Like many of you I've experienced the extended glances (more so gawking) and/or stares in the store parking lots, at intersections, etc. As well, I've been stopped and asked more questions than I can remember since taking delivery of my AGT. However the most amusing reaction I experienced's morning rush hour (~7:30 AM) and a woman driving a [brand] new Chevy Suburban pulled along-side of me as I transitioned down an on ramp to the 101 Frwy (in Peoria, AZ). She rolls down her [front] passenger window (embarrassing her teenage daughter) and shouts at me if I would tell her the name of my car, provide her the company name or website, or better yet.. could I just pull off the Frwy at the next exit so she could get the information!
After my initial curiosity and wonder for why someone would be yelling at me as I rolled to a stop at the Frwy on-ramp signal (I thought I may have cut her off or something to that sort), I recognized by the expression on her daughter's face that she was a 'fan'-atic of my AGT and was obviously an extrovert unashamed of gaining the information she wanted a manner most would see as unusual [to say the least].
Note: Cosmos Cruz.. my AGT is nicknamed, "George" for obvious reasons. Thanks for the cartoon pic as it's confirmation my daughter & I name my AGT accordingly!
And for those curious to know if I pulled over, the answer is no. I told her my cars maker's name was spelled out across the back and she could simply add a ".com" to it and learn everything there was to know. Given the recent rise in gas prices I wonder if she planned on trading in the Suburban?!