Just got so lucky with my order

Hi everyone,

I’m new to the forum so this is my first post. I wanted to give an account of my experience and ask a couple questions.

So, I drive a lot, 3x a week, 50+ miles to work and back. My 2017 chevy volt started to slow down, and I decided to go and get a new car. The lucid caught my eye. I am a professor and I felt that something like a taycan would be very flash, and turn too many heads for my taste. The lucid is luxurious, but not in your face. Has a certain subtlety which I value in a car. As a younger man, I had a couple of sports cars (Nissan 200sx) but recently I have been driving economy cars. I felt the lucid might bring back some of my lost love for cars and would be practical for me and my family.

So I go to test drive a lucid, liked the car very much. So much room, feels like a fighter jet. More like a cockpit than any plane I have ever been on. It’s also very zippy, which is have missed in the past 10 years. My 16 year old son who just got his license was also very impressed. Now because I drive so often, I was especially interested in dream drive pro and the glass canopy. I was very impressed, with the luxury and driving dynamics.

I was in the car with my son, speaking to my now sales advisor about possibly doing a lease. I was very sad to find that there were no air touring cars available with the dream drive pro package. As she says this my son bursts out that he found one, A grey air touring with every option I wanted. I immediately placed my pre-order and decided to lease the car. We are picking it up next weekend from San Francisco, and driving it home to LA.

Sorry for the long rant, now for some questions I have.

1. Does the touring drive like a sports sedan, or does it feel far heavier? I have driven my friends BMW M3 Competition and I really like that sporty stiffness, handling and acceleration which it offers. I obviously don’t think it will be he same but in sprint, is it similar?

2. Is it an easy to drive car. I have a 16 year old (previously mentioned) who would probably also drive the car occasionally (and get his head taken off if he scratches it). I was wondering if I should let him drive it, or if it’s a bit too much car for a new driver?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I look forward to joining the community!
I think you will find the Air drives and handles wonderfully, probably not like the M series, but still great. It is also easy to drive, so your son would no doubt find it 'easy', but I wouldn't let easy be the criteria for letting your son behind the wheel by himself. It is just way too easy to go fast in this car, and I doubt there are many 16-year-olds who could avoid the temptation to do so. I'd find a nice used Toyota or Honda with 150 HP to get your son into.
it's a hard car for a new driver to drive imo .. and an expensive one to repair and just expensive in general. it's big and fast .. I've been driving for a long time and it's taken me an adjustment period. my opinion is that it's too much car for a 16yo driver.
I’d also prefer to learn/teach on an ICE car.
Totally agreed.

To be clear, if I have kids they’re learning on a used civic lol.

My dad had one paramount rule when teaching me to drive: do not surprise other drivers.
My daughter will be getting our CR-V in 5 years:) . It's at a point now where it can handle abuse without me worrying about it.

Thank you for everyone’s responses. I think that I will definitely keep the driving supervised for a bit. Yesterday my kid drove my buddy’s supercharged bmw m3. It has about the same horsepower (625hp) and far less torque. I thought for sure it would be too much car for him to handle. But he drove it very well. I have a video where he was being slightly jerky with the gas pedal, but he was just having some fun. He had a smile on his face. To be honest I am going to have to explain to him that driving this car is not the same as the honda fit, and that he can far easily get into trouble. If deemed responsible I’ll allow him to take it out occasionally. One scratch and he’s lost his privileges (and maybe his life 😆.
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Thank you for everyone’s responses. I think that I will definitely keep the driving supervised for a bit. Yesterday my kid drove my buddy’s supercharged bmw m3. It has about the same horsepower (625hp) and far less torque. I thought for sure it would be too much car for him to handle. But he drove it very well. I have a video where he was being slightly jerky with the gas pedal, but he was just having some fun. He had a smile on his face. To be honest I am going to have to explain to him that driving this car is not the same as the honda fit, and that he can far easily get into trouble. If deemed responsible I’ll allow him to take it out occasionally. One scratch and he’s lost his privileges (and maybe his life 😆.
He'll love it! And you will too.
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Thank you for everyone’s responses. I think that I will definitely keep the driving supervised for a bit. Yesterday my kid drove my buddy’s supercharged bmw m3. It has about the same horsepower (625hp) and far less torque. I thought for sure it would be too much car for him to handle. But he drove it very well. I have a video where he was being slightly jerky with the gas pedal, but he was just having some fun. He had a smile on his face. To be honest I am going to have to explain to him that driving this car is not the same as the honda fit, and that he can far easily get into trouble. If deemed responsible I’ll allow him to take it out occasionally. One scratch and he’s lost his privileges (and maybe his life 😆.
The other thing that takes getting used to is the “one pedal” driving (you can turn this off though)
A feature I'd like to see is a key-linked driver profile that limits power and speed with a geo-fencing alert. I have a teen getting to driver age who's learning on my car as it's the only car I have, but I absolutely can't see letting him drive it unsupervised when he gets his license.