Android Auto Thursday

Uhh... he also has an android lol 🤣

On a worldwide basis we cannot be sure, but in the US iPhones are more common with Lucids as evidenced by the numerous polls!
FWIW there's so much fallacy in this - we could just as easily say "look how much Lucid is missing out on because most Android users just won't buy the car"
The most expensive Android phones are as much as the priciest iPhones. Most Android users buy much cheaper Android phones. Apple has nothing that cheap. Although there is the SE, as well as one or two prior generation phones Apple continues to sell.

It’s important to keep in mind in all this talk of “Apple” vs “Android” that we’re not talking about one company vs. another. It’s Apple vs dozens of other companies combined.

Apple just outsold Samsung in Europe last quarter. It’s not like they are a small player over there.
I imagine, if you're trying to truly sort by a demo that is considering a Lucid vehicle, you're really comparing a Samsung model or two and Pixel models with iPhones. Not much else.

All of this is loose and doesn't get much at causal relationships. If I wanted to truly try and get a TAM, I'd want information not on "iPhone users spend more on apps, likely more disposable income" (so?) but to cut that against users of similarly priced Android phones, and to cut the iPhone vs Android market share by those with an income of...idk at least $100k/year household? (just grabbing a number POOMA style for the point). Because it's quite possible that if you looked only at high income iPhone and Android users, we might find those people tend to both have more disposable income AND waste less money on many apps and microtransactions and small purchases.

Point it, you want to try and get at the Lucid TAM, and then get the stats for people in that demo. And then, and then, and then, etc.

Then you'd want to consider other things - such as the fact that I'm annoyed the Lucid native navigation sucks (I really don't understand why you would ever make that choice vs native Google maps if you don't have your own charging network), but I just have Google maps up on my phone. Which I'm totally fine with, except the mag-charging blocks a third of the map! It's very weird to me, but I also have little understanding of programming, why you can't just have your phone screen appear on the main screen. That seems like a bandaid that would solve the vast majority of complaints - just have the ability to mirror the phone on the main screen as one of the left hand side or top or bottom options (like where you have climate, openings, etc).
It's very weird to me, but I also have little understanding of programming, why you can't just have your phone screen appear on the main screen. That seems like a bandaid that would solve the vast majority of complaints - just have the ability to mirror the phone on the main screen as one of the left hand side or top or bottom options (like where you have climate, openings, etc).
I suspect it’s the regulatory factors most of us are largely unaware of more than technical factors. There are all kinds of oddly specific regulations for car UIs, plus Apple and Google both have their own regulations for how CarPlay / AA can be displayed. Some car manufacturers have workarounds, some have adopted newer CarPlay/AA features, etc. I suspect the situation will improve somehow in/after the UX 3.0 release, but who knows.
Well, finally bit the bullet and just went with the previous suggestion from @Bocabob

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Also, he’s not wrong. People with iPhones have higher incomes on average. People who buy Lucids also have higher incomes on average, over and over again, across multiple studies.
It depends on what you are looking for and it's all relative. Do Lucid buyers have higher income than Tesla buyers? Perhaps. Would it be true of Tesla buyers from a decade ago, adjusted for inflation? Perhaps not. I don't know the actual numbers, but now that Tesla makes the Model 3, I'd expect the average income of a Tesla buyer to be lower. But I also don't expect that there are a lot of people deciding between a Lucid and a Model 3.

Likewise, "an Android phone" isn't even in the same category as "an iPhone" and it's a false comparison. One is a specific brand, with phones that fall within a narrow range. The other is an operating system that appears on phones from a variety of manufacturers, at varying price levels. A more fair comparison would be any given iPhone model with an Android phone in the same price range. Otherwise, you'd merely be saying that people who have lower incomes may tend to buy less expensive phones, or that people who buy less expensive phones tend to have less income. And if you want to compare a phone brand to an operating system, you'd have to include any devices running Android that are capable of making phone calls. That would include the computer that I'm typing this on, which costs more than any iPhone.

What's the average income of a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra buyer? I'd expect buyers of a $1600 phone to have more income on average than somebody who pays $758 on average for an iPhone.

I personally don't find it very surprising that studies find that people who buy more expensive things tend to have more money, or vice versa. I also doubt that many people with Android phones will stay away from Lucids. Personally, I'd prefer a car that allows me to use Android Auto or Carplay, but has software that's good enough that most people wouldn't need to use them. I'm disappointed not that Lucid lacks Android Auto but that I have the need for it. But if people did stay away from cars for that reason, even if Android had 10% of the market, an 10% loss in customer base could put some companies out of business.
A more fair comparison would be any given iPhone model with an Android phone in the same price range
Nope, because I’m comparing percentages of populations, not percentage of people with an expensive phone. Even if you were to do that, all it means is the already-low percentage of Android users that own a Lucid just got smaller, further disincentivizing building AA.

Otherwise, you'd merely be saying that people who have lower incomes may tend to buy less expensive phones, or that people who buy less expensive phones tend to have less income.
No, I’m saying that people who buy Lucids already own iPhones, as we have seen statistically. I am also saying that the average iPhone is more expensive than the average Android device. The percentage of Android devices that are expensive and own a Lucid are even smaller yet.

And if you want to compare a phone brand to an operating system, you'd have to include any devices running Android that are capable of making phone calls. That would include the computer that I'm typing this on, which costs more than any iPhone.
No, you don’t, because nobody is bringing their Chromebook into their car to be used for Android Auto. This is a strawman.

Otherwise you’d have to include my MacBook Pro, which can also make calls and send texts.

I was obviously not comparing hardware to an OS.

What's the average income of a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra buyer?
Probably pretty high. And the percentage of people that buy a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, relative to those that buy an iPhone, is pretty low.

But if people did stay away from cars for that reason, even if Android had 10% of the market, an 10% loss in customer base could put some companies out of business.
Right, but if your customer base is already 10% Android, that 10% additional loss doesn’t matter very much.
I used to really enjoy this thread to see the witty comments from members about Android Auto or the lack of it. I don't care about who owns what phone nor how much money they have.
Do you prefer this solution over carrying an iphone?
Massively, especially because my Android mobile key works better than the iPhone.
Massively, especially because my Android mobile key works better than the iPhone.
Thanks. I'm thinking about doing the same, and also buying one of those satellite SOS text hotspots. Then I can let my iphone go.
You don't think we will all move on to complaining about something else? Cant wait for Homelink menu tuesdays...
Don’t care about the Homelink menu. HA opens and closes my garage door for me like a beaut. :p
I'll be so happy when this thread meets it natural end.
Yup, and I'm an Android gal, who purchases the most expensive Android phones, which access to AA didn't factor one bit in my decision to purchase my Lucid.
As far as I'm concerned it just works and I'm able to use my phone and anything else I want to plug in so life is good......
And my fob works better than your Android. So there! 😜
I am the OG fob > mobile key user...don't come at me with that weaksauce!