Thinking of making the plunge--Steering column Creak?


New Member
Apr 17, 2022
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Hi All: Been lurking here for awhile, tons of great infos. Lots of reassurance, some a bit scary, mostly it's the idea of "early adopter pain at 155K OTD that's holding me from turning my reservation to ordering a Quantum Grey GT.

Reality I think most of the issues cited can and will be worked out, plan for success right? One key item bothered me was I finally test drove the Black GT 19" wheel at Valleyfair in Bayarea. We took it up to a the lower section of Hwy9 to get a bit of twisty. My previous car was LC500 and RS4, so I like to give the car and tires a bit of workout. ;) Questions to the owners or other fellow test drivers, have you notice the steering wheel column creaks? In my test drive, the steering columns was making creaking noise from the plastics (I think). It was definitely more noticeable when I had to do a lot of switch backs left/right/left/right....didn't even notice it initially on the way to the twisties. Obviously this is a build quality question but wondering if this is just the car at Valleyfair (suppose to be production quality) or if other fellows here have heard about it.

Hi All: Been lurking here for awhile, tons of great infos. Lots of reassurance, some a bit scary, mostly it's the idea of "early adopter pain at 155K OTD that's holding me from turning my reservation to ordering a Quantum Grey GT.

Reality I think most of the issues cited can and will be worked out, plan for success right? One key item bothered me was I finally test drove the Black GT 19" wheel at Valleyfair in Bayarea. We took it up to a the lower section of Hwy9 to get a bit of twisty. My previous car was LC500 and RS4, so I like to give the car and tires a bit of workout. ;) Questions to the owners or other fellow test drivers, have you notice the steering wheel column creaks? In my test drive, the steering columns was making creaking noise from the plastics (I think). It was definitely more noticeable when I had to do a lot of switch backs left/right/left/right....didn't even notice it initially on the way to the twisties. Obviously this is a build quality question but wondering if this is just the car at Valleyfair (suppose to be production quality) or if other fellows here have heard about it.

I’ve never noticed any steering wheel creaks.
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Mine is silent.
@TNT13 Mine has a pretty prominent one...just reached out to customer service with a video in advance documenting it. Regardless, LOVE the car, these things will get fixed.
Just another thing to add to my checklist. Thanks for letting us know this might be more than a single occurrence item.
No creaks in my car. Just remember, the test drive vehicles are prototypes and not necessarily production level vehicles. When I test drove an AGT in February, it was a prototype that had some issues while test driving that did not bear fruit in the car I got.
I have not encountered any audible creaks.
Mine is awful and creaks when you turn the wheel, push the wheel or pretty much, touch the wheel. They told me they’d replace it but it hasn’t been done yet. My floating display (one behind the wheel) also creaks when I push it.
Mine is awful and creaks when you turn the wheel, push the wheel or pretty much, touch the wheel. They told me they’d replace it but it hasn’t been done yet. My floating display (one behind the wheel) also creaks when I push it.
@miamicanes Same boat's encouraging to me that we have a number of us with the issue, which just increases our collective ability to get a fix. The creak, and some drive-side wind noise (from what I think is an incomplete seal somewhere) are the only flaws I've found so far...less than 14 days in and only 130 miles. I do LOVE the car though. My only beef is that it's TOO FAST and I have the DREAM-RANGE edition! :cool::oops: (note: I sold my 911 Turbo S for this so I'm no stranger to speed)
Thanks to those who responded.

Sounds like a startup quality item and is fixable. That does make me feel better. If I place the order today it will take at least 4-5mons to work through the backlog until it gets to me. Will put this in the Keep in view category.
I’ve just started to notice the creaks after my last service visit
I just picked up my car a week ago and noticed the wheel creaks. Have they been able to fix the issue when you call for a service apt?
I just picked up my car a week ago and noticed the wheel creaks. Have they been able to fix the issue when you call for a service apt?
I had the same issue. Scottsdale SC did not hesitate to deal with it. They replaced the steering wheel assembly. No issue since.
With normal steering I don’t have any creaks. But if I forcefully yank the steering wheel back and forth I can induce them.
They are waiting for a revision of the wheel as well. It can come back with the current revision. (I'm waiting on a new wheel)
My steering wheel is starting to creak. I am wondering if it will get worse. I am planning to wait on having service look at it until I hear that there is a new design to fix it.
So my Dream P started creaking slightly a couple of weeks ago. I spoke with Service in Millbrae and they told me it will be a long time before they can get a replacement, especially because the Dream Edition has a "custom" steering wheel. Anyway, it seems to be creaking much less now so maybe it is going away???
The plastic rubbing against itself has worn through 🤣
Hi All: Been lurking here for awhile, tons of great infos. Lots of reassurance, some a bit scary, mostly it's the idea of "early adopter pain at 155K OTD that's holding me from turning my reservation to ordering a Quantum Grey GT.

Reality I think most of the issues cited can and will be worked out, plan for success right? One key item bothered me was I finally test drove the Black GT 19" wheel at Valleyfair in Bayarea. We took it up to a the lower section of Hwy9 to get a bit of twisty. My previous car was LC500 and RS4, so I like to give the car and tires a bit of workout. ;) Questions to the owners or other fellow test drivers, have you notice the steering wheel column creaks? In my test drive, the steering columns was making creaking noise from the plastics (I think). It was definitely more noticeable when I had to do a lot of switch backs left/right/left/right....didn't even notice it initially on the way to the twisties. Obviously this is a build quality question but wondering if this is just the car at Valleyfair (suppose to be production quality) or if other fellows here have heard about it.

Yes. mine creaks if I pull or push on it.