100% I agree ... Not disputing, never disputed that ... As a matter of fact, I feel bad/felt bad as well that I got the call & then only came to know thru' these threads others with a similar build did not get their VINs. I 100% feel negative about that; roles reversed; I would not be pleased.
My observation was communication, or lack of thereof ... which dove tails & lines up to your statement ... the other clients should have got the call. If they can set expectations, plus/minus say 2 weeks, and stick by it, I think all of us would be more understanding. (I did write that Lucid must be as frustrated internally as we are, since idle cars don't make money and they must eager to get these in our hands immly.)
I don't know why I got the call. How Lucid makes these decisions to call one vs another. Is it location based? I don't know. What are their criteria. Etc ... I tried to make sense of it and ... failed. My observation. Nothing more.
I was lucky to get the call and I'm thankful, really, for it. But it will mean zilch, if they don't follow up to that call and push delivery to say end Q3/early Q4. Then, it does not make any sense in picking a car that was not my first choice, if I had to wait anyway for 3~5 months.
AW yes it is perspective ... and at the end of the day it is a car.
