Where Did Preconditioning Go From the Lucid App?


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May 6, 2022
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Blaine, WA
I used to be able to precondition my Lucid's batteries remotely by using the Lucid App. I currently have version is 1.25.1 (2075). With this version, which I think is the lastest version, I can not longer find the remote preconditioning option. Does any else have this issue? Why can't I find it anymore? Help, this is a most useful option.
Hm Ive only had the car for three weeks, but I dont remember ever seeing this as an option
I have never seen precondition via the app.
You can set remote climate which some people call "pre-condition" but it is not specifically for the battery pre-conditioning.
You can set remote climate which some people call "pre-condition" but it is not specifically for the battery pre-conditioning.
Thanks for your comment. I do use the app to remotely pre-warm the interior when we are driving through really cold weather. It was a godsent when it was 10 degrees outside. However, I had thought I could precondition the batteries using a very early version of the App I download back in May, way before my car was delivered. I can still visualize the whte lined rectrangle with the word "Precondition". I have recollections of using it a few times just to test it out and it worked fine. Hmmmmm, maybe I am losing my mind. I am in love with this car and just days after returning home from a 5 day 2400 mile trip, I am ready to do that trip again at the drop of a suggestion from my wife. I still use any excuse to run errands for her or even drive her to her meetings that she goes to. This is what it feels like to be in love!
However, I had thought I could precondition the batteries using a very early version of the App I download back in May, way before my car was delivered. I can still visualize the whte lined rectrangle with the word "Precondition". I have recollections of using it a few times just to test it out and it worked fine.
I've had my GT since early June and am certain it never had a battery preconditioning option in the app. As far as I know too, you couldn't log into the app until your delivery was scheduled and within a few days, so if you're recalling a time long before you got the car, I'm thinking you may have been exploring something other than the official app.
Where is the option in the car? I cant seem to find it
Where is the option in the car? I cant seem to find it
Just go to charge screen from “Car Open” menu

“Car Open” menu in at lower left icon of Pilot Panel.
“Charging Icon is on top of menu after you clicked “Car Open” menu.
Thanks for your comment. I do use the app to remotely pre-warm the interior when we are driving through really cold weather. It was a godsent when it was 10 degrees outside. However, I had thought I could precondition the batteries using a very early version of the App I download back in May, way before my car was delivered. I can still visualize the whte lined rectrangle with the word "Precondition". I have recollections of using it a few times just to test it out and it worked fine. Hmmmmm, maybe I am losing my mind. I am in love with this car and just days after returning home from a 5 day 2400 mile trip, I am ready to do that trip again at the drop of a suggestion from my wife. I still use any excuse to run errands for her or even drive her to her meetings that she goes to. This is what it feels like to be in love!
I don’t usually offer to go for Costco run, but I do more since I got the Air. And I offer to run errand for family from Houston to Dallas even if it isn’t critically necessary. I’m just looking for excuse to drive this car. If I don’t travel as much, my Air can easily have gone more than double of its miles by now.
WHAT? Am I on drugs? No, but I am getting old and confusion is just around the corner...or maybe its here...
I also thought I was going mad as I swear I had seen the pre-condition option in the app previously. Seems that was removed?
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I also thought I was going mad as I swear I had seen the pre-condition option in the app previously. Seems that was removed?
I honestly don't think it was ever there to begin with...
Can you precondition the battery without driving it? I tried it the other day where I went to my garage and started preconditioning the battery in prep for driving to charging station. Then I left and returned 30min later and drove to charger while preconditioning my car again. However, I'm not sure it preconditioned the first time. Anybody know?
Can you precondition the battery without driving it? I tried it the other day where I went to my garage and started preconditioning the battery in prep for driving to charging station. Then I left and returned 30min later and drove to charger while preconditioning my car again. However, I'm not sure it preconditioned the first time. Anybody know?
Precondition didn’t specify time duration, it basically just warm up battery system to get ready for DC fast charge conduit. You can keep precondition m, it’s just a slight warm up, it may take some energy hit.
preconditioning I think takes 20-30 min and essentially warms up the battery to better accommodate high DC charging. There is a charger near my house that only take me 5 min to drive to so preconditioning as I leave my house if almost pointless in the winter. It would be great to be able to precondition the car while it's sitting in the garage so that when I get to the charger the battery will be nice and warm. What I don't know is, does precondition turn off when I walk away from the car and it locks? Or does it keep warming my battery?
preconditioning I think takes 20-30 min and essentially warms up the battery to better accommodate high DC charging. There is a charger near my house that only take me 5 min to drive to so preconditioning as I leave my house if almost pointless in the winter. It would be great to be able to precondition the car while it's sitting in the garage so that when I get to the charger the battery will be nice and warm. What I don't know is, does precondition turn off when I walk away from the car and it locks? Or does it keep warming my battery?
The best temperature for DC fast charging is in the mid 80 degree range. The time to precondition will depend on how cold your battery is.
preconditioning I think takes 20-30 min and essentially warms up the battery to better accommodate high DC charging. There is a charger near my house that only take me 5 min to drive to so preconditioning as I leave my house if almost pointless in the winter. It would be great to be able to precondition the car while it's sitting in the garage so that when I get to the charger the battery will be nice and warm. What I don't know is, does precondition turn off when I walk away from the car and it locks? Or does it keep warming my battery?
I am in a similar situation where DC charge is close by and wondered if I can precondition the battery while the car is parked and I am away from the car. Any one know the answer to this?
I am in a similar situation where DC charge is close by and wondered if I can precondition the battery while the car is parked and I am away from the car. Any one know the answer to this?
You could try going to the car and turning on battery pre-conditioning and then turniing on the 45 minute interior temperture hold to keep the car on/awake while you leave it. I am not sure this will work but it may be worth a try.