Many of these issues raised on this thread by the new members have been raised before.
Agreed. Those threads are up and there.
The common thread to most of these issues is Lucid's dismal software quality. Some of these problems have lingered for months and years. Lucid has not been forthcoming in acknowledging these problems and communicate priorities and schedules with fixing these issues. This, is a serious creditability issue.
They have been improving this (OTA previews, whole slides in the investor decks, etc.) but I agree have a long ways to go.
From time-to-time, owners, including myself, have suggested ideas or actions to mitigate these problems. Often, these suggestions were met with dismissive comments from some moderators resulting in the deletion of their posts and the characterization of the poster as "Armchair CEO". This culture is counter-productive. The word "Forum" implies a format where issues can be aired and debated. Many of the Lucid owners have extensive industry knowledge and want to see Lucid succeed. Don't suffocate this resource!
You have misunderstood, and I apologize for giving you that impression. Nobody here tries to be dismissive of issues people have. The rule about not playing armchair CEO exists because people often have ideas without context. Suggestions, ideas, actions to mitigate issues are always allowed and even desired.
Arguments about whether they should be building a GT or Touring first are useless, because they require knowledge of context we do not have. That kind of argument is what we would prefer not happen.
But suggestions, ideas, or suggested actions on how to fix issues Lucid has? Please, more of that.
Lucid has a industry-leading mechanical/electro-mechanical platform. It is hampered by its very deficient software capabilities. Furthermore, Lucid, at the management level, has not been forthcoming in acknowledging many of these SW issues raised by the owners, propose remedies, apply resources, and communicate schedules for fixing these issues. Such lack of actions festers the frustrations.
If this Forum were to add value, it should be forthcoming in working with Lucid and pushing them to acknowledge these deficits, take ownership in fixing these problems, apply the necessary resources and communicate clear schedules and action plans.
We all have stakes in Lucid's success. It takes more than just cheerleading to get there!
I agree with much in this section. I don’t think I would use the word “deficient,” as the software generally works well for what it does; there are exceptions, of course, and plenty that it simply doesn’t do yet. But it has improved immensely from where it started, and continues to.
Moreover, their communication has begun improving, and they have been working with the forum.
@mcr16 has been instrumental in gathering feedback, improving communication (as particularly noticeable in the SS Pro threads), helping launch initiatives like the OTA Preview events, and so on. I don’t think it’s totally fair to say that they haven’t been working with the forum, as a result.
@nicktwork has been helpful when he can be as well, and I believe has improved communications immensely even in only the few months he’s been there.
So I do think it’s improving, but I don’t disagree it isn’t there yet.
But truly: nobody has any interest in blocking, deleting, or being dismissive of legitimate feedback or issues. That isn’t helpful to anybody.
Moderating this forum is really not an easy job. It is thankless, frustrating, and one of the most difficult “customer service” roles I’ve ever been involved with. Moreover, we’re volunteers who do this because we are passionate about cars (of all kinds), and Lucid in particular. But nobody pays us for this. Lucid is not an owner of or in any way directly involved with this forum, other than through a few accounts which respond to issues.
I promise nobody on the mod team is a “fanboy.” Marqie and others have been on the receiving end of some of my tirades, sometimes on behalf of issues I had, but mostly on behalf of the feedback in this forum.
None of us think Lucid is perfect. That would be absurd. But Lucid is also not incompetent or inept.
Very often, people who accuse us of only dumping praise on Lucid do not have the context of just how much BS (username notwithstanding

) is involved in moderating a forum like this. The number of times I have been called any number of various things (and occasionally offensive) is higher than you’d probably think.
It is a truth of human nature that we care most about our own issues, and assume that the rest of the world cares about them too. But prioritization matters, and not every issue can be prioritized first, with the resources and constraints you have. Those resources and constraints are the necessary context I’m talking about.
Our aim is simple: we want to help owners. Sometimes that also means helping Lucid. But attaching blinders to Lucid’s eyes doesn’t help them, which is why we don’t do that.
But where you (the proverbial you) think your issue is common, consider it might be unique. And where you think your issue is unique, consider it may have been already discussed in 100 threads before, and rehashing the same content helps nobody, not even Lucid.
But pretending anything is perfect and can’t be improved is definitely in nobody’s job description.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.