Tired of lack of Android support

Or two... just around the corner, in a wink, momentarily, (insert synonym for soon)...😂
As far as I know, waiting on Google personnel (who are potentially on "minimum manning" right now). I'd wager by the end of the month.
Google employs a.. "young and modern audience" and you can make your own opinions on that business model and work ethic paradigm, as each generation has their own "style" of things.
I'm really getting tired of the lack of Android support by Lucid, whether it be no Android Auto or the new app experiences being released for iOS only with Android coming "in early 2025" with no date specified. When is early...Jan? Feb? March? April? Is this the same timing as AA being available in late Fall? I get that AA is in testing, but it's been the better part of a year since CarPlay was released.

Lucid is choosing not to prioritize Android, which is their right to do, but after 2 years of ownership I'm not interested in continuing to prioritize investing in an ongoing 2nd tier user experience, or recommending others do so.
My Lucid App stopped working 2 weeks ago. I was told to delete it and now the app has a disclaimer it won't work with my Motorola Android 11.Can't even download and I'll be danged if I buy an Iphone just to solve it. Really annoying stuff.
My Lucid App stopped working 2 weeks ago. I was told to delete it and now the app has a disclaimer it won't work with my Motorola Android 11.Can't even download and I'll be danged if I buy an Iphone just to solve it. Really annoying stuff.
They have said an android version is forthcoming.
My Lucid App stopped working 2 weeks ago. I was told to delete it and now the app has a disclaimer it won't work with my Motorola Android 11.Can't even download and I'll be danged if I buy an Iphone just to solve it. Really annoying stuff.
can you update your Android OS to a newer version? sounds like you are 4 years behind. Android 11 was released in 2020.
Tried to update but it's showing the last update as android 11 last update was sept 2022. I guess a trip to the phone store is in order.
Tried to update but it's showing the last update as android 11 last update was sept 2022. I guess a trip to the phone store is in order.
Google's Pixel phones get monthly updates, are reliable and have a long support life, and are a good value.
Google's Pixel phones get monthly updates, are reliable and have a long support life, and are a good value.
I have to get a new one, apparently Android 13 is being rolled out to Motorola phones sometime in the future, probably never.
I have to get a new one, apparently Android 13 is being rolled out to Motorola phones sometime in the future, probably never.
Yikes. My Pixel 9 has been on Android 15 for at least a couple months already. Other brands will get it eventually if their manufacturer is still supporting them.
I've been very happy going direct to the source (Google).
My Lucid App stopped working 2 weeks ago. I was told to delete it and now the app has a disclaimer it won't work with my Motorola Android 11.Can't even download and I'll be danged if I buy an Iphone just to solve it. Really annoying stuff.
I am currently using my Android-OS Lucid-App right now on a Pixel 9 Pro XL with no issues and the current Android version (Vanilla Ice Cream) 15.

Android 11 (Red Velvet Cake) came out 5 years ago. Most Apps probably aren't going to work, not even Waze at this point.

I admit I myself also usually hold-out every 3 or 4 models too (about every 4 years) because software versions start getting buggy-ish and don't update. I loved my Nexus 4 with KitKat.
Pixel 6, 7, & 8 phones are pretty cheap right now and still can handle the recent Android 15 (Vanilla Ice Cream). Pixel 7 can handle up to Android Version 18.

I feel your pain. If it "ain't broke, don't fix it" makes sense to me, but time marches on! As Rush says, "..he knows changes aren't permanent, but change is!"
TIL Android names their OS after delicious food.
Not anymore. Android 9 Pie was the last one with a dessert name.
There are "unofficial" names for Google Fan-boys.

At the End-Date, some Apps might still function, though unpredictably at-best.
Usually after 6 months of the End Date, most Apps will no longer function whatsoever.

Also, the Code Name is shown in the Secret Phone menu if you unlock it at the About Phone area.

VersionGoogle Code NameStart DateEnd Date (no longer functional)
Android 9 (Pie)Pistachio Ice CreamAugust 6, 2018January 2022 (RIP)
Android 10Quince TartSeptember 3, 2019February 2023 (RIP)
Android 11Red Velvet CakeSeptember 8, 2020February 2024 (RIP)
Android 12Snow ConeOctober 4, 2021December 2024 (RIP)
Android 13TiramisuAugust 15, 2022March 2026 (Estimated)
Android 14Upside Down CakeOctober 4, 2023May 2027 (Estimated)
Android 15Vanilla Ice CreamSeptember 3, 2024Unknown
Android 16BaklavaJanuary 15, 2025 (Estimated)Unknown
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Don’t. I’m not trying to shut you up. I’m just trying to add detail.

Again, there is a difference between excuses and explanations. I am trying to provide an explanation. That doesn’t constitute an excuse.

They still should have had it out earlier. It is not a good look.

But that they didn’t isn’t due to incompetence. That’s all I’m saying.
It is absolutely incompetence. Stop promising if you have no idea what your doing. Lucid has been abysmal in execution of delivery. There is absolutely no excuse to promise delivery, miss said delivery, then stop communicating about said delivery.....repeat. The situation is so ridiculous.
It is absolutely incompetence. Stop promising if you have no idea what your doing. Lucid has been abysmal in execution of delivery. There is absolutely no excuse to promise delivery, miss said delivery, then stop communicating about said delivery.....repeat. The situation is so ridiculous.
It's very easy to say other people are incompetent when you have no context, whatsoever, for what the challenges are or what needs to be done. Your assumptions, I can guarantee, are wrong.

That doesn't mean there aren't issues. Incompetence is simply not one of them.
It's very easy to say other people are incompetent when you have no context, whatsoever, for what the challenges are or what needs to be done. Your assumptions, I can guarantee, are wrong.

That doesn't mean there aren't issues. Incompetence is simply not one of them.
@borski, you have to know by now that there are a few people on the forum that are going to vent their frustration at this situation, and that nothing you say will make any difference. It would probably help to have a little more information than we're getting, but if it isn't shared by now, I'm sure it can't be. And honestly, I don't even know if that would make a difference for some people. It would for me, but a lot of people are past that point. You're fighting a battle you can't win. Once it gets delivered, everybody will be happy, and this and other Android topics can hopefully fade into the background of old posts.
@borski, you have to know by now that there are a few people on the forum that are going to vent their frustration at this situation, and that nothing you say will make any difference. It would probably help to have a little more information than we're getting, but if it isn't shared by now, I'm sure it can't be. And honestly, I don't even know if that would make a difference for some people. It would for me, but a lot of people are past that point. You're fighting a battle you can't win. Once it gets delivered, everybody will be happy, and this and other Android topics can hopefully fade into the background of old posts.
You’re not wrong. I agree with everything you said.

I also hate bullies. 🤷‍♂️