Unlocking with mobile key unreliable

I mean Lucid knows it's an issue but due to external reasons or legal reasons, they cannot fix the issue. It's a hardware implementation choice that was made before Lucid was shipping the Air.
"legal reasons"? You mean that a supplier's contract specifies that Lucid cannot say something is broken, even if it is in fact broken? That would be a pretty strange contract. No one is asking for Lucid to name the faulty component much less the manufacturer.

It is important to be honest with customers. If the problem is that the hardware is unstable and cannot be fixed, they should simply say that.

OTOH, I have seen many a faulty hardware component fixed or "worked around" with clever software. So unless Lucid engineering makes a statement that the hardware is irretrievably broken, I think it is fair for owners to ask for clear guidance.
Man I can't agree more. I love driving this car but I probably won't buy another one. I'm at the tail end of another miserable summer with the underpowered A/C that is completely up to spec according to multiple mobile service guys. And I do the exact same rain dance where waking up my phone works alllmost every time.
I live in a warm area. Simply using Keep Mode for shorter period of parking and activating remote climate for longer solves the AC issue.
Mobile key has been very good lately. What phone are you using? I’m happy to help you troubleshoot.
My experience is a bit different. The app takes time to wake my Lucid up from deep sleep, like when it’s been idle all night. It takes at least 15-20 seconds, sometimes longer. Most of the time I need to press the lock icon once or twice for the doors to open. But afterwards for the rest of the day it works almost instantly. I come within a couple of yards from any direction and the doors open. I have never needed to use the fob. Awakening after deep sleep continues to be a problem, however many times I reset the mobile key. At this point I just shrug and accept it. A few years extra seconds waiting in the garage is not a big deal.
My experience is a bit different. The app takes time to wake my Lucid up from deep sleep, like when it’s been idle all night. It takes at least 15-20 seconds, sometimes longer. Most of the time I need to press the lock icon once or twice for the doors to open. But afterwards for the rest of the day it works almost instantly. I come within a couple of yards from any direction and the doors open. I have never needed to use the fob. Awakening after deep sleep continues to be a problem, however many times I reset the mobile key. At this point I just shrug and accept it. A few years extra seconds waiting in the garage is not a big deal.
Mine is like that too. In the morning, it seems like it's in a deep sleep. I have the fob and the mobile key on me when I go into the garage, but most of the time, I have to press the handle if I want it to unlock quickly. But for the rest of the day, it usually opens as I'm walking up to it. I don't have a problem with the mobile key waking it up, but for me, the fob is usually faster.
This is interesting because the vehicles are manufactured in Casa Grande-just south of Phx–one of the hottest places on the planet. I had an underpowered AC issue with my Rivian R1S last summer in Phx. Underpowered AC is the primary reason I sold it, but there were other minor reasons including wait for service appts is impossibly long. I really wanted to love it after 3.5 years of waiting...
Oh well, back to Tesla. Hoping the Gravity is awesome.
What do people know about the Wagoneer S?
True regarding where the Lucids are assembled but they are designed in the southern Bay area of northern California. I don't know how Lucid tests its vehicles. Traditional car makers have a test track somewhere up north (e.g., northern Michigan) to test for winter conditions and somewhere southwest (desert areas of California and Arizona) to test for hot summer conditions.

For most of my life I wanted to live in a meat locker. Now, in my older age, I prefer something warmer. Like so many issues, what is an acceptable HVAC system for one person is totally inadequate for another.
I don't understand why people are using their phone app to unlock their car, the key fob has worked 100% of the time for me.
Some people prefer to not carry a key, and just have their phone open the car. I've flip flopped between the two, but agree the fob does work more reliably (for me 100% also).
I just wanted to highlight that since recent updates it takes at least three presses of the door latches to unlock. See the attached image for what happened when I press the door latch. I'm running out of doors!
I mentioned this in the past. If the fob doesn't open the car, take out the battery, wait a second, put it back in. Then you will find the fob working again. I think that works when the battery is somewhat low but I find it works for weeks doing this if you need to do it.
"legal reasons"? You mean that a supplier's contract specifies that Lucid cannot say something is broken, even if it is in fact broken? That would be a pretty strange contract. No one is asking for Lucid to name the faulty component much less the manufacturer.

It is important to be honest with customers. If the problem is that the hardware is unstable and cannot be fixed, they should simply say that.

OTOH, I have seen many a faulty hardware component fixed or "worked around" with clever software. So unless Lucid engineering makes a statement that the hardware is irretrievably broken, I think it is fair for owners to ask for clear guidance.
Everyone is speculating. Also, perhaps they *can’t* say that. Strange contracts and NDAs do sometimes exist.
Some people prefer to not carry a key, and just have their phone open the car. I've flip flopped between the two, but agree the fob does work more reliably (for me 100% also).
The lucid team recognizes the fob as flimsy and unattractive and when they had difficulty programming both of my fobs counseled me that I should just use my phone. I didn't think they really expect anyone to use the fob otherwise they would have made it more of a statement piece.
The lucid team recognizes the fob as flimsy and unattractive and when they had difficulty programming both of my fobs counseled me that I should just use my phone. I didn't think they really expect anyone to use the fob otherwise they would have made it more of a statement piece.
I would never describe it that way. I think it's more attractive than any of the other one's I've had for other vehicles. The problem is that in making it sleek and attractive, the functionality of it is compromised. Having a direct button to turn the car on/off or open the trunk or frunk makes a fob much more useful than trying to remember short and long presses in the middle of the fob.
I would never describe it that way. I think it's more attractive than any of the other one's I've had for other vehicles. The problem is that in making it sleek and attractive, the functionality of it is compromised. Having a direct button to turn the car on/off or open the trunk or frunk makes a fob much more useful than trying to remember short and long presses in the middle of the fob.
I think they have learned their lesson and will change it with the Gravity. As far as what I know, directly from Peter‘s mouth, they are stuck in a contract with the current supplier and current technology. They know that it has not lived up to expectations. There’s literally nothing they can do about that at this time.
The lucid team recognizes the fob as flimsy and unattractive and when they had difficulty programming both of my fobs counseled me that I should just use my phone. I didn't think they really expect anyone to use the fob otherwise they would have made it more of a statement piece.
I do not share your opinion. IMHO the key fob is great, it is slim and light and it has never failed to unlock the car while the app is slow to load.
I don't understand why people are using their phone app to unlock their car, the key fob has worked 100% of the time for me.
I don’t understand why you would use a key fob, when you have a phone key and card key. I will never go back to a fob, as love using my iPhone as a key and as a backup a keycard. Less to carry is best in my book! 🙂
The app takes time to wake my Lucid up from deep sleep, like when it’s been idle all night. It takes at least 15-20 seconds, sometimes longer.
the app is slow to load
Just pointing out, mobile key has nothing to do with how slow the app is to load. Completely different mechanisms and different problems. The loading you see when you open the app is a remote wakeup, whereas the mobile key feature is completely local Bluetooth.

There are two problems here still in my view:
  • Mobile key (at least on iOS) doesn't run reliably in the background, Apple's power management kicks in and puts it to sleep. You may have to just wake up or unlock your phone to trigger it.
  • Mobile key sometimes gets stuck. It gets into some state where it simply won't work no matter what. I open the app, force-quit it, and reopen it to clear whatever state it was stuck in. The car immediately unlocks, still without waiting for the loading screen in the app.
Both of these are phone app problems to be clear, not car problems. Though the first one may not be solvable without changing the car to be compatible with native Apple and Google car key systems, because those are specifically designed to have different power saving rules.
haven't read the thread
two years owner

I just love the car , so

it's not a bug ... it's a feature.

I still use both. It's very zen to wait to see if your car accepts you.
I think they have learned their lesson and will change it with the Gravity. As far as what I know, directly from Peter‘s mouth, they are stuck in a contract with the current supplier and current technology. They know that it has not lived up to expectations. There’s literally nothing they can do about that at this time.
Although I use the fob exclusively and find it works great and extremely reliably, I wonder why they can’t simply redesign the unit and offer it as a purchase option even using the same supplier if necessary.
I don’t understand why you would use a key fob, when you have a phone key and card key. I will never go back to a fob, as love using my iPhone as a key and as a backup a keycard. Less to carry is best in my book! 🙂
Perhaps because of the numerous complaints from people who have issues with the phone? ;)
  • Hmm
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Perhaps because of the numerous complaints from people who have issues with the phone? ;)
I guess - just feels like going backwards. Like I said, I love using my phone and keycard as backup. Love not having to carry around a key fob in my pocket. One less thing. Once you get used to using a phone, hard to go back. It is 2024 and should be working easily. I think for some people it does. 🙂
I don’t understand why you would use a key fob, when you have a phone key and card key. I will never go back to a fob, as love using my iPhone as a key and as a backup a keycard. Less to carry is best in my book! 🙂
the phone require the app being open, to use the key card you need to take the card from your wallet and place it on the car. to use the key fob you just need to walk up to the car and voila the doors open. which option is the easiest to use?