
Updated last night with no issues.
After this update, neither the pilot or cockpit panels cameras work, at all. Pretty bad update for me since it “fixed” a problem I wasn’t having and caused a new one.


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After this update, neither the pilot or cockpit panels cameras work, at all. Pretty bad update for me since it “fixed” a problem I wasn’t having and caused a new one.

Maybe Lucid CS will recommend the hard reboot, if soft reboots don’t work?
After this update, neither the pilot or cockpit panels cameras work, at all. Pretty bad update for me since it “fixed” a problem I wasn’t having and caused a new one.
Something is up with the camera system as a whole as this issue seems to pop up on all versions it's just a matter of which owner is going to cop it and in which version. My cameras have been quite stable in the latest version (they were even better in the early 2.X days) but in .47 they were bad. Now you didn't have an issue in .47 but now in .48 it's a problem. Lucid needs to figure out what the actual issue is and rectify it because it appears the issue is there for all of us it's just a matter of when it shows its ugly head.
I updated to .48 on Wednesday and took the car on a 170 mile road trip today. As I backed out of the driveway. The 360 camera failed to come on. After a soft reset, this worked again. During the drive, I had two episodes when the music stopped and both screens went blank/black. After about a minute, they both came back and everything worked fine. Thankfully driving was never affected. Also, Highway assist worked great until I came to a patch of road where I got the warning the Highway assist was not available and it switched to Adaptive Cruise. A minute later, I got a message that Highway assist was available but I was unable to get it to activate. Furthermore, I was no longer able to use adaptive cruise either after this.
Updated to .48 with the help of @mcr16 … took it for a 30 mile drive. No issues with cameras or other features that I could tell. No nighttime driving yet, so don’t know if there’s a change on headlight performance
Cameras work fine for me but AM/FM radio doesn't work. My dad's DE radio is also out too. I also get this intermittent sound issue where it sounds like the midrange is gone. The blinker sounds are almost inaudible and a call on BT sounded overly bassy. A soft reset fixed it but it was present on 2.0.47 and this update.
Something is up with the camera system as a whole as this issue seems to pop up on all versions it's just a matter of which owner is going to cop it and in which version. My cameras have been quite stable in the latest version (they were even better in the early 2.X days) but in .47 they were bad. Now you didn't have an issue in .47 but now in .48 it's a problem. Lucid needs to figure out what the actual issue is and rectify it because it appears the issue is there for all of us it's just a matter of when it shows its ugly head.
I agree with you and wish I knew what is going on. The crazy thing is that for the last 3 weeks my car would not auto lock after driving it. This was an every single time event.

After playing golf today, I backed out of the parking lot and both cameras came on for the first time in 2 days. When I arrived at my destination, the car auto locked for the first time in 3 weeks. The music also came on right away and didn’t stop.

Can software issues fix themselves without an OTA? As much as I’m pleased that the car drove as it is intended today (except for my mobile keys which never work), part of me would rather that it doesn’t, so when it goes back to Lucid they can diagnosis and then fix the problem.
I agree with you and wish I knew what is going on. The crazy thing is that for the last 3 weeks my car would not auto lock after driving it. This was an every single time event.

After playing golf today, I backed out of the parking lot and both cameras came on for the first time in 2 days. When I arrived at my destination, the car auto locked for the first time in 3 weeks. The music also came on right away and didn’t stop.

Can software issues fix themselves without an OTA? As much as I’m pleased that the car drove as it is intended today (except for my mobile keys which never work), part of me would rather that it doesn’t, so when it goes back to Lucid they can diagnosis and then fix the problem.
Software can indeed appear to “correct itself” if it was in an unstable state, but then was rebooted for some reason. Any number of things could have triggered one system or another to reset.
We went to dinner tonight in the Air and had yet another evening of roaming software malfunctions. Neither the backup nor birds-eye camera images came up when backing out of the garage. After rebooting during a stop to pick up friends, the birds-eye view returned, but the backup display didn't. After another reset at the restaurant, everything seemed to work. Then, after watching a movie at our friends' house and then getting in the car, I got an "Emergency Braking Assist Not Operating" warning. It eventually went out on its own, but I have no idea whether the function actually returned or the warning just timed out.

Our car is back to the pre-UX 2.0 days of frequent, random software malfunctions.

I hope to hell Lucid doesn't release another "update" any time soon, given the hot mess the last two have been. Enough is already haywire with the car's software.
We went to dinner tonight in the Air and had yet another evening of roaming software malfunctions. Neither the backup nor birds-eye camera images came up when backing out of the garage. After rebooting during a stop to pick up friends, the birds-eye view returned, but the backup display didn't. After another reset at the restaurant, everything seemed to work. Then, after watching a movie at our friends' house and then getting in the car, I got an "Emergency Braking Assist Not Operating" warning. It eventually went out on its own, but I have no idea whether the function actually returned or the warning just timed out.

Our car is back to the pre-UX 2.0 days of frequent, random software malfunctions.

I hope to hell Lucid doesn't release another "update" any time soon, given the hot mess the last two have been. Enough is already haywire with the car's software.
I’d recommend a service call. You may have a module that needs to be rebooted.
We went to dinner tonight in the Air and had yet another evening of roaming software malfunctions. Neither the backup nor birds-eye camera images came up when backing out of the garage. After rebooting during a stop to pick up friends, the birds-eye view returned, but the backup display didn't. After another reset at the restaurant, everything seemed to work. Then, after watching a movie at our friends' house and then getting in the car, I got an "Emergency Braking Assist Not Operating" warning. It eventually went out on its own, but I have no idea whether the function actually returned or the warning just timed out.

Our car is back to the pre-UX 2.0 days of frequent, random software malfunctions.

I hope to hell Lucid doesn't release another "update" any time soon, given the hot mess the last two have been. Enough is already haywire with the car's software.
The update was seamless here...all of them have...I feel a bit guilty
Anyone else not receive .48 yet? Given some of the issues that people are having, I'm not rushing to get it installed especially since my car on .47 seems to be working well. However, it's also the first OTA since I got my AT so I'm not sure if it just hasn't gotten to me or it actually skipped me and I have to call CS to have it pushed out manually.
I experienced blackout of the backup and birds-eye cameras for the first time today.
Was backing out of an open public lot and all that was showing on the two screens was the Calif bears.
Luckily, there was still some sunlight for me to see where I was going.
After I got out of the lot, going slow 10 mph, all the images came back ,
Twenty minutes earlier, while waiting at a traffic light, somehow my frunk opened.
I'd place the blame on myself here since I'm not certain if I could have accidentally touched something.
It was a bit unnerving, but very fortunately, I was able to close it before the light turned green.
I do wish that the frunk be disabled from opening when the car is in Drive.
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I know that some software updates require you to unplug your vehicle before installing. Do you unplug for every update even if it doesn't explicitly say to unplug? Is that just good practice?
I know that some software updates require you to unplug your vehicle before installing. Do you unplug for every update even if it doesn't explicitly say to unplug? Is that just good practice?
I always unplug, I thought it said so, but maybe I am just in that habit.
I always unplug, I thought it said so, but maybe I am just in that habit.
I never unplug, almost never. I unplugged once, going from 1.xxx to 2.xxx.
I know that some software updates require you to unplug your vehicle before installing. Do you unplug for every update even if it doesn't explicitly say to unplug? Is that just good practice?

I've done the last two updates from my phone. However, in earlier updates initiated from the car, i was given conflicting messages. The initial update screen said to unplug the vehicle before downloading the update. Then the last screen to confirm you wanted to proceed said that charging would be interrupted during the download but, if you wanted it to resume charging after the download, you should leave the car plugged in.

When they can't even get the instructions for how to do a download sorted out, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that the downloads themselves so often contain bugs.

One of the people I picked up for dinner last evening while the Lucid software was malfunctioning is a software programmer. As the 2.0.48 malfunctions included some old buggy behavior (such as dead camera displays), he wondered whether Lucid was skipping "regression testing" with their new updates. He has been along for the ride, so to speak, through a year of this. His impression is that the QA process in the Lucid software team is understaffed -- or worse.

While we're all (myself certainly included) clamoring for this and that new feature to be added, I wonder if Lucid is moving too fast with the updates, thus further eroding the poor reputation of its software rather than improving it?

In a similar vein, I watched the recent "Throttle House" video of the new BMW i7 EV. When they turned their focus to the software, it could have come straight out of a Lucid review: erratic door sensors, odd screen behavior, features malfunctioning . . . . The two reviewers ended up voicing my chronic complaint: today's high-end cars are trying to do too much with software that could be more easily and reliably accomplished with old-fashioned hardware.
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So I thought I was in the clear with the update but ever since I've been having problems with my digital key. Usually if the car was asleep it would open after a couple of pushes with the handle. Now I have to open the app and wait the "30 seconds" for the car to wake up to get in. Also my tidal search bar is sometimes simply not there.