"Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

I posted the same thing... now we all know who is holding a bunch of shares
Seems market is not liking it. Dont know what happens next.
Surprised that he didn’t have a technical role either like CTO or chief engineer. Just wow! I am shocked.
I was taken aback by this but maybe he can concentrate on the tech now? Market seems to like this however.
I was taken aback by this but maybe he can concentrate on the tech now? Market sends to like this however.

He has no formal role in running the company other than advising the board right? That’s how I read it. He seems to be out for good.
Meeting Peter and having open discussions about the challenges facing the Air at the time, he really impressed me as a person and was someone I respected which played a pivotal role in why I stuck with the brand through it woes.. His passion and expertise in engineering were undeniable. However, in the past 8 to 12 months, I began to doubt whether he was the right person to lead the company. Despite promising software improvements and upcoming features, significant progress has been lacking, and now we’re facing issues with Gravity’s release. As a CEO, you need to deliver results, and while I firmly believe Lucid has the best technology and engineering on the market, with Peter playing a crucial role, they’ve struggled to execute things efficiently. Recently, it’s felt like everything is talk without any tangible action.

It would have been beneficial if Peter had stayed in the CTO role or focused solely on engineering, allowing the CEO title to be given to someone else so it's a shame to see him step right back.
This abrupt change at the top of the company is business as usual for the Saudis, they do this all the time, just read the news. And I have a feeling it has something to do with his 80% supplier / 20% car manufacturer comment.
I've been optimistic and bullish despite all the negativity going around and the current delays with the Gravity, which is expected, until Peter made the comment of making the company 80% supplier / 20% car manufacturers, which made me worry so much about the future of the company and its focus on ramping up sales to generate profit.
With all due respect to Peter, but this was the worst time to make such a comment while everyone is waiting for the Gravity and wondering why the delays and no communication, entering the SUV market is a huge deal, and planning for the midsize Lucid is the path to mass market and growth. The 80% / 20% comment isn't inline with these immediate goals, and makes investors worry about the focus of leadership.
It also made me wonder, is this why they focus so much on publicizing the Sapphire to show case the company as a technology supplier, since we all know they'll only sell a handful of Sapphires and it's not the way to generate profit and grow the company.
Meeting Peter and having open discussions about the challenges facing the Air at the time, he really impressed me as a person and was someone I respected which played a pivotal role in why I stuck with the brand through it woes.. His passion and expertise in engineering were undeniable. However, in the past 8 to 12 months, I began to doubt whether he was the right person to lead the company. Despite promising software improvements and upcoming features, significant progress has been lacking, and now we’re facing issues with Gravity’s release. As a CEO, you need to deliver results, and while I firmly believe Lucid has the best technology and engineering on the market, with Peter playing a crucial role, they’ve struggled to execute things efficiently. Recently, it’s felt like everything is talk without any tangible action.

It would have been beneficial if Peter had stayed in the CTO role or focused solely on engineering, allowing the CEO title to be given to someone else so it's a shame to see him step right back.
I agree... I could see him best serving lucid as CTO given his proven record as an excellent car engineer. I don't think he's a great CEO, however so I welcome the change. The company has withered for far too long waiting for certain improvements in areas like marketing. I think overall this is positive. The after hours market seems to agree.
I agree with @tonybot, in that there's a big difference between a role as Strategic Technical Advisor to the board vs. the company. My guess is that all of the churn at the various executive levels is a key driver.