Where is Dream Drive ?

How does one earn the privilege of being a tester?

Too late. One of our forum members works with Lucid, and invited members to be beta testers. The response was so overwhelming that he capped it at 100 testers only. Limited time and space offer only.
How does one earn the privilege of being a tester?
You have to be kewl.

The 2.0 updates are remarkable and you will start to understand the car’s software capabilities and Lucid’s ability to transform the driving experience over time once you receive it.
So friend of mine just received his GT 1 week ago and I was excited to go test drive it since last one I was able to test drive was at showroom and was told by sales that it was more of a prototype so didn't have full functionality. My GT is still on order -- expected end of 2022 because of trim I selected -- currently a Tesla S owner (2014) and do a fair amount of highway driving ~ 150 miles each way to a second home every other weekend. Best feature is the Tesla autonomous driving (even on the 2014). Since I couldn't test this feature in 12/2021 on the demo Lucid car, I was excited to do so on the real thing. Well........out on the highwyay trying to engage it and only can get Adaptive Cruise Control to work. Thought we were doing something wrong so my friend contacted customer service. After pulling teeth for a straight answer, he sheepishly admitted that it is not yet available and still "high on the list" for the engineers at Lucid to figure out and roll out. WTF!!! My friend was one pissed off owner as am I one pissed off future (potential) owner. No one even bothered to let him know at delivery -- when you spend $140K you would expect a full featured car. When pushed, the customer service rep said he has no certain date when it would be avialable.

My questions:
1) Why am I not seeing this all over the blogs and user forums -- why aren't other users as pissed about this ?
2) How are the reviews on Lucid claiming that the Lucid autonomous Level 2 and 3 driving is far superior to Tesla and others when it doesn't yet exist ?

I'm about ready to cancel my order and go with something like the Mercedes EQS or wait for the EQE.

Would welcome any insight from those of you who are current users or know a thing or two about this topic.
This is a pretty uneducated comment; granted all this information is readily available online. No one ever promises you're buying a self-driving car. You won't find those remarks anywhere. How about do some homework on the vehicle you're purchasing? I look up the specs top to bottom on even a simple road bike before placing my order, why wouldn't you do the same with a car the price of a mortgage?
Yeah ZERO people have used L3 when describing or reviewing the Lucid as far as I know, in fact every YouTube review I’ve seen mentions all it can do right now is ACC. Nor does the website say you’re getting it right now. The big software update coming this month (hopefully?) has highway assist. Right now a few early beta testers plus 100 other owners who were given the opportunity to try it out have it so that’s definitely a feature new Lucid owners will have on their car very soon. Highway Pilot is what will be L3 but that’s a long ways off, nobody is giving timeframes but L3 is the goal.
Story of my life—never one of the kewl kids! Feel better hearing that testing is ongoing with good results. Lucid: get r dun! Don’t make me have to stop the car.
Is highway assist active on November 6, 2022? Sorry if I missed something obvious but I’ve searched and searched before posting. If not when? If so, how is it activated?
Is highway assist active on November 6, 2022? Sorry if I missed something obvious but I’ve searched and searched before posting. If not when? If so, how is it activated?
It’s on later edition of 2.0.x software.

Hold on ACC button for few seconds to toggle between Adaptive Cruise Control and Highway Assist.
Is highway assist active on November 6, 2022? Sorry if I missed something obvious but I’ve searched and searched before posting. If not when? If so, how is it activated?
You need to be on software version 2.0.18 or above to have highway assist.
I guess I’m in the minority here but I don’t care about autonomous driving. I tried Highway Assist to make sure it works, which it does, and then went back to driving and enjoying interacting with the car. My ICE car is a manual transmission and I love the involvement with the drive.
I guess I’m in the minority here but I don’t care about autonomous driving. I tried Highway Assist to make sure it works, which it does, and then went back to driving and enjoying interacting with the car. My ICE car is a manual transmission and I love the involvement with the drive.
Same here. I had 3 manual transmission convertible top in the past. I didn’t care about summon or FSD.

MB SLK 320s
Porsche Boxster

Lucid AGT by far is more beasty than all those light weight ninjas.
I guess I’m in the minority here but I don’t care about autonomous driving. I tried Highway Assist to make sure it works, which it does, and then went back to driving and enjoying interacting with the car. My ICE car is a manual transmission and I love the involvement with the drive.
I really like ACC and Highway Assist when on an interstate for 30 min. or more or when going out of town.
I guess I’m in the minority here but I don’t care about autonomous driving. I tried Highway Assist to make sure it works, which it does, and then went back to driving and enjoying interacting with the car. My ICE car is a manual transmission and I love the involvement with the drive.

I like driving when in town. I’d even considered buying a manual transmission car again because they ARE a lot of fun to drive. However, Tesla’s “Autosteer” has spoiled me. Ruined me completely. I cannot imagine doing my weekly 285 mile roundtrip commute to work without the benefit of Tesla’s Autosteer and now, Lucid’s Highway Assist.

Where Autosteer really shines is in Los Angeles’ vexing, blood boiling stop-n-go freeway traffic. I’m hoping Lucid’s Highway Assist will be very much the same way.