Cancelling Order


Apr 23, 2022
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I have decided to cancel my order based soley on saftey concerns. At our age, it is not a pleasent thought to get stuck out in bum#### wilderness waiting for a tow truck to come along. I thank all the contributors here for their valued input. Based on the 12v issues, amoung other issues, it is not time for us to take the risk that comes along with the Lucid.
While I do have faith that Lucid will resolve issues in time, I completely understand the rationale. It’s cool to have the latest and greatest but there’s a certain level of reliability one expects from a motor vehicle versus a piece of tech. With the blurring of lines between auto and tech, there are some growing pains to be expected. Restarting your phone isn’t a problem. Restarting your car because it’s broken down in the highway… different story.

Are you getting a different vehicle instead or just keeping what you have?
While I do have faith that Lucid will resolve issues in time, I completely understand the rationale. It’s cool to have the latest and greatest but there’s a certain level of reliability one expects from a motor vehicle versus a piece of tech. With the blurring of lines between auto and tech, there are some growing pains to be expected. Restarting your phone isn’t a problem. Restarting your car because it’s broken down in the highway… different story.

Are you getting a different vehicle instead or just keeping what you have?
I turned in a leased vehicle back in July, so have been without for a couple months. We shared our other car. However, I would still be willing to wait if there was not so many issues currently. Since we already own an EV, Volvo Xc40 P8, which is a great little get-around-town vehicle, we are not polluting the environment, and I will come back to Lucid in a couple years to see if all is better. Will get a different vehicle later, since the wife sets a limit on how much I drive her car. :rolleyes:
I turned in a leased vehicle back in July, so have been without for a couple months. We shared our other car. However, I would still be willing to wait if there was not so many issues currently. Since we already own an EV, Volvo Xc40 P8, which is a great little get-around-town vehicle, we are not polluting the environment, and I will come back to Lucid in a couple years to see if all is better. Will get a different vehicle later, since the wife sets a limit on how much I drive her car. :rolleyes:
I did the big cancellation a few days ago and am awaiting a 2020 Model S Performance. Plus I have my Ram. I’m going electric for fun/performance/novelty/less gas station use, not for any environmental reason. Did you ever consider a Tesla or no?
I'm thinking along the same as Compy. Confirmed silver AGT on 3/10. Was told to expect delivery late October/early November. Have a long road trip planned over Thanksgiving. If we do take delivery of the car we'll take the road trip in our Model S. Without time to develop confidence in the AGT I'm not willing to risk being stuck waiting for a tow truck and repairs. Will have to decide what we do when we get closer to delivery.
No, hence the need to buy the EZSpare. Storing it in the frunk as my pics show.... As for the jack, I am trying to see if a bottle jack from a particular manufacturer will fit under the car as it has a very low clearance (5.5").

I did the big cancellation a few days ago and am awaiting a 2020 Model S Performance. Plus I have my Ram. I’m going electric for fun/performance/novelty/less gas station use, not for any environmental reason. Did you ever consider a Tesla or no?

Did you ever consider a Tesla or no?
Not really. The reason I liked Lucid over Tesla is the quality of the interior, range, and exterior looks, plus I don't consider Tesla a safe alternative either.
I respect your decisions, and the rationale makes sense. That said, I’d like to reiterate that the 12v dying issue isn’t a “widespread” issue and you’d be unlikely to face it.

Of course, since there’s no resolution quite yet, you may. 🤷‍♂️

(Actually, has *anyone* faced the 12v issue twice? If not, it points to it being a bad HV battery pack or install thereof, and once it’s replaced it’s a non issue, which makes me think it was a “batch” problem)
What about turtle mode and how common is it? The 12v issue needs a tow truck and mechanics to fix. How easy is it to sort out turtle mode. Some have said a reboot solves the problem but does that do it all the time?
I have decided to cancel my order based soley on saftey concerns. At our age, it is not a pleasent thought to get stuck out in bum#### wilderness waiting for a tow truck to come along. I thank all the contributors here for their valued input. Based on the 12v issues, amoung other issues, it is not time for us to take the risk that comes along with the Lucid.
Rhetorical Q: Why cancel? Why not 'modify' your reservation thereby pushing the delivery to say ... mid 2023 & then deciding?

Again, you are right about the 12V, but I have only seen it addressed in these forums; not anywhere else. And assuming this forum is about, say 10% of actual owners and on top of that the owners actually facing the 12V you can count it between two hands.

Not taking away the seriousness of the issue by any yardstick, but imho, $0.02/-, you may be better served delaying the order.

Good luck in your decision(s).
What about turtle mode and how common is it? The 12v issue needs a tow truck and mechanics to fix. How easy is it to sort out turtle mode. Some have said a reboot solves the problem but does that do it all the time?
Turtle mode seems to be a "it happened once and a reset fixed it" thing, OR a "one of my motors up and died" thing. Only a few have reported the second one.
I respect your decisions, and the rationale makes sense. That said, I’d like to reiterate that the 12v dying issue isn’t a “widespread” issue and you’d be unlikely to face it.

Of course, since there’s no resolution quite yet, you may. 🤷‍♂️

(Actually, has *anyone* faced the 12v issue twice? If not, it points to it being a bad HV battery pack or install thereof, and once it’s replaced it’s a non issue, which makes me think it was a “batch” problem)
Correct, we are in the Bay Area, the ancestral and spiritual home of Lucid. As I believe you pointed out, there has not been a single reported 12V issue at our service center. People will always find great seasons not to spend $150k on a car. I respect those decisions, as fiscal responsibility is always a good idea. The joy I get from driving my car is worth it and I’m glad I didn’t let the negativity here influence me.
I'll feel infinitely better when OTA 2.0 comes along and we see what they've done. As others have mentioned, I'm not a fan of the radio silence for Lucid on this stuff, but I also get it. I'm definitely hanging on to my reservation and considering an upgrade to Touring if things go well. There's enough goodness spread around here to hold onto the positivity for what's being delivered.
While “wide-spreadedness,” is an important data point, the impact assessment of the malfunctions require careful consideration.
What about turtle mode and how common is it? The 12v issue needs a tow truck and mechanics to fix. How easy is it to sort out turtle mode. Some have said a reboot solves the problem but does that do it all the time?
I had it exactly once, immediately after it was delivered from a service (and car was parked). Reboot fixed it and has never come up again. Speculation was something to do with high pressure washing messed with a sensor or something.

In general, the vast majority of owners have never faced turtle mode or any other issue that caused the car to be non-drivable. We could do another poll?
I feel the 12v issues are a concern, but overly represented on this forum. I too considered cancelling for this reason, but after giving it serious though, I realize that the issue hasn't been reported in the media and the media would LOVE to run a story "Lucid vehicles die at 70mph on active highway!". Yet, those stories don't exist.. because I no longer believe it's a widespread issue, and the reports don't exist beyond this forum.

If I recall, one of the reports was likely an accidental shift to Neutral anyway.

Overall its understandable to be concerned, but I would look at the big picture here.

A 0.1% chance of failure is unacceptable when you run the risk of being rear-ended by a semi truck on the highway, but I simply don't believe it's a concern. Maybe I'm a fool for trusting Lucid would do an immediate recall, or that the media would be better investigators than any of us on the forum.
Correct, we are in the Bay Area, the ancestral and spiritual home of Lucid. As I believe you pointed out, there has not been a single reported 12V issue at our service center. People will always find great seasons not to spend $150k on a car. I respect those decisions, as fiscal responsibility is always a good idea. The joy I get from driving my car is worth it and I’m glad I didn’t let the negativity here influence me.
There has been one now, since I posted that, though it happened *very* quickly after delivery. Still, one out of however many cars the Millbrae team services is not a widespread issue.

It is expensive, so I get the hesitation; hell, I bought a DE, haha.

But reality is different from this forum. 🤷‍♂️
There has been one now, since I posted that, though it happened *very* quickly after delivery. Still, one out of however many cars the Millbrae team services is not a widespread issue.

It is expensive, so I get the hesitation; hell, I bought a DE, haha.

But reality is different from this forum. 🤷‍♂️
I agree regarding your reality comment 😂😂😂
I, too, had consider canceling my order and going with a Genesis or Tesla Mod S simply because I am too old to sit at the side of a highway with a $150k brick. I love driving my Tesla but the Lucid is in another ballpark and I want to experience it before I die. As mentioned, I am almost 80 and willing to take a chance still. I am excited but not thrilled at the long delivery times but, if borski will help me setup the stereo system, I can put on "Aqua Lung" and motor on down the highway at 55mph or close. (haha)
What about turtle mode and how common is it? The 12v issue needs a tow truck and mechanics to fix. How easy is it to sort out turtle mode. Some have said a reboot solves the problem but does that do it all the time?
My concern is not turtle mode but warnings before turtle move stops the car. I can live with the rare incidence so long as I am adequately warned and can safely get off the street.