What would you like to see from the Lucid mobile app?

Not an EV driver yet (perhaps by mid-Oct, but that is another story... buying an Air isn't a clear process, sigh)... but that said, everthing I've seen is that "trip planning" is hard, and there are entire companies that exist and do a decent job (far better than Lucid can do on its own, it has MUCH bigger fish to fry in the software area)... no, I'd rather that they hooked up with ABRP (and others) to have the car provide SOC (etc) info to those apps in real time and use those other apps' route planning in an integrated fashion...

In a way it does. ABRP allows you to customize vehicle. You can manually put in the mi/kW you have. Mine was pretty consistent on the long road trip.
We appreciate the opportunity to influence app development. Please consider creating a app advisory board and a driver beta test group for the app.

Being able to search the owner's manual from the app would be helpful.

+1 for m/Kwh display in the app.

Anything that can be changed from the pilot panel should be accessible from the app. If you can share any code between the car and app, that would be great.

+1 for car camera views from the apps.

History of vehicle faults.
Surveillance or "sentry" mode and an actual dog mode, as well as mobile app interior and external video monitoring.
Greetings Lucid Owners. If you had a magic wand, what enhancements or additions would you like to see made to the Lucid mobile app? Asking for a friend. ;)
an easy toggle on main screen to switch between miles and %
on charging screen a button to turn on battery conditioning
a button to close/open windows
Greetings Lucid Owners. If you had a magic wand, what enhancements or additions would you like to see made to the Lucid mobile app? Asking for a friend. ;)
As a Lucid owner since March of 2022, I cannot believe that we still do not have the ability to schedule charging. Our municipality offers lower rates between midnight and 6:00 AM, which was always the window I used to charge my Model S. And the app does not give descriptions of each software update, which again, I cannot understand. This car, and company, has a long way to go.
As a Lucid owner since March of 2022, I cannot believe that we still do not have the ability to schedule charging. Our municipality offers lower rates between midnight and 6:00 AM, which was always the window I used to charge my Model S. And the app does not give descriptions of each software update, which again, I cannot understand. This car, and company, has a long way to go.
Many home chargers have scheduled charge dispensing. I know it’s not the point. I’m sure it will be in the car and then on mobile app. They may have big laundry list as Apple CarPlay and AndroidAuto, latency fix are major items.
an easy toggle on main screen to switch between miles and %
on charging screen a button to turn on battery conditioning
a button to close/open windows
About the switching between miles and % ... why can't it display both ?? .. as a matter of fact, I think it'd be a great idea to display both on the car itself (e.g. on glass cockpit) .. after all, ICE cars have had both (expected range and tank %), why not show both all the time?
About the switching between miles and % ... why can't it display both ?? .. as a matter of fact, I think it'd be a great idea to display both on the car itself (e.g. on glass cockpit) .. after all, ICE cars have had both (expected range and tank %), why not show both all the time?
Great Idea! But I think these miles are merely estimate and varies by driving style. I have transact to toggle a lot too.
About the switching between miles and % ... why can't it display both ?? .. as a matter of fact, I think it'd be a great idea to display both on the car itself (e.g. on glass cockpit) .. after all, ICE cars have had both (expected range and tank %), why not show both all the time?
Some folks in Europe like km and miles both displayed as well instead of switches. 😂
It's the same way with ICE vehicles. MPG and Range are all based on how spirited your driving is going. To LucidNC's point, no reason they can't show both.
that should be easy implementation, just matter of how they display both info aesthetically.

(Btw, our Polestar2 shows both)
Feature Request:

Maximum receiving amperage setting both in car and mobile app for charging UI.