of the time and I get notice of updates shortly after new updates are issued.

FTR, I only update when the car is parked in a clear sky space and I certainly wouldn't rely on Xfinity's glitchy wifi service for an update.