Simple update on my personal Gravity Order. Twice I was emailed regarding ordering Gravity DE. Twice I responded with "please just tell me when I can purchase the vehicle I ordered". Crickets. Heck, I would be willing to pay the additional $14k for DE, but just don't add the DE options (I don't want more hp, I don't want a sticker of a bear on the front panel, and I definitely don't want less range), if I knew it would give me a date-certain for receiving the vehicle. I have invested significantly in clean energy businesses and watched several fail as they could not deliver. If I was asked to bet, I would bet there is a less that 40% chance that Lucid delivers. My real hope is that their IP gets purchased by a car company that knows how to manufacture - and how to communicate. I would love if Lucid followed an Intel model (e.g. MB, with Lucid battery and motor tech inside, Toyota, with Lucid battery and motor tech inside, etc etc) So, I am giving Lucid until 1 June to tell me when I will receive the vehicle. Three things can happen, in my mind: 1. They never respond, so I ask for my $1k back, 2. They respond, telling me it will be in 2026, so I will ask for my $1k back or 3. They respond, telling me it will be in X month of 2025, whereby I will plan accordingly to sell my ICE and buy the Lucid Gravity. For perspective, I drove an X for 5 years, so I have a good feel for what works and what does not work for my personal needs.