Over the last 4-5 days and before I updated to .48 (I think), I've been having this issue with my Bluetooth phone audio where the person I'm talking to sounds like they're really far from their phone and their voice sounds muffled. The louder I set the volume, the worse it got. I tried multiple resets and nothing worked to fix this issue. Bluetooth audio from YouTube was fine, it was just the call audio that was affected. Then, I noticed today that my Tidal tracks had the same issue. It sounded like someone messed with my equalizer and took the bass up and decreased the mids as far as they would go. The instrumentals on the tracks sounded fine but the vocals were all muffled. I checked other audio sources like SXM and that sounded normal. Anyway, I called customer service and they had me do the Bobby reset (didn't work). Then they had me do the valet card reset (didn't work). Interestingly enough, she had no knowledge of the turn signal reset when I mentioned it to her, but that's neither here nor there. Then she escalated it to a service center technician, who called me a few minutes later and he hadn't heard anyone describe this problem before so he said he'll talk to some other service techs and get back to me. Has anyone else had this issue?