Why is there a need to press accelerator or toggle HA/ACC knob when stopped?


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Oct 20, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
Lucid Air GT
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In my opinion, there should not be a need to do that at all. Air's software is already tracking the vehicle in front as part of traffic drive off alerts as well as to notify the driver about traffic moving and they should either press accelerator or toggle the knob to move the vehicle during activated HA/ACC. Not sure if this is needed as part of some regulation but is there really a need to do that? If you are already tracking the vehicle in front, when that moves start moving our vehicle too.

Dont mean to start any debate here but Tesla's software could do that in a 2018 vehicle :/
In my opinion, there should not be a need to do that at all. Air's software is already tracking the vehicle in front as part of traffic drive off alerts as well as to notify the driver about traffic moving and they should either press accelerator or toggle the knob to move the vehicle during activated HA/ACC. Not sure if this is needed as part of some regulation but is there really a need to do that? If you are already tracking the vehicle in front, when that moves start moving our vehicle too.

Dont mean to start any debate here but Tesla's software could do that in a 2018 vehicle :/
Not in 2018 on my model 3. Not even in 2020. That came along somewhere in 2021 or 2022, if I recall.

This is v1 of Lucid’s software. Patience.

The simple answer is because the consequences of getting that wrong are pretty dire. So they are erring on the side of caution until they can log some serious data from thousands of cars to be sure they get it right.

Believe me, you want them to be cautious about this stuff.
Not in 2018 on my model 3. Not even in 2020. That came along somewhere in 2021 or 2022, if I recall.

This is v1 of Lucid’s software. Patience.

The simple answer is because the consequences of getting that wrong are pretty dire. So they are erring on the side of caution until they can log some serious data from thousands of cars to be sure they get it right.

Believe me, you want them to be cautious about this stuff.
My very first electric vehicle experience was Tesla Model S back in 2020 (it was a 2018 model and rented from Enterprise). I drove it from NJ to TN and it could do that. Now I understand it might have come up as a software update after 2018 but 100% sure it could do that in 2020.

Also, I would like to clarify I am neither complaining nor am I frustrated (in fact quite happy with Lucid's software). This is more like a suggestion cause it definitely seems like a no brainer to do when you have all the building blocks in place right now in the current software.

While for most cases I would agree to be on the side of caution but I feel you have very low risk in this particular scenario considering your vehicle is already stopped and it only needs to start moving which it does at a slow speed anyways. Also Lucid's software is continuously tracking the vehicle in front. I might be missing something here. So more than happy to receive feedback :)
My very first electric vehicle experience was Tesla Model S back in 2020 (it was a 2018 model and rented from Enterprise). I drove it from NJ to TN and it could do that. Now I understand it might have come up as a software update after 2018 but 100% sure it could do that in 2020.

Also, I would like to clarify I am neither complaining nor am I frustrated (in fact quite happy with Lucid's software). This is more like a suggestion cause it definitely seems like a no brainer to do when you have all the building blocks in place right now in the current software.

While for most cases I would agree to be on the side of caution but I feel you have very low risk in this particular scenario considering your vehicle is already stopped and it only needs to start moving which it does at a slow speed anyways. Also Lucid's software is continuously tracking the vehicle in front. I might be missing something here. So more than happy to receive feedback :)
This should go away when they release Traffic Jam Assist in an OTA.
One of the things I would like to see given all the cameras and sensors is a bit more intelligent HA lane centering to right bias a bit when there is a construction barrier on the left or when we are in the left most lane and slightly right bias when we are in the right most lane or when there is a huge truck or overweight vehicle on the right. This is what we do by intuition anyway.
Not in 2018 on my model 3. Not even in 2020. That came along somewhere in 2021 or 2022, if I recall.
I used to have a dumb cruise until I bought the early 2017 Tesla and its cruise could do stop-and-go traffic without my intervention. People didn't believe me at that time, so I recorded it in action;

Before I bought the 2017 Tesla, I remembered the first version of Autopilot Hardware AP1 with 1 radar and 1 camera came out in 2014 already did the stop-and-go:

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...Dont mean to start any debate here...
Historically, the best technology could do was stop-and-hold for smart cruises. Then the technology got better, the smart cruise can now do stop-and-go but it depends on which brand.

I assume that it's just a matter of software and Lucid will be able to do that when it's ready.

My guess is Lucid is short on cash in order to prioritize the ADAS department.

Tesla was created in 2003 and 9 years later, it was able to open Tesla Superchargers in 2012. Multiple public places already started to install Tesla L2 Destination chargers by that time.

Lucid was created in 2007 and 16 years later, it has no charging infrastructure in 2023. I can't find anywhere on the map that any hotel has Lucid L2 chargers. No Lucid DC Fast chargers...

Not that Lucid can't but I think it requires money to accomplish certain tasks.

Thus, if you want to hurry up the ADAS development, please do free advertisements and tell others to buy Lucid. Tell your church, schools, cities, and hotels... to install Lucid L2 chargers...
Do we know if we traffic light tracking was also a part of this? Was it ever promised/shown/glimpsed in any visual in the past from Lucid?
No. As far as I know, you will get in addition to what you have now:

Auto Lane Change
Hands-off, eyes-off Highway PIlot (your smart cruise needs to do stop-and-go to accomplish this)

Perpendicular parking assist
Auto Park Pilot (not just assist).

That means no Auto City Streets promise. That means there's no need for traffic light recognition.

Current promises are for Highways and Parking Lots only.

Historically, the best technology could do was stop-and-hold for smart cruises. Then the technology got better, the smart cruise can now do stop-and-go but it depends on which brand.

I assume that it's just a matter of software and Lucid will be able to do that when it's ready.

My guess is Lucid is short on cash in order to prioritize the ADAS department.

Tesla was created in 2003 and 9 years later, it was able to open Tesla Superchargers in 2012. Multiple public places already started to install Tesla L2 Destination chargers by that time.

Lucid was created in 2007 and 16 years later, it has no charging infrastructure in 2023. I can't find anywhere on the map that any hotel has Lucid L2 chargers. No Lucid DC Fast chargers...

Not that Lucid can't but I think it requires money to accomplish certain tasks.

Thus, if you want to hurry up the ADAS development, please do free advertisements and tell others to buy Lucid. Tell your church, schools, cities, and hotels... to install Lucid L2 chargers...
Why would anyone need a Lucid L2 charger? The whole beauty of the Lucid is that it can accept any L2 charger (except for Tesla’s).

Tesla is the outlier here. Of course, they are also the market leader. If they weren’t, the whole country would be on CCS by now. But that’s unlikely to happen.

Tesla had no choice but to build their own charging network. They had a plug that was incompatible with everyone else.
Why would anyone need a Lucid L2 charger? The whole beauty of the Lucid is that it can accept any L2 charger (except for Tesla’s).

Tesla is the outlier here. Of course, they are also the market leader. If they weren’t, the whole country would be on CCS by now. But that’s unlikely to happen.

Tesla had no choice but to build their own charging network. They had a plug that was incompatible with everyone else.

No they don't. This thread is about why the stop-and-go doesn't work as promised.

My theory is that Lucid needs help.

The public does not feel the need to help Lucid, just like in 2003 the public didn't feel the need to help Tesla.

So in this thread, to speed up the implementation of stop-and-go, maybe owners can help Lucid any way the can the way Tesla owners did by doing free advertisement including selling Lucid L2 chargers that the public doesn't need.
No. As far as I know, you will get in addition to what you have now:

Auto Lane Change
Hands-off, eyes-off Highway PIlot (your smart cruise needs to do stop-and-go to accomplish this)

Perpendicular parking assist
Auto Park Pilot (not just assist).

That means no Auto City Streets promise. That means there's no need for traffic light recognition.

Current promises are for Highways and Parking Lots only.

Thank you for replying. This is a screengrab from their website from this morning. So it might be referring to speed limit signs/stop signs or may be traffic light recognition is on the cards. Also, they have introduced DD Premium
No they don't. This thread is about why the stop-and-go doesn't work as promised.

My theory is that Lucid needs help.

The public does not feel the need to help Lucid, just like in 2003 the public didn't feel the need to help Tesla.

So in this thread, to speed up the implementation of stop-and-go, maybe owners can help Lucid any way the can the way Tesla owners did by doing free advertisement including selling Lucid L2 chargers that the public doesn't need.
As promised? Show me.
This is a screengrab from their website from this morning. So it might be referring to speed limit signs/stop signs or may be traffic light recognition is on the cards. Also, they have introduced DD Premium

It says "Traffic Sign Recognition." It does not say "light.'

Traffic lights are City Streets. "Traffic Signs" are applicable in Highways too.

Thus, again, there's no evidence of any promise for City Streets.
As promised? Show me.
If you watch the video, it says "Hands-off," eyes-off Highway PIlot.

If the OP in this thread keeps using his hands to get the smart cruise to roll the car again after a complete stop, that's not "hands-off". That is hands-on in this thread which is contrary to what the video says.

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It says "Traffic Sign Recognition." It does not say "light.'

Traffic lights are City Streets. "Traffic Signs" are applicable in Highways too.

Thus, again, there's no evidence of any promise for City Streets.
Dude read the text I wrote above the screengrab. I know it says traffic sign and not light but one can live in hope.

I am not at all saying anything of that sort is promised but Lucid listens and I am having my voice heard, thats all.

Looks like my "may be"s in the text held no value whatsoever :D

Again no intention to debate or fight anyone ☮️🕊️
...Looks like my "may be"s in the text held no value whatsoever :D

Again no intention to debate or fight anyone ☮️🕊️
Agreed. There's no technical reason that Lucid cannot read City Street traffic lights and stop signs.

It's up to Lucid to decide.

But in the meantime, let's hope City Streets will be implemented too.
Why would anyone need a Lucid L2 charger?...
That's what Harris Ranch owner said to Tesla owners: "Why would anyone want a Tesla charger here? No EV could ever reach this ranch!"

Harris Ranch didn't need it so Tesla owner Earl Cox gave it $2,000 in 2010 to install a Tesla L-2 charger that Harris Ranch didn't need!

Earl Cox’s Tesla Charging Station Makes Electric Roadtrip From L.A. to S.F. a Reality

Now it has 98 Tesla Superchargers.

World’s Largest Tesla Supercharger Complete, 98 Total Stalls at Harris Ranch

We need more Earl Cox's spirit in Lucid.
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Better than just reading traffic lights, Audi has a really cool feature (in a limited number of areas) where it gives you a traffic light countdown. They integrate with the city light system to know when a light will change. https://www.popsci.com/technology/new-audi-tech-provides-traffic-light-updates/

According to the article, it even tells you how fast to go in order to hit all green lights.