CarPlay is here! - Megathread

Another CarPlay related question. I've never had a car that had CarPlay. Both my Teslas never had it.

My question is, when you view the CarPlay display and then scroll to the calendar app. When you tap on the Calendar app, it shows you your appointments for that day.
I had an appointment with a location. When I tap on the location it brings up the Apple Map app to navigate to the location. Is therre a way to set this such that it either brings up Google Maps or Waze instead? I prefer those mapping/navigation apps to Apple Maps.
Another CarPlay related question. I've never had a car that had CarPlay. Both my Teslas never had it.

My question is, when you view the CarPlay display and then scroll to the calendar app. When you tap on the Calendar app, it shows you your appointments for that day.
I had an appointment with a location. When I tap on the location it brings up the Apple Map app to navigate to the location. Is therre a way to set this such that it either brings up Google Maps or Waze instead? I prefer those mapping/navigation apps to Apple Maps.
That cannot be done (CarPlay limitation, not Lucid).
I'm sure Google Maps will be available in Android Auto ;)
Google maps is available an CarPlay and works fine. The original post was asking if he could have Google maps be the default when tapping a calendar item. That will always go to Apple Maps.
Google maps is available an CarPlay and works fine. The original post was asking if he could have Google maps be the default when tapping a calendar item. That will always go to Apple Maps.
Right, a clumsy joke on my part.
Right, a clumsy joke on my part.
You’re never clumsy! A quick visit to the Apple Store will certainly fill your life with joy and allow your sense of humor to grow and flourish.
Google maps is available an CarPlay and works fine. The original post was asking if he could have Google maps be the default when tapping a calendar item. That will always go to Apple Maps.
If he uses google calendar it will go to google maps. I doubt Apple will ever have their products default to Google ;-)
If he uses google calendar it will go to google maps. I doubt Apple will ever have their products default to Google ;-)
But does Google Calendar have a CarPlay app? I'm honestly asking. I don't know. It would be possible, but I don't think Google has written it. If they did, then they could certainly have those links open the Google Maps app.
Mine does too and I think it is normal.
Judging by you're experience I guess the heat generated by the floating dashboard is normal. I just took my GT on a long trip and experienced the heat. I actually called lucid customer service and their response seemed more of a surprise to them. Like they never heard this before. They suggested that it could be from the sun. Problem for me is that it was raining and chilly. I know that my computer monitor projects heat so I am hoping that this is the same.
First off I’m loving CarPlay. Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but if you go to the settings in CarPlay you have the option of using dark mode all of the time. Personally I think it matches the overall feel of the car a little better.

I have a question also…I’m using the iHeart app and followed all of my favorite radio stations. In the app I go to “Your stations” and click on the first one. When I use the arrow button on the steering wheel it just seems to go to some random next station rather than the next one I’ve programmed. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong??
To be clear, you can use them simultaneously but you can’t see them simultaneously? It’s not really meaningful to be “using” the Lucid mapping system if it’s invisible, I think.

When you use CarPlay, what DO you do with the pilot panel? Maybe people have found uses I haven’t thought of.
Adjust climate, seat massage, change from smooth to sprint, etc. The pilot panel works exactly as it did before, you just can’t use CarPlay on the pilot panel or drag down Lucid apps to it because CarPlay is taking over the glass cockpit, so it makes perfect sense to me you can’t use both at the same time. Is there another car that gives CarPlay multi-screen functionality yet? I think it would be nice to have some things like music/next track on the main display…and so does Lucid, lots of promo videos actually show the main display showing music, so I’m sure they’re planning to have different things customizable to different screens (Mercedes does this well), they just haven’t implemented it yet.
I may well commit heresy here, but now that I have CarPlay back I’m realizing I prefer Lucid’s navigation and also Lucid’s Tidal app. With Lucid navigation you get it on both screens in gorgeous satellite view plus turn by turn on the glass cockpit, and it’s easier to add a new destination while driving. With CarPlay you have to hope Siri understands you and you’re stuck with the tiny cartoon screen. And with the Lucid Tidal app you can view individual songs in your playlist, which isn’t possible in CarPlay. AppleMusic CarPlay app is great at least, so I suppose that’s one benefit.
Factoid: If anyone 's wondered if the volunteer mods here are preferentially treated by Lucid, one of the mods was still patiently awaiting the update for his GT as of this morning.
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Factoid: If anyone 's wondered if the volunteer mods here are preferentially treated by Lucid, one of the mods was still awaiting the update for his GT as of this morning.
That would be me an I am still waiting. I will email customer care Monday night if I do not have it by then.
I'm still waiting, too. Dropping off at the detailer's tomorrow, so I'll be without the car for a week. I guess the app will still let know?
I'm still waiting, too. Dropping off at the detailer's tomorrow, so I'll be without the car for a week. I guess the app will still let know?
Yes you will see it in the app and a push notification if you have that turned on.
I've been enjoying CarPlay couple of days but I've run into 2 issues

a) Sometimes (not always), when I get into the car, the CarPlay does not automatically activate wirelessly. I have had to go to the settings icon and re highlight the yellow CarPlay icon under the devices tab to have it show up.

b) Sometimes, when CarPlay does come up, I press play on the music app screen and it refuses to play. I've had to stop and restart the CarPlay to work around this issue

Anyone else run into these issues?