2.0.15 - The MOAU - Mother Of All Updates

The turn signal only tells you that the car shut off by going off, it doesn’t reboot the car. It’s more of a soft shutdown. Holding the valet card next to the B pillar above the camera for a second then removing it as soon as the car locks, then walking away will shut the vehicle down and seems to clear the memory or cache or something I guess. It kind of makes sense. Whenever you install a software update on your phone or computer it powers down first. It doesn’t appear that the Lucid shuts off for real before it does the update.
Good to know. I will try this to see if it solves my Tidal issues.
The turn signal only tells you that the car shut off by going off, it doesn’t reboot the car. It’s more of a soft shutdown. Holding the valet card next to the B pillar above the camera for a second then removing it as soon as the car locks, then walking away will shut the vehicle down and seems to clear the memory or cache or something I guess. It kind of makes sense. Whenever you install a software update on your phone or computer it powers down first. It doesn’t appear that the Lucid shuts off for real before it does the update.
Hmmm. I just tried this, but it didn’t seem to reboot. I turned off Bluetooth on my mobile key while the car was unlocked, then locked the car with the key card, and immediately walked away. I didn’t have a fob with me. I waited a few minutes and then launched the app, and the car woke up quickly.

When I use the left turn signal it takes forever to reboot.

What am I doing wrong?
Hmmm. I just tried this, but it didn’t seem to reboot. I turned off Bluetooth on my mobile key while the car was unlocked, then locked the car with the key card, and immediately walked away. I didn’t have a fob with me. I waited a few minutes and then launched the app, and the car woke up quickly.

When I use the left turn signal it takes forever to reboot.

What am I doing wrong?
Ok. I just read through the forums and found the answer. Sorry, should have done that in the first place.
I wouldn’t call that right. My other cars with proximity unlock, unlock as I am reaching for a door handle or trunk latch, they lock when I take one step away and never have I had one repeatedly lock unlock when I am stationary 12 feet from the car. I don’t think a Honda Civic is an over reaching benchmark for Lucid Air. Especially for a function that is required every time you use the car.
My Cayenne did what you’re saying. It wouldn’t unlock until I grabbed the handle.

On the other end of the spectrum, the Model X door opens for you when you walk up. Not unlocks. But actually swings open. If there’s something in the way, it just pops open a little. If not, it opens enough for you to get in. Hit the brake pedal and it closes for you. It works when leaving also. I could get out of my car, forget to close the door and it would close automatically as I was walking away.

It’s actually an awesome feature and I miss it.

Except for when I was standing a few feet from the car trying to have a conversation and the door kept opening and closing every few minutes. Person I was talking to kept looking over and finally asked, uhh, is the car doing that?!?!
My Cayenne did what you’re saying. It wouldn’t unlock until I grabbed the handle.

On the other end of the spectrum, the Model X door opens for you when you walk up. Not unlocks. But actually swings open. If there’s something in the way, it just pops open a little. If not, it opens enough for you to get in. Hit the brake pedal and it closes for you. It works when leaving also. I could get out of my car, forget to close the door and it would close automatically as I was walking away.

It’s actually an awesome feature and I miss it.

Except for when I was standing a few feet from the car trying to have a conversation and the door kept opening and closing every few minutes. Person I was talking to kept looking over and finally asked, uhh, is the car doing that?!?!
I can relate.
Hmmm…24 just dropped in my Lucid app. It seems to be the most problematic of updates so far, creating new problems even as it fixes old ones.

I really don’t want to download 24, seems to be begging for trouble.
2.0.5 is working fine for me, I took your advice and didn't beta 👍
On the other end of the spectrum, the Model X door opens for you when you walk up. Not unlocks. But actually swings open. If there’s something in the way, it just pops open a little. If not, it opens enough for you to get in. Hit the brake pedal and it closes for you. It works when leaving also. I could get out of my car, forget to close the door and it would close automatically as I was walking away.
Yes, the Model X is great with the door opening stuff – I use it all the time. The only downside is that the sensor for the door is on the falcon wing door, not the driver's door. So if you park right next to a pole or bollard and it is in the way of the driver's door, the door will still open right into it.

But the vectoring of the driver walking up to the door is pretty good and it knows if you are heading towards the door and it opens just in time. Lucid should at least implement this and have the driver's door unlatch when you walk up. Of course if you walk away, the car can't close the door as it does on the Model X.
I just load 2.0.24. I have been having a lot of bugs during this series of updates, most are intermittent and have reset. Last night the headlights would not turn on, auto, or on. Music has become inoperative multiple times. After wanting more info on how many kWh the car was using, now we have less. I'm waiting out this series of updates to see where we land, but I was hoping to see a more dramatic update to the UI. Moving buttons on the right cockpit screen to the left, does make them easier to reach, but IMO, the layout now looks worse, between lag and switching between cockpit and pilot panel, music is still awful as a car interface, requires too many layers and too much attention. Having the cockpit screen with more favorites / shortcuts that the user could choose would go a long way. I'm going to wait out this series of updates. As others have pointed out, each update seems to create a new bugs. After 2.024 I got home and was talking to a neighbor standing in my driveway about 10-12 feet from the car. The car was locking / unlocking about every 20-30 seconds. So annoying.
If you lock the car, say with the fob, it will stop doing the lock/unlock dance.
The update makes is so the fob batteries last much longer.
Mercedes, Ford and GM, and I am sure others, give a warning that the fob battery is low. Maybe Lucid will add this?
Hmmm. I just tried this, but it didn’t seem to reboot. I turned off Bluetooth on my mobile key while the car was unlocked, then locked the car with the key card, and immediately walked away. I didn’t have a fob with me. I waited a few minutes and then launched the app, and the car woke up quickly.

When I use the left turn signal it takes forever to reboot.

What am I doing wrong?
Boot up is much faster with the instant on feature regardless of how you reboot, and the valet card still turns the car off appropriately, although I thought you were supposed to leave the car for longer than 5 minutes, but maybe not.
I successfully.I Installed 2.0.15 this morning only to discover that my ChargePoint home charger no longer appears to be recognized by the vehicle. Any thoughts as to how to overcome this glitch? I have rebooted the ChargePoint device through the ChargePoint app, turned it off and on at the breaker box, rebooted the AGT, plugged/unplugged the charging cable …. All to no avail. Would appreciate any thoughts/suggestions. Thanks.
Update. During the night, during the programmed charging time, the car successfully charged with no errors.
If you lock the car, say with the fob, it will stop doing the lock/unlock dance.
The value of proximity unlock and lock is not having to take the key out of your pocket or purse. I’m not interested in work arounds like having a garage door opener on the visor because homelink implementation is awful or using the fob manually because the proximity implementation is awful. These are basic everyday functions. I think 1 year is already an inordinate amount of time to bring these feature to an industry standard level.
The value of proximity unlock and lock is not having to take the key out of your pocket or purse. I’m not interested in work arounds like having a garage door opener on the visor because homelink implementation is awful or using the fob manually because the proximity implementation is awful. These are basic everyday functions. I think 1 year is already an inordinate amount of time to bring these feature to an industry standard level.
Fine, lock it by pressing on the door handle. I only mentioned the fob because I know you use it. My point is, if you lock it, it won’t unlock again until you walk away and come back or press the handle again.

My proximity lock/unlock on either mobile key or fob is flawless on 2.0.
Fine, lock it by pressing on the door handle. I only mentioned the fob because I know you use it. My point is, if you lock it, it won’t unlock again until you walk away and come back or press the handle again.

My proximity lock/unlock on either mobile key or fob is flawless on 2.0.
I think we have different definitions for flawless. Your solutions require it to no longer be a proximity solution, but a physical solution.
I think we have different definitions for flawless. Your solutions require it to no longer be a proximity solution, but a physical solution.
Agreed. I am now on the latest and greatest 2.0.24 and inconsistencies remain. When I leave the house the car is ready to go like a hyperactive puppy. Even before I open the door from the house to the garage the lights are flashing their start up sequence, doors opening, etc. The problem is when I try to get back to my car after being out of it, say on a trip to the store, no dice with the mobile key. Its like a sleeping grandfather. Have to "poke" it to it wake it up (by manually unlocking via the phone app). No bueno when in the middle of a So. Florida torrential downpour.
Agreed. I am now on the latest and greatest 2.0.24 and inconsistencies remain. When I leave the house the car is ready to go like a hyperactive puppy. Even before I open the door from the house to the garage the lights are flashing their start up sequence, doors opening, etc. The problem is when I try to get back to my car after being out of it, say on a trip to the store, no dice with the mobile key. Its like a sleeping grandfather. Have to "poke" it to it wake it up (by manually unlocking via the phone app). No bueno when in the middle of a So. Florida torrential downpour.
With the fob in my pocket, I still find approaching the car from the rear to open the trunk waiting 5-10 seconds for it to open. I‘m on 2.0.24 also and after getting Starbucks, out of the car for maybe 1m, waiting 2-3 seconds to present handle upon return. It’s definitely way better than a year ago, but still subpar. Yes, absolutely more annoying on a rainy day than sunshine. On the bright side there are worse problems than having a really nice car that makes you wait to get in.
I think we have different definitions for flawless. Your solutions require it to no longer be a proximity solution, but a physical solution.
Mine does not do the overeager puppy open close dance. Mine is flawless.

Yours does, and I have found through helping others with it that simply locking the car makes it calm down. I don't know why ours are different, and I'm just trying to help.
With the fob in my pocket, I still find approaching the car from the rear to open the trunk waiting 5-10 seconds for it to open. I‘m on 2.0.24 also and after getting Starbucks, out of the car for maybe 1m, waiting 2-3 seconds to present handle upon return. It’s definitely way better than a year ago, but still subpar. Yes, absolutely more annoying on a rainy day than sunshine. On the bright side there are worse problems than having a really nice car that makes you wait to get in.
I am seeing the same behavior with 2.0.24.
Mine does not do the overeager puppy open close dance. Mine is flawless.

Yours does, and I have found through helping others with it that simply locking the car makes it calm down. I don't know why ours are different, and I'm just trying to help.
bunnylebowski said:
Have you done a real Valet card reboot since the last update? Like Valet card lock the car then leave it along for a couple hours with no fob or phone nearby? I did and it fixed 100% of the glitches I was having with camera, music and navigation. My cameras were crazy messed up but now they come on super quick, and are high resolution and not laggy. I’m thinking it’s a good idea to do a Valet card shut down BEFORE each new update, as that way you’re updating the car with a clean slate rather than piles of errors still sitting there in the memory. And the locking/unlocking thing is going to happen because now the mobile key and fob work as intended, as a proximity unlock. It was kind of funny at the New England meet up seeing everyone’s cars lighting up and lights going off as we were standing around checking out each other’s cars. It’s funny now the mobile key finally works right and people are annoyed about it 🤣

I go to a lot of car events. Lucid is the only car I’ve ever seen exibit this behavior. Doesn’t seem to be limited to one car. I do think the Air has potential to be a great car, awesome acceleration and range are not enough to make Lucid successful. I want to see Lucid fix these issues, because with 10,000s of cars or 100,000s of cars, these problems will sink them.