Android Auto Thursday

...except that I use Waze and then I also use my Libby and other apps for audiobooks.
Unfortunately, none of these are in the native UI which is why I like AA. None of this is game ending but it's safer and more convenient to have AA directly.
Or the ability to run Waze, Google Maps, Pocketcasts, etc natively on the car.
Happy Android Auto Thursday!!!!

Just remember that "Hope is patience with the lamp lit." - Tertullian
... "and let the shortfall be divided equally among the peasants." - Third Party App Integration Team
Hey... Perhaps some of you long-timers can enlighten me... I didn't get my Pure until 11/23, and some of the dialogue here suggests that Android Auto was actually released at some point, and then summarily taken away and never mentioned again. What happened in the interim to cause that? Did it melt the right display? Did it cause stoplights to simultaneously turn green in all four directions? Did dogs start sleeping with cats? Seriously, folks... Inquiring (albeit feeble) minds want to know!
Hey... Perhaps some of you long-timers can enlighten me... I didn't get my Pure until 11/23, and some of the dialogue here suggests that Android Auto was actually released at some point, and then summarily taken away and never mentioned again. What happened in the interim to cause that? Did it melt the right display? Did it cause stoplights to simultaneously turn green in all four directions? Did dogs start sleeping with cats? Seriously, folks... Inquiring (albeit feeble) minds want to know!
Wait... it did? I haven't heard about that! Many users have used "aftermarket" AA solutions, if that is what you were referring to. I don't think AA has officially been released, ever.

(if this is a joke, terribly sorry for misunderstanding. I see how it could be one)
Hey... Perhaps some of you long-timers can enlighten me... I didn't get my Pure until 11/23, and some of the dialogue here suggests that Android Auto was actually released at some point, and then summarily taken away and never mentioned again. What happened in the interim to cause that? Did it melt the right display? Did it cause stoplights to simultaneously turn green in all four directions? Did dogs start sleeping with cats? Seriously, folks... Inquiring (albeit feeble) minds want to know!
There are as never AA in the car. Always hinted at with soon after CarPlay and then that went away as well.
Wait... it did? I haven't heard about that! Many users have used "aftermarket" AA solutions, if that is what you were referring to. I don't think AA has officially been released, ever.

(if this is a joke, terribly sorry for misunderstanding. I see how it could be one)

Not a joke. I really thought I read that somewhere herein. Geez.. Maybe my mind is more feeble than I think!
Not a joke. I really thought I read that somewhere herein. Geez.. Maybe my mind is more feeble than I think!
My apologies! I just did a keyword search, and I think I was recalling how Lucid had removed any mention of Android Auto from their web site. Not the software itself. Sorry about that.
I hear AA will be released as soon as Google purchases Lucid. Which means... never.
My daughter's Bolt has Android Auto. Maybe if Lucid dropped the Air's charging rate to 50 kW, we could not only have this wonderful software, but HOURS of time to play with it while the car charges.
My daughter's Bolt has Android Auto. Maybe if Lucid dropped the Air's charging rate to 50 kW, we could not only have this wonderful software, but HOURS of time to play with it while the car charges.
But it should only work while you're charging at EA, with several cars waiting. Of course it works best at 80-100% SOC, so you would only have a good 2 hours then...
I have accepted that we will not get AA in our Airs until after the Gravity release. I feel a profound sense of calm now - possibly from my acquiescence or reading the Car Play bug reports from release 2.2.2 😜

Happy AA Thursday fellow Lucid converts!
I was kind of thinking the same thing too! :)
But it should only work while you're charging at EA, with several cars waiting. Of course it works best at 80-100% SOC, so you would only have a good 2 hours then...
Don't forget you also need to plug into a 350 kwh charger because it "charges the car faster!"
I went ahead and got an now I have both 😂 totally worth it. They have some promos on all these devices figured it was worth a shot; Happy I did. Makes the interface experience more enjoyable along with app variety
All this because HERE maps and Alexa are poor substitutes for Google Maps (or Waze) and voice Assistant.